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  1. Al's Handlink

    What about Ziggy? And Sammie Jo.

    I think Ziggy should have gotten a stocking too. Sammie Jo too.
  2. Al's Handlink

    Don't forget The Virtual Seasons are back!

    I am all for writing more stories and in fact have already started.
  3. Al's Handlink

    Quantum Leap Season Two finale!

    Finished the Season Finale. Easily the two best episodes of the new series.
  4. Al's Handlink

    Quantum Leap Season Two finale!

    I have to say. So far I have only seen the first part of the season finale and the first few minutes of the second part. But in my Opinion, the first part was the best episode of the revival so far.
  5. Al's Handlink

    SAVE QUANTUM LEAP - Letter writing campaign for SEASON THREE

    Is it in danger? I thought it was getting decent ratings.
  6. Al's Handlink

    I want to like the new series, but…

    Yeah, Jen is the all around better Charecter
  7. Al's Handlink

    Restored Music for Digital Versions

    Not sure if anyone uses :roflmao:Walmart's movie and TV rental and Purchase service, but I do. And I was just looking around for something to watch and they have digital copies of all 5 seasons of Quantum Leap. I bought season 2. (Already had season 1 on it.) But for a test, I checked...
  8. Al's Handlink

    HUGE HUGE HUGE Quantum Leap Refrence on Heroes last night!!!

    During Yesterdays episode of Heroes, Hiro was standing trial in his mind for changing the past for personal gain. And at one point, Ando, who was his lawyer, said to Hiro who was on the stand; "So you found yourself victim of the bad man's con?" "I did. And I found myself leaping from life...
  9. Al's Handlink

    On Blu-Ray?

    With the invent of Blu-Ray, Universal has a real chance to make up for the mistakes they made with the DVD's. They should re-release the Series on Blu-Ray, adding the origional music back in and adding some New Special Features. Universal, make it happen
  10. Al's Handlink


    They are taking a look at what they are up to now
  11. Al's Handlink

    Round Robin Story B

    After Al left, Sam actually did use the bathroom. When he was done, he washed up and went back outside to see his hosts mother. "Mom, are you thirsty? Can I get you something to drink?" "Some of that sweet Ice Tea in the fridge would hit the spot quite nicely. Thank-you honey." Sam walked into...
  12. Al's Handlink

    Drunk Driver crashed into my House

    ABSOULUTLY NO ONE, should Drink and Drive, but seeing as how this is due to underage drinking, and the fact that I know there are some younger members on this board so I wanted to post this on here. This literally happened last night at my front door. (This is a blog I posted on MySpace last...
  13. Al's Handlink

    In "So Help me God"?

    Has anyone ever noticed that in the episode "So Help me God", The mother of the man Delilah is accused of murdering is clearly crazy when she testifies for Delilah's benefit. But she sees Sam as his host. Then it is stated clearly that the Mentally absent can see Sam as Sam in Shock Theater...
  14. Al's Handlink

    My New Niece

    I would like to announce that at 11:57 P.M. EST on 2/24/06, My new Niece, Sarah Yvonne Nicklis was born. She weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 20" long. I am very phyced in the arrival of my second niece and would like to buy a round of Rod Beers for everyone. :cheers :cheers :cheers...
  15. Al's Handlink

    QL Reference in How I Met Your Mother

    In tonights episode of How I Met Your Mother, There was a HUGE Quantum Leap reference. Marshall and Lily are hiding in the Bathroom to allow their roommate Ted some alone time with his girlfriend. Then Lily ends up having to go to the bathroom and this scene played out: Marshall: "How much...
  16. Al's Handlink

    90's Movie Trivia Challenge

    We did this a while back for the 80's and it was a ton of fun. So who's up for trying the 90's. Just post a clue for a movie that came out in the 90's. Whoever is the first to guess the movie correctly, will post the next clue and so on and so forth. I'll start: A former Secret Service...
  17. Al's Handlink

    Happy Birthday JMoniz

    Hey Julia. Let me be the first at Al's Place to wish you a very Happy Birthday
  18. Al's Handlink


    I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot. In The Leap Home Part 1, Scott sings Imagine. I have always thought that he would have made John Lennon proud with his rendition of it. On my cd of the Quantum Leap Soundtrack, Scott singing Imagine, it's one of my favorite tracks. Now that being...