From: Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 01:53:34 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <> Subject: good intentions 0/12 "Good Intentions" Hello again! I may have been absent, but I have not been idle. I've been working on my grand finale, so to speak. It's sort of a trilogy. "Books" 1 and 2 are done and 3 is getting there. So this is 1. It's a bit confusing (though nowhere as confusing as 2...), so I am trying to post it all almost at once. (Well, I'm told it's confusing...) As always, thanks to my editing team: Cathy, Jennifer, and Maria (who I was kind enough to marry off to Tom). You guys are the greatest!! Thanks so much to everyone who has written me at one point or another about my stories. I hope to get some comments on this one too. :)