Candle on the Water

Sam Beckett Fan

Re-Writing Life
Jun 3, 2005
Hey everyone. A long time ago I posted an image in the smiles section but I think its better suited here now.

Here is the original thread where the image was desplayed

I have just today given this peice a massive makeover in photoshop so it looks a lot better. I mean it still could use some work but compare it to the original crappy powerpoint version and you can see the major improvement.


Currently now my mission is to learn to draw. I want to be a good as my dad was, and one of our members Laurence is. I would love to be able to draw Sam as an angel, cuz in a sense he is because of what he does. :)
Sam Beckett Fan said:
Currently now my mission is to learn to draw. I want to be a good as my dad was, and one of our members Laurence is. I would love to be able to draw Sam as an angel, cuz in a sense he is because of what he does. :)

Hey, I really like this, it has a sort of 'dreamy' quality.

About the drawing - here's a tip that you probably already know but great for beginners, if you are copying a picture of someone or something, turn the picture upside down and then draw it upside down, then when you turn it right way up you'll be amazed at how much better it is than you expected. I used to draw a lot but don't have time at the moment and I always did this and my drawings turn out way better. The reason is, you draw what you see and not what you think you see!!! I am looking forward to the day I can get my pencils and sketch pad back out and have another go.
Bexter said:
About the drawing - here's a tip that you probably already know but great for beginners, if you are copying a picture of someone or something, turn the picture upside down and then draw it upside down, then when you turn it right way up you'll be amazed at how much better it is than you expected. I used to draw a lot but don't have time at the moment and I always did this and my drawings turn out way better. The reason is, you draw what you see and not what you think you see!!!
I once had an art teacher who had us do this. It seemed to work for everyone else, but I had a problem with it: I can read upside down. Whether something is right side up or upside down, I see the same thing. It comes in handy sometimes, but in art, I found it to be a handicap. :hmm
Sam Beckett Fan said:
Thanx for the tip Bexter. That seems difficult though.

Yes you'd think so wouldn't you! But, I was always amazed at how much better my pictures turned out. Your mind plays tricks on you when you look at a familiar shape, so by making it unfamiliar means your mind doesn't mislead you as much.
Al The Observer said:
I once had an art teacher who had us do this. It seemed to work for everyone else, but I had a problem with it: I can read upside down. Whether something is right side up or upside down, I see the same thing. It comes in handy sometimes, but in art, I found it to be a handicap. :hmm

Not a bad skill though, being able to read upside down that is!!! I can see that it could come in handy sometimes. A variation on the turn the picutre upside down technique I guess could be cover part of it and just copy it a bit at a time. One day I'll give that a try too and let you know how I go, but don't hold your breath, I don't think I'll have time to draw again until kiddies are grown up and ones only 2.5 yrs, so you may be waiting a while.:lol
This is totally off-topic, but Bexter, I just want to say that I've really been enjoying reading your banners! They're hilarious. Congratulations on your progress!
Snish said:
This is totally off-topic, but Bexter, I just want to say that I've really been enjoying reading your banners! They're hilarious. Congratulations on your progress!

yeah ditto to what Snish says - I love your off the wall humor Bex.

(Oh and tell me your secret - I've hit a plateau and can't seem to lose any more. Even without the chocolate I gave up years ago.)
Bexter said:
Yes you'd think so wouldn't you! But, I was always amazed at how much better my pictures turned out. Your mind plays tricks on you when you look at a familiar shape, so by making it unfamiliar means your mind doesn't mislead you as much.

I think some teacher in Elementary school might have made us do that once, I know we had to draw a show with our non-dominant hand and whoo-wee you should have seen my monstrosity, although it was not far from my real drawing skills. :p
Sam Beckett Fan said:
I think some teacher in Elementary school might have made us do that once, I know we had to draw a show with our non-dominant hand and whoo-wee you should have seen my monstrosity, although it was not far from my real drawing skills. :p

Whats Elementary school? Is that PP - Year 6 like our Primary?

I don't think I could do ANYTHING with my non dominant hand least of all draw!
Al The Observer said:
Elementary School = Grammar School

Kindergarten through 5th grade. In other words, ages 5 through 10 or so.

Well, that would depend on where you are. The grammar school I went to in Cambridge, MA was K-8; in Somerville, MA it was K-7 (now K-8 ) and in Medford it was K-6 (yes, I moved a bit as a child). Different school systems have different ways of breaking it down. Both Somerville and Medford had junior high schools but Cambridge didn't. Oddly enough I never "graduated" from junior high. At the time I was in the Somerville school system and their junior high was grades 8 & 9. I chose to go to a private high school that began with grade 9 so I never "graduated" from junior high.
Al The Observer said:
Elementary School = Grammar School

Kindergarten through 5th grade. In other words, ages 5 through 10 or so.
Yes Elementary school is grades k through at least 5 sometimes six and I am recently learning even eight. Mine was through five. Both of mine...I moved before fourth grade and had to transfer schools.

Sorry for the confusion, I forget schools are different in other countries.

bexter said:
I don't think I could do ANYTHING with my non dominant hand least of all draw!
I can actually write my name very nicely with my left hand(non dominant for me). But that's about it.
Wow the whole school systems sounds so confusing!! Ours used to be really easy Primary School K-7 High School 8-12. Its heading down the totally confusing path now, the powers that be are trying to change it to model on the American system.
Now, in this area, there are four levels of schooling! Elementary: Kindergarten through Second Grade; Intermediate: Third Grade through Fifth Grade; Middle: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade; and High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade.

I recently spoke with a local Kindergarten teacher, who said she didn't know many of the teachers at her school. In fact, she said there are thirteen different Kindergarten classes at that school! And she implied that the same held true for First and Second Grades, as well! :eek
Bexter said:
Wow the whole school systems sounds so confusing!! Ours used to be really easy Primary School K-7 High School 8-12. Its heading down the totally confusing path now, the powers that be are trying to change it to model on the American system.

*LOL* If they're going to model it on the American system, that ought to be interesting. As you can see, here in the states, school systems vary from place to place.
Al The Observer said:
Now, in this area, there are four levels of schooling! Elementary: Kindergarten through Second Grade; Intermediate: Third Grade through Fifth Grade; Middle: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade; and High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade.

I recently spoke with a local Kindergarten teacher, who said she didn't know many of the teachers at her school. In fact, she said there are thirteen different Kindergarten classes at that school! And she implied that the same held true for First and Second Grades, as well! :eek
Wow back when I was an Elemenrary kid, It was K-5 (sometimes 6 school dependent) is Elementary school, 6-8 is Middle school or Junior High, and 9-12 is High school. It's still the same pretty much, its just the Elementary levels that are now changing like crazy. my cousin goes to a school where they move much faster than I knew schools to be back in my day. Her math homework shocked me once, they are doing gemoetry stuff. She is in fourth grade now, and in my day I was just learning long devision and order of oporation. not to mention up until now(I saw it on my city Calender) I had ever heard of Elementary school going on till 8th grade. sheesh.