What will happen after I submit my story to QL:TVS?

QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
This process is put into place to help alleviate the errors that are in the stories and to make good stories, even better.

1. Your story will not be read immediately by the director of The Virtual Seasons.

2. It will be sent to a grammar beta reader. This beta reader will read your story and check it for grammatical errors. This beta reader may also make notes about the continuity structure of the story. The beta reader will then return it to the director.

3. Your story will then be sent to a continuity beta reader. This reader will look mainly for errors in the characters (be they dead or alive) and to make sure that the dates are set accordingly. Then your story will be sent back to the director.
Example: D. J. Lofton was born on November 2, 2006 and was born in Northeast Riverside Medical Center, Albuquerque. If one of the stories has DJ talking in complete full sentences, and it's only been a month since the child was born - that's a big continuity problem and it will need to be fixed.
4. The director will then read the story, and glance at the notes made by the grammar and the continuity readers. (This will ensure that all notes are constructive criticism before it's sent back to the author.)

5. The story will then be sent to you to review and make changes as necessary.

6. If the author decides to accept or decline the changes made to the story, then please email the director and say so.
Please note: Be aware that if you decline and you decide to change the story completely, the whole process will begin again.