Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 18:59:44 EDT From: Jason_Dzembo@MTS.RPI.EDU To: Message-Id: <3648149@MTS.RPI.EDU> Subject: Love, Honor & Obey (Part 3 of 4) The meal was a simple one, designed more for the purpose of eliciting information about the wedding - or the lack thereof - than for eating. Sam explained the situation to Lisa's family - Ralph, her father Rex, and a younger sister named Cissy. According to Al, Lisa's mother had died in December of 1962. Sam wondered if that had been a factor in the collapse of Lisa and Wes's relationship; he knew all too well how a person's life could be affected by the loss of a parent. There was a knock at the door as they finished clearing the table, and a moment later, Lisa entered the room, almost hesitantly. She gave a start of surprise when she saw Sam. "What are you doing here, Wes?" "We invited him to dinner." Rex said defensively. The implication must have sunk in for Lisa because she smiled and said, "Checking up on me, Dad? Despite all your huffiness, you wanted to find out how the wedding went, didn't you?" "Well, it did come up in the discussion." Rex said, avoiding her eyes. "Good. Then I don't have to give you the whole story. But I thought you'd like to know that Jon and I have decided to try again. We've rescheduled the wedding for the eighth." She paused and said, "I was hoping you'd be there." "Lisa, you know how I feel about the whole situation. I don't see what makes you think my decision would be any different this time." Rex replied. His voice held a note of sad resignation. He went back into the kitchen without another word. "What about you two?" Lisa asked her siblings, "Would you like to go?" "I would," Ralph replied, "but if Dad found out, there'd be Hell to pay. You know how he gets." Cissy nodded her agreement. "Well," Sam said, "You can count on me being there." Lisa glanced at Sam and smiled nervously. "About that." She turned to Ralph and Cissy, who were trying not to be obvious in their eavesdropping. "I think we'd better talk upstairs." She led the way to an upstairs bedroom and closed the door carefully behind them. "What's wrong?" Sam asked, though he knew the answer. Rather than answer, Lisa walked around the room, touching various items and avoiding his gaze, as well as his question. "We've been through a lot in this room." she said softly. "All the arguments, all the making up." She glanced at the bed and said, "We first made love in that bed, and that's there where I was sitting when you told me about my mother." Though she wasn't looking at him, Sam could see her profile, and could see the tear rolling down her cheek, despite her efforts to suppress it. He crossed to her, stood behind her and held her to his chest. She leaned against him, secure in his embrace, and let the tears flow, squeezing his hands in hers, pressing her eyes against his arm where it came over her shoulder. Sam kissed the top of her head gently. "Why does it have to hurt so much whenever we're together?" Lisa asked in a muffled voice. "I don't know." Sam replied, his voice hoarse. She turned in his arms until she was facing him. She was at least six inches shorter than him and when she looked up at him, Sam could see in her eyes, glistening with tears, the woman's desperation, her desire to do what was right, if only she could figure out what that was. She was a beautiful, caring woman, who could never hurt anyone. And yet, she knew that, through her own indecision, she was prolonging the agony for everyone involved, including herself. Sam wished there was something he could do for her, that there was a way she could love both men, without the pain, without old emotions getting in the way. Lisa stretched her face towards his and Sam bent forward to meet her halfway. Their lips met in warm, wet, salty kiss that lasted a minute and an eternity. When it was over, Lisa pressed a finger to Sam's lips and, forcing her tears to stop she said in a scratchy voice, "I'll always care about you. Don't ever forget that." "I won't." Sam assured her, "But-" "I don't think we should see each other anymore." Lisa said as firmly as her emotions would allow. "It's too painful for both of us, and you deserve better than that." Sam knew she was trying to do the right thing and hated to discourage her. But he also knew what the future held if he went along with it. "Lisa, there's got to be a way." For a split second, he thought he saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes. In reality, the glimmer he saw was the reflection of the light from the hall, as it came through the recently opened doorway, silhouetting Jonathan Dwyer, as he stood, glaring with disbelief at his fiance? and her ex-lover, locked in a close embrace. Lisa and Sam turned to the door as one. "This is what you mean when you say things are over between the two of you?" Jon demanded. "Jon, it's not what you think!" Lisa said, pulling away from Sam and reaching for Jon's hand. Jonathan pulled away and said, "Oh, spare me the clich?s, Lisa. I'm not as stupid as you think I am." He glared at Sam and growled, "You want her, you can have her. I hope you get what's coming to you." He turned and lumbered out the doorway. Lisa stood for a moment in indecision. She glanced at Sam helplessly. "What the Hell's going on here?" Rex demanded, running up the stairs. In the distance, the front door slammed shut. "Jon got the wrong impression when he saw Wes and I hugging." Lisa said, tears of frustration playing at the corners of her eyes. "I was trying to say good-bye to Wes and Jon showed up and...." She fell into her father's arms crying. Rex and Sam exchanged glances as the woman's father patted his daughter's shoulder consolingly. "It's alright, sweetheart. I told you he wasn't the man for you. Maybe this is for the better." "Guess again." Al said, as the imaging chamber door ground shut behind him. He turned to Sam and demanded, "I don't know what you've done, but history's changed, Sam. Now, Lisa and Jon never get married, Chelsea is never born, and that baby chokes to death. As if that weren't enough, Wes feels so guilty about breaking them up that he and Lisa never see each other again."?