
Mr. Voorhees

Project QL Intern
Aug 10, 2024
Crystal Lake, New Jersey
Greetings Fellow Leapers! As one of my favorite AI characters other than Ziggy-Agent Smith-once opined, "Appearances can be deceiving." So given that I decided to make this little introduction to break the proverbial ice. While I may hide behind this rather fearsome, hockey-masked shell most of my fellow Leapers should know the soul of another hides behind this diabolical avatar.

So a little about little old me...I am an aging, elder Gen-X Goth dude from So Cal. I grew up watching QL during its original run and have remained a fan ever since. In fact, I recently began introducing my 19 year old son to QL. And so far his response has been extremely receptive. (He especially likes Al's duds. 😆)
As you can also probably guess I'm a huge life-long Horror fan, so episodes like A Portrait of Troian and the acursed episode That Shall Not Be Named are definitely among my favorites. And yes, I am also a die-hard Friday the 13th fan. (I privately consider The Great Spontini to be a bit of a F13 reunion episode as it has both Amy Steel, [Ginny-Part 2] and the Late E.Erich Anderson, [Rob-The Final Chapter] in it.)

I look forward to chatting with you all. Take care. And remember- Don't Leap into the Woods Alone!

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