TITLE: "Choices" AUTHOR: "Katherine R. Freymuth" ARCHIVE NAME: choices SYNOPSIS: Sam leaps into Al two days before the explosion that takes place in the Quantum Leap Complex in "Circles of Fate". His mission, however, might not be accomplished due to the moral implications Sam must deal with to leap. Meanwhile, a reporter is investigating the re-disappearance of Sam Beckett and gets some help from an unlikely, and deadly, source. NOTES: Takes place after the story "Circles of Fate". Please read "A Time to Hurt, A Time to Heal" and "Circles of Fate" first. # OF CHAPTERS: unknown at this time. Probably between 20 and 25 EPISODE REF: n/a SEQUEL TO: Stories listed above TYPE OF STORY: crossover_____ with ____________________ parody_____ script_____ roundtable_____ drama__X__ comedy_____