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  1. D

    Favourite Al moment

    Everybody has one. There are two that are really close but one always springs to mind. In the episode 'Disco Inferno', when Al recalls the B-movie that Sam is working on at the beginning of the episode, Al gives his snappy review of the film by saying: 'We're talking two thumbs down' as he...
  2. D

    Who were the evil detail?

    This is one aspect that I've still been mulling over. It's pretty obvious that they must have been under the guidance of the devil and so on. But, what did they have to go through in their leaps? How did Zoe 'pick' Alia? Was Alia the EXACT opposite of Sam? If you have some light to shed on...
  3. D

    Greatest TV Series Ever!!!

    Hey guys, I'd just like to have my hello being a big fat praise to Quantum Leap. I just finished the entire season today. For years, I have been thwarted in my attempts to finish it by having to travel or do things. But finally, it all came to an end and what an end it was. Even though I could...