Look what else is going on in Los Angeles


Project QL Intern
Feb 12, 2008
during The Leap Back:

I'm a figure skating coach, so I can tell you that event is one of the most exciting skating events in the entire season. Here in the US, only the Nationals rival it for excitement, and that's because of the continuing pissing contest between the two leaders' fans. lol

There's an online forum where skating fans post live commentary and play-by-plays. Mostly, they're catty behind-the-scenes stuff about costumes, outrageous behavior, and contested judging.

It's really a wild ride from the virtual side; the real-life fan meetups sound like a blast too. Lots of booze, crazy outfits, and mismatched hookups among the fans.

I think it would be fun to walk Dean through there and listen to what HE has to say about the event and its fans, lol.