Happy Birthday to a kiss with history!


PQL Security Staff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2002
Bedford, England
Happy Birthday

To Jill Kinmont Boothe

The wonderful, amazing lady who is my role model, and my kiss with history in my fanfic "High Hopes".

May you enjoy many more, Jill, I love and admire you.:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
Sam Beckett Fan said:
i dont know who she is *sorry if that sounds stupid* but happy birthday just the same

I'm sure a lot of people don't know who she is....

*plug plug - read my story "High Hopes" for more information!

Jill was an olympic hopeful skier back in the fifties.
She was on the verge of being selected for the Olympic squad when she fell and broke her neck, making her a quadrepligic (paralysed to the extent that she only had minor movement in one shoulder, and virtually nothing below.)

Despite this, she refused to give in and 'sell pencils' for the rest of her life.
She went on to become a teacher, and now she has retired she paints, far better than I ever could with all my faculties!

Her life story has been the subject of a book "A Long Way Up" (re-issued as "The Other Side of the Mountain") and two movies. She even has a forum group dedicated to her.

She is a truly inspirational person.