Rita Evacuees...Our Prayers are With You


Project QL Intern
Jul 1, 2005
Since Rita is now bearing down on the gulf coast, I just wanted to let those affected know our prayers are with you. Let us know when you are safe. May the angels watch over you.:angel

(I may be being too forward speaking for everyone here but having been around even the short time I have been...I don't think I'm being off base in that.)

And for those still affected by Katrina...you are not forgotten in our prayers as well.:)
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asearcher said:
Since Rita is now bearing down on the gulf coast, I just wanted to let those affected know our prayers are with you. Let us know when you are safe. May the angels watch over you.:angel

(I may be being too forward speaking for everyone here but having been around even the short time I have been...I don't think I'm being off base in that.)

And for those still affected by Katrina...you are not forgotten in our prayers as well.:)

I don't think you're too off base, it certainly goes from me too!
I have always said what a great bunch of people hang out here at Al's Place, and situations like this just go to prove it.
I love all you guys, and be assured my prayers are with you no matter what your need, be it great like Rita, or more everyday stuff.
alsplacebartender said:
MJ and Eleiece? Are you in that path? Be safe!

Bertram is about 173 miles northwest of Houston (about 30 minutes northwest of Austin). According to the local weather forecasters, this area will likely get some tropical force, maybe even some hurricane force (Category 1) winds and rain.

Sherdran said:
Bertram is about 173 miles northwest of Houston (about 30 minutes northwest of Austin). According to the local weather forecasters, this area will likely get some tropical force, maybe even some hurricane force (Category 1) winds and rain.


Stay safe all the same! <hugs>