From: Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:34:30 -0400 Message-ID: <> Subject: Convergence: Part 18 of 25 Convergence by Dana Anderson Part 18 of 25 (Author's Notes and Disclaimer found in Part 1) * * * * When the pale blue light vanished, Jenna was surrounded in a suffocating darkness. The voice was still there and it called to her. She did not want to hear it or respond. The blackness went on and on. >From time to time she thought she could hear a familiar voice. It produced a warm feeling in her, but she did not have the energy needed to listen closely enough to hear what it was saying. The powerful voice was a hundred times louder and it took every ounce of strength she could muster to defy it. After an eternity of resistance, the forceful voice began to recede. She tried to reach out to something, anything familiar or safe; some anchor that could serve as a point from which she could start her journey back to life. Her senses returned no information to her mind. Suspended in a void, purposeless and confused, the force of her will began to ebb. Just as the last, feeble activity of her mind began to fail, she became aware of a sensation of warmth. She snatched at it with the trace of will she still possessed and held on. The sensation of warmth grew and began to sustain the strength of her grip on its' support. As she focused her invigorated will on the sensation, it began to take form. A strong arm around her torso. The gentle pressure of a hand on her ribs. A whisper of breath against the side of her face. All these were familiar, and she struggled to identify their connection and significance to her. Then a soft voice became audible to her. "Come back to me" it said. Recognition flashed through her soul and her mind responded with a joyful shout. Al! * * * * After he called to Jenna, Al concentrated on the faint signs of life she still exhibited; willing them to increase in strength. As he waited for her to respond, his repeated plea became a litany. "Come back to me" he said, over and over. For a long time, it seemed a futile endeavor. Finally, Al felt the cold rigidity of Jenna's body begin to relax. "That's right" he encouraged her. "I know you can do it. Come back to me." With his left hand, he could feel her ribs expand with inhalations that became deeper and more frequent. His right hand was clasped around her wrist and his fingertips registered a stronger and more regular pulse. As hope began to surge in his heart once again, he repeated his plea. "Come back to me" he implored. A wave of vitality seemed to course through her body. "Al" she whispered. Jenna did not speak again or open her eyes, but the force of life Al had felt return to her remained. He mentally rejoiced at the transformation of the cold body he had held into the warm familiar form he now embraced. But his elation could last only so long against the physical and emotional toll the last few days had placed on him and he eventually fell into a blissful sleep. * * * * Sam waited all night for Al to appear at the doorway to the infirmary's office. At six thirty in the morning he decided he couldn't give Al any more time. Dr. Ambrose had been right the first day when he had insisted that the Admiral was Sam's responsibility. Al had seen Sam through some very personal and painful problems; it was time to return the favor. Sam's eyes went directly to the spot where he had seen Al every time he had entered the ward room before, but Al was not there. Sam was so surprised that he spent a confused moment trying to figure out how Al had left the infirmary without going past him. Then Sam's glance settled on the bed and his heart leapt into his throat. Al was sound asleep in bed with his arms surrounding Jenna, a peaceful smile on his face. He was holding her upper body across his chest and her head was leaning against the side of his face. Sam was rooted where he stood in shock. In the minutes it took his frozen muscles to begin to relax, Sam's instincts as a doctor caused him to take a long look at Jenna's face. The strained look was gone and her skin, instead of having the pallor of the corpse Sam expected, actually had more color. As Sam continued to stare, he thought he saw her chest rise. The impossibility of the situation caused Sam to shake his head. This action snapped the immobility that had gripped him. Sam stepped over to the bed and carefully touched Jenna's wrist. It was warm and there was a pulse. He took his hand away and stood next to the bed while he counted to one hundred to calm himself. As Sam finally felt his heart slow to a normal rate, he reached out and put one hand on Al's forehead to wake him without startling him. Al's eyes opened wide almost immediately and he started to move. Sam caught his attention, motioned for Al to remain where he was and held a finger up to his lips. Al relaxed back into the mattress. Sam moved one of Al's hands away from Jenna's chest. He used a stethoscope to listen to a steady, normal rhythm of both heartbeat and respiration. Sam used a pressure thermometer to get a reading of 98.5 degrees from Jenna's ear. He felt the inside of her wrist again and measured a pulse of fifty five beats per minute. Al carefully watched Sam's actions and observed, with a great deal of satisfaction, the look of astonishment grow on his friend's face. Sam put both hands in his pockets and stood silently at the bedside for a minute or two. He looked at Al again. "See if you can wake her" he said softly. Al shifted his position slightly so he could look directly into Jenna's face. He stroked her hair, forehead and the side of her face slowly and carefully with one hand. "Jen, can you hear me?" he said. "Wake up. Wake up and look at me." Jenna's eyelids fluttered, she opened her eyes and looked directly into Al's gaze. "Good morning" Al said gently. She smiled at him briefly, then her eyes closed again. Sam attracted Al's attention and motioned for him to get out of the bed. Al shook his head, lay down on his side and moved closer to Jenna so that their bodies made contact from head to foot. He slid one arm underneath her and reached over her body with the other to completely embrace her. He settled his chin above her shoulder which positioned his face against the side of her head. Al closed his eyes and began to drift off to sleep again. As a doctor, Sam was not sure he approved. As a friend, he understood and was happy beyond words. Sam grasped the top edge of the sheet and blanket he had disturbed to check Jenna's vital signs and drew them up over the shoulders of the sleeping couple. Then he turned and left the room. * * * * When Jenna woke completely, two hours later, she was first aware of an odor. It was both exhilarating and comforting; the scent of the man she loved. She took a deep breath to savor his fragrance. Her increased movement caused Al to stir and he raised himself on one elbow to look at her face. He could see the fatigue and weakness there, but her eyes were shining as she studied his face. Jenna tried to speak, but all that escaped her lips was a dry, breathy sigh. Al jumped out of bed with the intention of bringing her some water, then thought better of taking any action without a doctor's advice. He kissed her forehead. "Hold on" he said. "I'll get Sam." Al pulled on his pants and hurried to the office. As Al swung open the door from the exam room, he hit Sam Beckett squarely in the back. Sam moved out of the way to allow him to squeeze through. Al glanced around to size up the situation and realized that Sam had been barring Dr. Ambrose's entry into the ward room. He threw Sam a look of gratitude. "She's awake," Al said to his friend. "and thirsty, but I didn't want to do anything until you had a look at her." Al was resigned to the fact that he wouldn't be allowed back in the ward room until the examination had been completed, but Sam touched his arm and indicated that Al should accompany him. They left Dr. Ambrose in the office and rushed to Jenna's bedside. Sam handed Al a small pitcher. "Will you get some water for her, Al?" he asked. Al nodded and turned toward the bathroom. "Welcome back" Sam said to Jenna with a smile, and began to assess her condition. Al returned and waited quietly for Sam to complete his examination. When he had finished, Sam pulled the bedcovers back up to Jenna's waist and turned to Al. He took the pitcher and poured a cup of water. Sam turned back to Jenna and raised her head with one hand while holding the cup to her lips with the other, allowing her a few small sips before he took the cup away. Al had moved up to the bedside next to Sam. Jenna looked at the two of them. "If I ever need my tonsils out," she whispered "I'm coming here. I really like the progressive rules regarding visitors." Sam's jaw dropped and Al began to chuckle. When Al looked up at the expression on Sam's face, he laughed even harder. He took Jenna's hand in his, "I think Sam expected someone who just returned from the dead to have something a little more profound to say" Al remarked. "How do you feel?" "Alive" Dana replied, smiling. The look in her eyes conveyed an additional message to Al. "But tired" she added. Sam's doctor reflexes kicked back in. He picked up Al's shirt and tossed it to him. "Get dressed. I don't want her getting over stimulated" Sam said, with a wicked grin. Al snorted, but grinned back. Sam turned back to Jenna. "Before we get out of here and let you get some rest, there's something I want to ask you." He took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. Al had seen him looking at it several times over the past couple of days. It looked like one of the pages from the stack of calculations Jenna had done on the retrieval program. Sam opened the paper up and smoothed it against his chest. He held it in front of Jenna so she could see the entire page. "I found your calculations very interesting, but I can't follow them completely" Sam said. Al's eyebrows rose at the admission. Sam pointed to a symbol near the middle of the page. "I don't recognize this. What is it?" "It's a variable" Jenna replied. "I can see that" Sam continued. "But what does it signify?" "The Hand of God" Jenna answered. Sam looked puzzled for a moment, then his eyes widened in astonishment. "You have a mathematical notation for Divine intervention?" he gasped. "You don't?" Jenna's expression was one of genuine surprise. * * * * Sam and Al spent the next few hours in Sam's office playing twenty questions with Ziggy and trying to catch up on the history of this timeline. The major changes all seemed to be centered on Project Quantum Leap. Ziggy confirmed that Dr. Beckett had not leaped back into the past, he had only projected himself as an observer. When they began to check the histories of some of the people whose lives Sam had changed, all the changes remained intact. Finally, Al interrupted the interrogation. "Enough, all ready" he growled, putting his hands to his temples. My brain hurts." "But it doesn't make any sense, Al" Sam objected. "If I didn't leap back into the past, those peoples' lives wouldn't have been changed. I thought you said Ziggy always remembered all the pasts, no matter what alterations were made in time." Al nodded. "Until now, apparently. Maybe you and Jen can figure it out together." He smiled as he said that. "She insists there's something wrong with Ziggy's programming and I have to agree that the evidence of the last few days supports her theory." He stretched and looked at his watch. "I'm going to check on the state of the paperwork in my office." Al looked Sam up and down. "You should get some rest. No sense trying to figure all this out when you're tired." "You're right" Sam agreed. He pried himself out of his desk chair as Al rose from the armchair which stood against the side wall. Sam pointed a finger at Al and assumed a stern expression. "You stay away from the infirmary and let Jenna get some more sleep. I'll meet you for dinner at six and we'll go and check on her afterwards. Okay?" * * * * Sam was disappointed, to say the least, that Donna was in Boston. Ziggy said she would be back from her conference in a couple of days. Sam tried to be understanding. After all, from Donna's perspective they had been together a week ago. He couldn't tell her that from his point of view it had been two years, and that visit had been brief. Sam called her at the hotel again and concentrated on the enjoyment of hearing her voice. He limited his expression of regret to telling her that he missed her and hoped that she would hurry back. After he hung up, he sighed and went to bed. * * * * Al had to call up every reserve of discipline in his soul to stay away from the infirmary. He grimly buckled down to wading his way through several days worth of paperwork in an attempt to distract himself from thinking about where he wanted to be. At five he breathed a sigh of relief, turned out his desk lamp and went to his quarters to shower and change for dinner. Al had thought that dinner would seem as interminable as the afternoon in his office. Instead he found that, for all the time he had spent conferring with Sam as Observer on his leaps, he had really been starved for the opportunity to talk with his friend. Just sitting there in a mundane place and eating ordinary food was made special because Sam was back where he belonged and they could talk about themselves and their concerns. No worries about who Sam was and what he was supposed to change. "I'm sorry Donna's not here, Sam. That's a rotten break for you." Al said, midway through the meal. "Thanks, Al" Sam replied with a sigh. "I just keep reminding myself that if I hadn't leaped back in time she wouldn't be here at all, ever. It helps a little." He sighed again. "Let's change the subject." "Okay, pal" Al said. "What would you like to talk about?" Sam's face started to take on what Al recognized as his innocent look. "Gee, I don't know. How about, oh, Jenna?" he said with a smile. Al glared at him. "Come on, Al" Sam implored. "I usually can't get you to shut up about women. Now here's an intelligent, interesting and lovely woman who, God knows why, appears to adore you and I can't get a peep out of you." Al had narrowed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. Sam smiled at him for a moment. "All right, I get the picture. Forget I asked. So, beautiful weather we're having, isn't it?" Sam remarked. Al barked a laugh. He uncrossed his arms, picked up his fork and pushed the food around on his plate. Al looked back up to Sam's face. "It's great" he said, not necessarily referring to the weather. "Just incredible." Then he returned to his meal. Sam picked up his own fork and began eating again as well. He was now even more interested in furthering his acquaintance with Colonel Jenna Tyler. Any woman who had this kind of effect on Al Calavicci was worth getting to know better. * * * * When Sam and Al arrived at the infirmary they were confronted with a flustered Dr. Ambrose. "Am I glad you two are here" he said. "Maybe one of you can talk some sense into her. Or failing that, you might have enough combined fire power to knock her unconscious for another couple of days." "Problems?" Sam asked. Al just stared at the man. "Nothing but" the physician complained. "She woke up a couple of hours ago. While I was out of the room she got out of bed and dressed. If I hadn't gone back in she probably wouldn't still be here." Sam and Al exchanged glances. Sam turned back to Dr. Ambrose. "We'll take care of her, Doctor" Sam said. "Go ahead and take yourself off duty." Dr. Ambrose sighed in relief. "Good luck, you'll need it" he said as he left. "Should we take his advice and arm ourselves?" Sam asked Al. "Completely unnecessary, trust me" Al replied as he headed for the ward room. Dr. Ambrose had propped a chair against the door to the ward room. Al snorted and removed the chair and he and Sam entered the next room. Jenna was fully dressed and sitting in the chair Al had occupied while she was unconscious. The irritable expression on her face cleared when she saw who had entered the room. "The cavalry, at last. You're here to rescue me I trust?" she asked. Al scratched his head. "Dr. Ambrose assigned us a job already. We're supposed to be the assault force on a mission to subdue you" he said. Al looked at Sam. "Which sounds better to you, assault force or cavalry?" Sam shrugged. "I don't know. If I pick cavalry do I get to ride a white charger?" "Very amusing" Jenna said looking back and forth at the two of them. "Seriously, can you get me out of this place?" "That depends" Al said. "What did you do to Dr. Ambrose?" "I merely pointed out to the good doctor that a patient who has exhibited a normal condition for a period of ten hours might not require constant medical supervision" Jenna replied. Al nodded. "And I'm sure you put it just like that. What do you think, Sam?" Sam motioned for Jenna to get up. "Exam room, please. Scram Al. Make some coffee or something." All three of them walked into the exam room and Al continued through to the office without complaint. * * * * Sam joined Al in the office a half hour later. Al glanced up at the doorway. "She'll be here in a minute" Sam said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "How is she?" Al asked. "Way too much like you for my peace of mind" Sam responded. Al glared at him. Jenna entered the room and accepted Sam's offer of a cup of coffee and a chair. Sam sat down at the desk and faced Jenna. "If you want, this conference can be private. It's up to you." Jenna looked at Al, then back at Sam. "That's all right, Dr. Beckett. Go ahead." Sam nodded. "Okay, and please call me Sam. First of all, it was a valiant attempt, but you didn't fool me." He held up a hand when Jenna appeared to be about to interrupt him. "Granted, all your vital signs are normal. However, your reflexes, balance, coordination and muscle strength are still subnormal and significantly below your abilities as recorded in exams that were done prior to my retrieval." Sam noticed the worried look that Al gave Jenna. *Good,* Sam thought, *he's going to continue to be a help in her recovery.* "Second," he continued "I don't think these conditions are permanent, but there's no point in taking any chances." Jenna sighed and looked down at her coffee cup. "Lastly," Sam said "I tend to agree with you that around the clock medical supervision is unnecessary." Jenna looked back up at him with a relieved expression. "But," he concluded "you need to take it very easy. No strenuous activity, short work hours, plenty of sleep and exams every other day to check your progress. Understand?" He meant the instructions to be heard by both of them and was glad that Jenna had not insisted that Al leave the room earlier. Jenna nodded. Al responded verbally. "She understands" he said and looked back at Sam. "We both understand." "Good," Sam said, grateful that Al had picked up on his intention. "Well, get out of here both of you. I'll leave a note for Dr. Ambrose. Come back day after tomorrow and he'll check you out again. Good night." * * * * Al and Jenna left the infirmary. When the elevator started, Jenna's knees buckled and Al had to support her by both elbows to keep her from ending up on the floor. He took her to his quarters, sat her on the couch and sat down on the coffee table facing her. "So, maybe you didn't fool Sam completely; but you did fool him. Didn't you?" he said. Jenna nodded. "How bad is it?" Al asked. Jenna looked up to meet his eyes. She wouldn't lie to him, ever; and she saw in his eyes that he knew this as well as she did. "Pretty bad. My legs are really weak. I get dizzy if I stand up for more than a minute or two. I keep misjudging distances. My arms and hands are weak, too. I'll pick something up and it just drops out of my hand" Jenna answered. "And..." Al prompted. She sighed. "And my vision and hearing keep fading in and out." Al rubbed one hand across his face, then got up to pace. He came back and sat down on the coffee table again. "And the reason you didn't tell Sam all this is?" "I didn't want to have to stay in the infirmary" she admitted. "I was, well, I was afraid to be alone there." Al got up and moved over to the couch. He put his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest. Al considered the situation. If he called Sam and filled him in on her actual condition Sam would probably order her back to the infirmary. The chances that Al could talk Sam into letting him stay with her were pretty slim. It was one thing for Sam to let him get away with breaking the rules when he thought she was dying or during the first shock of her recovery; Sam wasn't likely to let him stay with her overnight again. Al thought about how hard it had been to sit next to her bed and feel unable to help her. It must have been much worse for her, but she hadn't been given the opportunity to talk about it yet. Al didn't want to do anything to endanger her, but he wasn't so sure that being in the infirmary was necessarily the safe choice. He understood about being alone. He also understood about hospital rooms. He had been there, once upon a time, and knew exactly how she felt. Jenna lifted her head. "Are you going to tell Sam?" she asked. Al kissed her forehead and squeezed her shoulder. "I don't know" he admitted. "But if I do, it won't be tonight." He tipped her chin up and looked her in the eye. "So, madam, I am at your service. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" "No," she said "Just tired. But I would really love a shower before I go to bed." Al considered this. "No, I think a bath would be safer if you're as weak and dizzy as you say. I'll help." * * * * The bath was difficult enough. Jenna really was weak and Al was glad he had been, or so he had thought at the time, overly cautious. The bath had used up what little strength she had in reserve and she fell asleep as soon as Al climbed into bed next to her. His concern for her caused him to sleep lightly and he awoke several times in the night when she began to thrash and cry out. Jenna quieted right away when he held her and talked to her soothingly, but the disturbances of her sleep added to his worries about her. He knew about nightmares, too. * * * * End Part 18 of 25