Scott news


PQL Security Staff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2002
Bedford, England
Article 64:
Scott Bakula is a father (again)
Date: 07/22/1999
From: kelly714

Although the exact birthdate is not being disclosed, it has been announced that Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field's second child has been born 'in the last few days'. His name is Owen Barnett Bakula. This is his fourth child (he has two children from his previous marriage). I thought some of you might like to know!
Article 1464:
Scott/Murphy Brown?
Date: 03/04/2001
From: BakulaFan

I need some help everyone,
What seasons (or episodes) did Scott Bakula appear in the sitcom Murphy Brown?

I can help.
Date: 03/04/2001
From: camdacrs

Scott played Peter Hunt from 1993-1995.

Episode guide
Date: 03/05/2001

I've got a copy of the episode guide, and Scott's first appearance was in episode 127, which was the first show of the 6th season. The title of that show was "The More Things Change" and it originally aired on 20 Sep 1993. He was then in the following episodes:

130 "Political Correctness" 4 Oct 1993
131 "The Young & the Rest of Us" 18 Oct 1993
132 "Ticket to Writhe" 25 Oct 1993
135 "Bah Humboldt" 15 Nov 1993
141 "The Thrill of the Hunt" 10 Jan 1994
149 "It's Just Like Riding a Bike" 2 May 1994
159 "Reporters Make Strange Bedfellows" 7 Nov 1994
160 "Prelude to a Kiss" 14 Nov 1994
165 "Rumble in the Alley" 9 Jan 1995
173 "FYI of the Hurricane" 20 Mar 1995
175 "Make Room For Daddy" 15 May 1995
Spec "Stars in the Making" 13 Dec 1995
192 "Old Flames" 5 Feb 1996

There were also a few episodes that were "clip shows" that may or may not have clips of Scott as Peter Hunt. I know that the one they did on 13 Dec 95 had Scott, but I'm not sure about the rest of them. Hope this helps!

More Murphy Brown info
Date: 03/07/2001
From: Vanished88

As everybody probably knows there is a great site that lists Scott's TV appearances and this includes Murphy Brown. It's This month they happen to be airing a # of the episodes MT was so kind enough to give us. Check it out if you want to see Scott in his next phase of work after QL.
Re: Bachelor's Baby

Article 1754:
I saw Bachelor's Baby today
Date: 04/06/2001
From: Vanished88
Great Scott flick with him as a single Dad. His hair was really short so when I switched over to see QL it was weird to see him so young and long-haired. I think I like him better as Sam(looks and personality- a winning combination).

Sam Again

Date: 04/06/2001
From: alongtimefan

RE: B.B. I saw Bachelor's Baby awhile back. Scott seems to try to play ethical people, or at least one's who are redeemed. Although he seemed have had some other agenda in "Passion to Kill." But, that's another story, and I shouldn't have brought that up.

Anyway...The guy he plays in B.B. didn't know he had a child because he didn't take his relationship with the mother seriously. Then he found out how wrong that was. I liked his turn about..Where he became a responsible adult.

I also liked the scene where he was initially being interviewed by the social worker at his house. That was funny.

If memory serves (and it frequently doesn't), that movie was made in 1995-1996, wasn't it? Only a couple of years different from Quantum...So just different lighting. He looked pretty much the same to me, though. Always looks fit and trim, and of course, talented.

Could easily play Sam again.

Forever Sam

Date: 04/06/2001
From: Vanished88

Yes, the movie was made in '96 but remember today's ep was from 1989. His hair was really short and he had little bangs in the front which made him look older. So it was surprising going directly from that to a younger version with long hair and a side part.
The scenes with the social worker were the funniest. That women was cold! Until the end when she vouched for him, that was touching. He was great with the baby and I believe he had a baby that same age around that time.
He will always be Sam in my mind.

long or short

Date: 04/07/2001
From: alongtimefan

Van. Me too. Long or short hair...regardless of role... he's always Sam to me.
Re: Scott website

Article 1804:
New look Scott Bakula site

Date: 04/16/2001
From: Becketts_babe

Hey fellow leapers,

Has anyone else checked out the new look Scott Bakula Entertainment site?
I used to like going to the other one at geocites but since it moved a couple of days ago I think it's even better.
There is still tons of photos and downloads, a new song of Scott's has been added today and there's a message board but it is quite bare, I don't know if it's because it's new and no one knows it's there or what but I think it needs some support.
Apart from the guy who runs the site there are only messages from one girl called Fiona and myself. Let's liven the board up and show Scott some support people!
Find it at
Re: Scott websites

Article 1864:
Scott Pics

Date: 04/22/2001
From: Donna_Alessi

Does any body know any good sites for Scott pics?

of course

Date: 04/22/2001
From: alongtimefan

Of course. But, be careful. It's a wild world out there. And, not every message board is as nice as ours.

You could give some of these a whirl

Date: 04/23/2001
From: Becketts_babe

Hey there,
I have thousands of pics of Scott in my computer, you'd think that was the only reason I have one,(enough said, ha ha)
It's been a while since I looked for any new ones but you could try some of these out, I got some really excellent ones, I'll look through the pc when I have time to see if I can dig out more addresses for you. happy hunting.
(one of my faves!!)

You probably know about all the Q.L sites,as most people do but I found great Scott pics at places like NBCi, if you search for Scott Bakula they have great pictures there from his movies and parties and award ceremonies and stuff like that although I don't know the correct address off by heart.

Hope you find these of some help, when I get a chance to go into the computer I'll see if I can find more for you. As I say, it's been a short while since I went on some of those so I hope they are all still active sites.

Ha, and people say I'm obsessed, don't know what they mean!!!!

Have fun with them, Leap on, Becketts babe


Date: 04/23/2001
From: Donna_Alessi

Thanx Along and Becketts Babe. I'll check them out as soon as I get the chance.

Keep the Leap :-D