Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 14:21:29 -0700 (MST) From: "Katherine R. Freymuth" Subject: Coup d'Etat - Chapter 31 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Chapter 31: Rebuilding the Future Six Months Later: "Good morning, Admiral," Gushie greeted with a smile as Al entered the Control Room. Both of the men were in white. Gushie was dressed in his customary white shirt, slacks, shoes and lab coat. Al was dressed in his Naval uniform. "'Morning, Gushie," Al said with a smile. "You seem rather chipper today, Admiral," Gushie commented. "And why shouldn't I be?" Al replied. "After all, I am going to be a grandfather." "Congratulations!" Gushie exclaimed. "This would be your first, correct?" "I hope so," Al joked. "How's Dr. Elesee?" Al paused. "Tired. She's taking this whole thing very well, I think. It's not easy raising a five month old son without a father present." He looked at Gushie. "Anyway, how are we doing?" Gushie hesitated. Al frowned. "Please, tell me you have something," he begged. "I don't think I can hold off the hounds of Congress for much longer and, if we don't have this place back on line soon, it's adios to our funding." "Well, Ziggy needs a little more work..." "Gushie," Al warned. "But," Gushie continued, "we can now get a lock on Dr. Beckett. Dr. Fuller finished reprogramming Ziggy for that function yesterday." Al's eyes widened. "Gushie, that's terrific! How soon can you get the Imaging Chamber on line?" Gushie hesitated again. "It doesn't look good. Maybe two weeks. Maybe a month." "Terrific," Al said, this time sarcastically. "We can locate Sam but we can't talk to him. We're running behind schedule here, Gushie. Think you could speed things up?" "We'll try, Admiral," Gushie told him. "In the meantime, I thought you'd like to keep track of Dr. Beckett." "I thought you said Ziggy wasn't ready," Al questioned. "I said she needed some work but she can easily access any database in the country and can tell you everything you need to know about Dr. Beckett." Al smiled slightly. "Thanks, Gushie. Can I access her from my office?" Gushie nodded. "It was one of the first things I did, Admiral." "Thank you," Al told him just before leaving the Control Room and going up to his fifth level office. He stopped before his door and looked down the hallway. Three doors away was Sam Beckett's office, the office Burke had used as his own six months ago. Al hadn't gotten the nerve to go into the office since then. So, instead of entering his own office, Al walked down the hallway to Sam's office and entered into it slowly. No one had been in the office since Burke disappeared and Al could tell. The office smelled like stale cigars and had an air of cold rigidity about it. Al shivered. The room reeked of Burke as if his spirit was still in the room. It gave Al the creeps, especially since what happened to Burke remained a mystery. *There is no way Sam is going to return to this*, Al thought firmly as he surveyed the room. He moved about the office, replacing items to their proper place. Having done so and having removed Burke's ashtray from the desk, Al noticed that the office was beginning to fell more natural, more like Sam. "Ziggy?" Al said towards the ceiling. "Hello, Admiral Calavicci," a female voice replied. "You haven't contacted me in a long time." Though the words were correct, the manner in which they were spoken was harsh, almost cold, and too much like a computer. However, Al knew that would soon change. "Couldn't be helped," Al told her. "Ziggy, ventilate Dr. Beckett's office. Remove all foreign particles and replace the air in here with fresh air. "Yes, Admiral," Ziggy replied. "The procedure will take three hours. Are you expecting Dr. Beckett to return soon?" Al smiled a bit. "I'm always expecting Dr. Beckett to return soon, Ziggy," Al told her ass he left the office and proceeded to his own office. "Tell me what's happening with Sam now." "Dr. Beckett is currently between leaps, Admiral. However, I do have a record of his previous leap. Would you like me to review it with you?" Al nodded. "Yes, Ziggy. I would." There was a pause.. "Admiral?" "Yeah?" Al said, pulling out a cigar and getting into a more comfortable position. "I have a question." Al looked at the ceiling, waiting for Ziggy to ask her question. "Go ahead," he finally said when he realized Ziggy wasn't going to ask without permission. "I understand that, during the incident concerning ex-General Albert Whitefeather Burke, you were obliged to deactivate my systems." Al exhaled. "I'm sorry, Ziggy. I didn't want to but I really had no other choice." "No need to apologize, Admiral. It is fortunate that you were no also obliged to destroy me as well. However, I am concerned. Will the Doctors Conelf and Dr. Fuller be able to return me to full capacity? After all, it was Dr. Beckett who created me." Al thought on that comment. "I don't know. I hope so." "As do I," Ziggy told him. "Shall we review Dr. Beckett's leap?" Al put his cigar in his mouth but didn't light it. "Please." As they started reviewing the record, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," Al instructed. "You're not going to light that thing, are you, sir?" Al smiled. "Commander Strickler. Come on in." Al looked at her uniform carefully. "I see you're a full Commander now. Congratulations." "Thank you, sir." Al laughed slightly. "After all that we've been through, you still won't call me Al. Al least, not to me." "I'm sorry, sir," Genine told him. Al shrugged. "Not a problem. I understand. So, Commander, what brings you here?" "I would like to transfer to this project, sir." Al raised his eyebrows. "Under my command? Is there something wrong with being under Admiral Beckett's?" "No, Admiral," Genine answered him. "Just the opposite. Admiral Beckett is an excellent commanding officer and it's a pleasure to serve under him. However, due to the injuries I received while undercover in Burke's group, it is necessary that I find another position within the Navy." Al stood up and walked around his desk, placing his cigar down. "What do you mean? That bullet wound was bad but not enough to put you out of active undercover duty." Genine looked at him. "I don't not refer to any physical injuries, sir," she said a little more quietly. "It was deemed that I should be transferred to a low stress department, preferably with a staff psychiatrist. Project Quantum Leap is my first choice if you will give me permission to transfer to it, sir." Al sighed. "It was that bad?" Genine lowered her eyes. "It was hell, sir." Al didn't know what to say but it was obvious that whatever had happened between Burke and Genine had left invisible scars on her. He suddenly noticed a rough crease on Genine's neck that he hadn't seen before. *Or even a few visible ones*, Al amended to himself. Al nodded softly towards Genine. "Well, then, Commander, you'd better get used to calling me Al when we're off duty." "Aye, sir," Genine replied with a nod. Al shrugged to himself, walking to the other side of his desk. "Besides," he told her, "I have my own medical orders from two very determined doctors. That means that I need an assistant to help me with all the paperwork Congress makes me dish out. Interested?" "As long as it is not strictly a desk job, sir." Al smiled. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that, Commander." --------------------------------------------- You ready? You set? The final chapter is next! Rob and Kathie Freymuth