703 Heart and Soul

Heart and Soul

  • 1 ? Bellisario would be rolling in his grave if he had one.

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QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
Heart and Soul
April 6, 2000

Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains

Sam had found himself in difficult situations, but nothing like this. Having leaped into a crash-landed plane, he wonders what he could possibly put right, especially when things seem to be getting worse by the minute. An influential member of Congress is slowly dying, the radio doesn't work, and a chauvinist aide with a chip on his shoulder is harassing a female Naval Officer. Now Sam has to find a way to rescue the stranded airplane passengers before all but one of them disappear forever?and the remaining one is found completely insane.

Written by: Katherine Freymuth

Our rating system consisted of one person. At that time, the story was rated as a 10. (This is an excellent episode! One of my personal favorites!)

This is your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!

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I really liked this one a lot it was a very good story.With a bit
of mystery thrown in how could Captain Julianna Thomas tell
when Al was around.You'll find out in another leap.Great writing Katherine
I love this story. It introduces Julianna. I like how Sam falls for her and Al almost flips out when he catches Sam and Julianna about to make love.
Vince Beckett said:
I love this story. It introduces Julianna. I like how Sam falls for her and Al almost flips out when he catches Sam and Julianna about to make love.

Actually, sir, there was no almost about that scene. Sam and Julianna DID make love. I just didn't want it to be blatantly said.

Kat Freymuth
Sadly, I had a hard time finishing this episode. Nothing to do with the author, but I'm afraid that this didn't really feel like "Quantum Leap", at least in my eyes, because only half of the episode focused on the leap. Plus, I guess I've grown fond of the nice, more superstitious Al, and he was a bit too violent for me in this episode. Again, no personal critism to the author, because it was the story, not the writing style, that I'm reviewing.