DPB Question


Glitter Rock

I was just wondering, have any of you ever written to Mr. Bellisario and gotten a reply from him? If so, was it anytime recently?
I know that AJ Burfield wrote to him a couple of years ago and she got a response from him that said that he couldn't read any of the stories that were on The Virtual Seasons because it could misconstrue his ideas that could possibly lead to a lawsuit. That - "It's my story" type of thing.

That was the only thing that I've ever heard from. Personally, no, I haven't written to him, but I think that a letter now might not be a bad idea - maybe not to read the stories that are there, but to at least find out if QL:BLF is going to be on or not. Who knows.
I'd personally really like to know what Don thinks about the whole music replacement issue on the Quantum Leap DVDs. Obviously, I don't think he's happy about it (I'm sure he's at least aware), but it would still be interesting to see his point of view. Being a television producer, maybe his point of view on the whole thing is different than ours as fans.

I don't want to think that he no longer cares much about QL, but I do get the distinct impression that it's not a priority to him or fresh in his mind because of his other projects over the years. I mean, for him to have his creation (much of which is shared by his wife, Deborah Pratt), basically butchered and treated with little respect, I can't believe he would just be silent about the issue and brush it off as he seems to have. If I were Don, I would be hurt that something I created was changed like that without being able to have any input.
Re: Re: DPB Question

For awhile I thought Don didn't care but now I realise is he's tried soooo many times to bring it back and is its up to Universal to make the call and they keep telling him no. which really pisses me off. I hate that stupid company.
If it was up to Don we'd have QL back, but if its not up to him and its up to those stupid Universal people We'll never see it back.
Unless Don does some kind of a spinoff with a different company and a different name.
Universal has continuesly expressed no interest,
so now that Trey has written a script why don't we all email Universal and tell them this is what the fans want!!!