You have to see this Picture

Al's Handlink

Project QL Intern
Mar 18, 2004
Bristol, Connecticut
I think that most regulars on this board know that I am a Driving Instructor. And for those who didn't, now you do.

Now, I have to say that I have seen some of the strangest things while in that Driving School Car.

Once, I was driving down a popular road between the a Main Artary in Meriden to a Main Artery in Wallingford. On the side of the road, I saw a green Garbage bag. As I got closer, I saw that it wasn't a garbage bag, It was a plastic Peacock. Then, as we were driving by it, It lifted it's head and looked at me.

It was a real Peacock. That's the only time I have ever seen one outside of a zoo.

Then another time, On East Main St. I saw a woman walking out to her car followed by a goat.

Then I have seen a Pigeon crossing the street using the crosswalk

I also have seen 3 deer fighting in a parking lot 45 Ft. away from me.

But this one may well take the cake. I was driving down a road and along the side, I see this,

Do not adjust your screens. That is a fish. It is hanging from a houses for sale sign post.


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