From: Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 02:31:31 -0500 Message-ID: <> Subject: child 0/10 And now for my thanks and all....As always, there are a few.... :) Cathy Laughlin, always the first on my list, for her comments, support, and sharing of _her_ story (my idea ). Be on the lookout for's called "He Also Serves". Stephanie Stone, even though I didn't send this one to her to proofread (she's _so_ busy, I didn't want to bother her), she's still been a great support to my writing. Maria Sloughter, who has also been swamped, but who is learning to tolerate my putting Al into every conversation (which does take a little time away from Tom... Poor Tom.) Kristin Mims, who also recently got a second chance at happiness. Jennifer Shipley, the only one to get the whole plot out of me before I wrote it. Dawnmarie Lesaldo, who hadn't even found out I wrote it until it was done, and then pummeled me until I handed it over. Pat Chachich, who _still_ writes after every part. And finally (whew, the list just grows and grows), the c-leapers, who have welcomed me into their family with open arms and contibuted to my sense of peace. And now for the part you've all been waiting, not the story, the legalities. Sheesh. Okay, the characters are not mine, and someone just recently told me they didn't even exist in reality. I had her hung. Well.... Seriously, I don't own them, and they are the property of Don, as if he would read this. And if he does, and if he sees fit to sue me, the least he could do would be to use the money from the lawsuit to make a QL movie. Anyhow, thanks for reading (you're still with me? Wow....). Hope you enjoy it. -amkt