TITLE: "Memories" AUTHOR: "Katherine R. Freymuth" ARCHIVE NAME: memories SYNOPSIS: Sam leaps into Madeline Daniels, housekeeper to Michael Tornelli and his two children, Linda and John. Al tells him that he's there to prevent Linda and John from being killed. However, there is something bothering Al - and Sam's leap may benefit not only Linda and John but also Al, who is haunted by a past he can't remember. NOTES: This story was inspired by "Because I Love You, Good-bye" by Jennifer L. Rowland. It would be helpful (but it is not completely necessary) if you read this wonderful story before reading "Memories". # OF CHAPTERS: 10+ EPISODE REF: "Jimmy" SEQUEL TO: "Because I Love You, Good-bye" TYPE OF STORY: crossover_____ with ____________________ parody_____ script_____ roundtable_____ drama__X__ comedy_____