Getting to the Convention...Ideas


Project QL Intern
Aug 3, 2006
Since a lot of folks are worried about the financial aspects of getting to the convention in 2009, I thought I'd share some of the ideas that I have used to accomplish goals in the past. These tips really do work, because they not only financed my husband's and my trip to Italy last month, but they got me a set of expensive teddy bears (my other hobby) and finally helped me to get to Russia in 1992.

1. The QL-Con jar. Take your favorite QL picture, print it out and use it to decorate a jar, box or other container. Add money to it every day and don't cheat and take any out because you want to buy those new shoes. :) Once the money is in the jar, it must stay there and be used only for the convention-based costs. The decorations will help inspire you and keep you from cheating.

2. Sell stuff you don't need on places like Ebay. This one helped to finance our trip (along with the jar), in fact, the entire food costs from the trip all came from things we sold on Ebay that we didn't need anymore. Pilliage the book collection, weed out CDs and DVDs that you don't need anymore. Of course, don't pillage your QL collection...that would be counter productive. 8)

3. If you don't do Ebay, then have a garage sale or set up a table at your local flea market. Those are fun and a great way to save some extra cash as well as get rid of old junk that you don't need anymore.

4. Visualization. This has nothing to do with money directly, but it does have to do with keeping yourself toned in on the positive. There are realistically, a hundred and one things that could go wrong in planning something. There are things that people are afraid of happening or not happening. But, there are also the same number of things that could go right. So, the key is to put the idea into your mind that all will be right, that the convention will happen and you will be there. If you start to doubt, make a poster with your picture on it in front of a magazine clipping of the Hollywood sign. It sounds corny, I know, but when you hang a poster of this kind in your room and sit staring at it long enough, then your mind will start to believe it, even if your logic says: 'Impossible'.

5.Affirmation. Don't say 'if the convention happens', say 'when the convention happens'. Don't say 'I can't go', start saying 'I will go'. Start early telling yourself that it will work out. I affirmed for years that I would go to Russia, then in 1992, my grandmother sent me. Most everyone thought I was nuts, but I did it, and when I stood in Red Square, then it proved beyond a doubt that the only one who can keep me away from the things I me.

Maybe some of you guys reading also have some ideas to encourage others about getting out to LA in 2009.
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Great list! Here are a couple things I'm thinking of doing, and perhaps some fellow artists might be inspired by this:

1) Have friends and family commission portraits, RPG pictures, and any other sort of art for a price. If you've never done commissions before and don't want to scare customers away with pricing, start at, say $5 for b&w neck-above, $10 for color neck-above, $15 for b&w full, and $20 for color full. From looking at various commisioned artists on DeviantArt, these prices are really quite cheap, so hopefully you'll be able to get a nice amount of commissions.... See if you might contact your local Dungeons & Dragons playing groups--there might be all sorts of business to find from them.

2) Design tattoos. Ask any of your friends who might be looking into getting a tattoo if they'd like you to help custom design theirs, for a small price.

3) Design and *do* tattoos... Collections Etc. has an airbrush tattoo kit for under $15 dollars. If you design and do the airbrush tattoos yourself for your friends, the tattoos will fade over a short amount of time, and then they may come back for more. This might be a more lucrative business than designing real tattoos, because those are permanent and therefore the people would only commission you once. Airbrushing allows for repeat business, and therefore more sales.

4) Maybe, if you're a writer, someone might want a poem to read at an event such as a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, a baby blessing, a graduation, etc. You could offer yourself up to take commissions to write poems for those occasions.

Well, that's all I can think of at the very moment. Will come back later if any new ideas emerge.

:Love To All:
~ Joy ~

PS: I've gotta ask you, Namaste -- Are you a JABB member?
tina_als_girl said:
PS: I've gotta ask you, Namaste -- Are you a JABB member?
Yes, guilty as charged. :hurray:

JABB for those reading who have no idea what we're talking about, is a John Dye fan listing.

Those are some great ideas, btw. I never got into the tattoo bit, but I did hear about this through a creative market that they have here.

If I happen to sell any of my handmade bears, I'll probably put my earnings into the jar. If you're good at arts and crafts, you might also be able to earn some extra through that.
Yay, a fellow JABB member! Interesting that we should run into each other here of all places.

Yeah, my mom used to decorate bears that she'd buy at Hobby Lobby... She would use straw hats as skirts. She made this really awesome set that was a complete wedding party, bride, groom, bridesmaids and all!

Hmmm... maybe I might look into doing something like that myself. That'd be a fun way to earn money.

:Love To All:
~ Joy ~