Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Though


PQL Security Staff
Jul 11, 2002
Missouri, USA
A new interview with Dean was published online. I'd like to thank Claire from the Sassies for posting the link on the group.

Here's the relevant quote:

Interviewer:Well, you were very fortunate in that the show has such a great premise. It really has endless possibilities. Do you think it's very likely that this backdoor pilot for a revisited Quantum Leap: A Bold Leap Forward will lead to a new series?

Dean: They were trying to get a script for it [the script was evidently finished recently by Trey Callaway] and Don Bellisario [creator of Quantum Leap] is doing not only JAG, but he's had the spin-off of JAG. So he's doing two shows at the same time, writing most of the new shows and offshoots himself. He just couldn't devote the time to do it so it's been postponed. I think when Don is freed up and his show is sailing along merrily, without needing so much hands-on time from him, he'll have more time to turn back to this and it could get finished next year. He wants to do it, I want to do it and they want to do it.


Apparently Dean must not have heard yet about JAG being cancelled when this interview was conducted (April 10).

So.... could it be that Don gracefully allowed JAG to go out on a semi-high note and at the same time be gearing up for BLF as a result of not having JAG to work on?

I don't know, but Dean sounds very positive that QL:BLF is still in the works and will still be made.

So, good news.

Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

Thank you very much for finding that interview, I was getting kinda worried there for awhile, I kept asking people if they could find any news on BLF. Though its kinda wierd that Dean didn't know Jag was canceled, hmm. well anyways GREAT news for us fans, I hope the project gets off the ground alot faster now. I'm getting very impatient, I wanna see this movie. QLnut said it wasn't going to happen but of course hearing it from Dean the man himself is wonderful news.
Someone needs to talk to Don and ask him when he's starting on it and to hurry up!!! lol I wish someone would contact him about it.
Thank again for the news.
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

About Dean knowing if JAG was cancelled or not... Well, it's been quite a while since he's guest-starred on the show, so he may not be as "in the loop" as he once was. Plus, he's been so busy with all his art stuff lately that he may just not have had time to learn of JAG's cancellation at the time of the interview. He probably knows now.

I'm just thrilled to have confirmation that things are still proceeding. I can't wait!

Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

yes me too, thanks again for the info I feel alot better knowing its still happening.
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

QLnut said it wasn't going to happen but of course hearing it from Dean the man himself is wonderful news.

What are you talking about?
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

Maybe she meant ziggycowan, because I don't recall seeing a post by QL Nut saying it wasn't going to happen.
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

Ah yes your right, my appologies.
I have a feeling since Don now has his schedual freed up they'll be starting on BLF this summer.
Isn't the spinoff of Jag still going? I don't watch it but I wonder how well thats doing. And I wonder how much time Don spends on it, I do wish someone would contact Don himself and ask him about BLF. He needs to get going on it. I really really want to see it, when I saw the last episode of QL I cried, why on earth would you trap Sam in time, at the part where it says Sam never returns home, they could show that part again in BLF and say,
or so project quantum leap thought!
then say, following the events of Dr sam Beckets leaps Sam dissapered from the waiting room without a trace and the project thought he was gone forever, years later, he is rediscovered!
then show Sammy using her brain smarts and finding him, I think its a good way to cover up Mirror images mistakes and have hope of Sam returning home one day.
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

Or, there's always what I wrote in my story: that in the original history, Sam never did return home, just like "Mirror Image" revealed. Now, if someone from the future were to leap back in time to our present and "put right what once went wrong" (or if Sam leaped into the future and saw for himself what his final fate was, then leaped back in time with that knowledge), the second time around might be very different... ;)
Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again--Says It'll Still Be A While Tho

Yes, that would work too good idea, dealing with time travel and fixing things anything is possible and can be changed, isn't that the main point to QL.
> Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

I get the impression that Don Bellisario never will have anything to do with "A Bold Leap Forward" other than overseeing the script(s) and giving it his blessing. In television nowadays, the more realistic a show is, the more likely it is to last. That's probably why a lot of successful shows (aside from Reality TV) are hospital dramas, military dramas or cop dramas.

I get the feeling that Don is not only too wrapped up with JAG and the television spin-off craze, but might also feel that these shows have a better chance of lasting than the Quantum Leap franchise. (After all, JAG lasted at least ten seasons.) I don't want to be na?ve and draw any premature conclusions, but like I said, I'm just speculating.

However, Don doesn't strike me as the type of person to only stick to what's hot; he seems to genuinely care about the QL franchise so I think there's hope. If he ends up having nothing to do with this upcoming telefilm/series, not even great actors like Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell can do much without great scripts. It would end up more of like a style over substance situation.
Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

Don has gone on record saying he always wanted to bring QL back, and that he is currently trying. Dean also said they all want to do it. I HIGHLY doubt Don would just pass off QL and let someone ruin it. He's deffinately going to have major input on it.
> Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

I didn't mean to imply the idea that Don didn't want to do it, but more that he won't really have the time to do it (at least right now). Anyway, hopefully they'll get something going sometime soon because Don and Dean aren't exactly getting any younger.
Re: > Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

hahahaha I was going to say the same thing!!!!!
Re: > Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

Did u also know Jag is canceled, that means more free time for Don's BLF. Now that he only has Jag spinnoff He has more time to do BLF.
Re: > Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

Yeah, I know about JAG. I mentioned it a couple posts above....

Apparently the JAG fans got a fairly satisfactory finale. One can only hope DPB will be able to work on the new QL so he can work to an eventual (but doesn't have to be too soon) satisfactory ending for Leapers.

Re: > Re: > Re: Dean Confirms BLF Again

I hope it is soon, as QL nut said, Dean isn't getting any younger.
Don's schedule

I taped the JAG final? but haven't watched it yet... indeed, it does free up some time on DPB's schedule, but he's pretty heavy into NCIS, and IIRC, he didn't have very much influence on JAG in the past couple of seasons (except for including Dean, perhaps? :b ).

I heard that JAG: San Diego will not be going through, so perhaps Don will put those energies toward a new QL instead. Here's hoping!

... Mike. ^_^
Re: Don's schedule

I had no idea Don had more projects other than NCIS and of course Jag which is over, Dean is getting very old and I hate to say that but he is, Don needs to realize that if he doesn't get the project off the ground soon we may never see QL back. Deans not going to live forever and Scott won't stay out of work very long either.
I wish Don would make an announcement about it.