Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 19:55:29 EST From: Freda Whaley 904-944-0550 Subject: One Leap Over the Moonies p.02 Message-Id: PART ONE Sam woke up with a pounding headache. Blurry-eyed he looked around at his surroundings. He was lying on a large oak bed. The room was bright and sunny. Crisp white curtains moved slightly from the breeze from the open window. He started to lift his head when a wave of nausea hit him. Laying back down, he groaned. Bile filled his throat and he looked around desperate for something to be sick in. Noticing a half open door, he staggered over to it. Thankfully he found it was a bathroom. He was violently sick, to sick to even care when he heard someone come in. A cool hand went over his forehead as he retched over and over. When it was over he looked up at a tall, concerned-looking woman. Taking a wash cloth she wiped Sam's face and then gave him a glass of water. "Don't drink this," she instructed, "just use it to rinse out your mouth." Silently he did as he was told. Handing him another glass she said, "I want you to drink this one. It's a little salty but you need it and it will settle your tummy. Sam drank the salt water grimacing as he did so. Finally he was able to choke out, "Who are you?" She didn't answer his question. Instead she said, "I want you to take a nice hot shower. Afterwards we'll give you something to eat, something that will stay down. Once you've had a good meal you'll feel better." As she left, Sam heard the door lock click home. Kidnaped and now locked in, Sam's stubborn streak was setting in big time. He hated being pushed around. However, he was feeling really scruffy. He had slept in his clothes and apparently he had been sweating a lot. Smelly and itchy Sam decided to take her up on the shower idea. While he was drying himself off he studied his reflection in the mirror. A young man seventeen to twenty years old looked back at him with piercing blue eyes. He was way to thin and his sandy blond hair had seen better days. When he came out he found clean clothes laid out on the bed. He got dressed. The t-shirt and shorts were a little big on the boy's spare form, but the sandals fit. He found that the bedroom door was now unlocked so he ventured out and down the stairs. The two men who had grabbed him and the tall woman looked up when he walked in. "Now Jonny, you come in the kitchen and cook will get you something to eat." Sam's stomach churned at just the thought of food but he followed the woman down the hall into a huge kitchen. A robust woman was buttering some toast. The toast she set in front of Sam was dry and a hot cup of tea was steaming. Sitting down, Sam forced himself to eat. He knew the woman was right, that this would help the nausea go away. When he finished he found he did feel a lot better. He looked over at the cook who was eating her breakfast and asked, "Where am I? I mean what is this place and who are these people?" The cook looked at him strangely and said, "What are you talking about? No games now Jonny. Your father is waiting for you in the sitting room. Get along now." Muttering an "Ohhhhh boy" Sam got up and wandered down the hall. He just hated that it was assumed he knew everything in a leap, and he knew nothing. One thing for sure, he had no idea where the sitting room was. Hoping it was the same room he had seen before, he back tracked and found the tall woman in there. "Jonny, your father is waiting for you. Come along now." Thankfully he followed her. She took him to a bright, sunny, empty room. "Look's like he's not here. You sit down now and don't move." As she left the room Sam heard the Imagining Chamber door open. Happy to see Al, he opened his mouth to ask him a lot of questions, but the Observer held up a hand to stop him. "Wait Sam. She's coming back soon and I need to give you the information you're going to need when you meet your "father." Gesturing with his cigar he said, "Peggy is that woman who was just here. She's your father's secretary and all around helper. It's July 16, 1975 and your name is Jonathan Preston. Called Jonny by your family. You're 18 years old. Your father is Mark Preston. Your mother is deceased and you're an only child." "Al, I was kidnaped and brought here by force. Why would my "father" want to do that?" "You belong to a cult run by a guy called Rev. Sun Myung Moon." "I'm a moonie?" "You remember them?" "No...yes...well I remember the name." "Well you're right. This Sun Moon guy runs the Unification Church or Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Your father has kidnaped you to de-program you. He wants you out of the cult and back home with him. A lot of this was going on in the 70's." "Deprogrammed? What are they planning to do to me?" Sam was really starting to get nervous. "Relax Sam. Most of the time they just let you get caught up in your sleep and start getting three good meals a day down you. Most of these kids were really run down and it didn't take that much to get them back on the right track." "But I'm not Jonny. It won't do them any good. When I leap he'll just be into the cult again." "Ziggy thinks that you're here so we can work on him at the project. In the original history Jonny's de-programming didn't work. He OD'ed on drugs and his father was heart broken over it. What you need to do is resist his plan for a while and then when we finish with Jonny you should leap out of here." "I don't know how to act like I've been in a cult. Do they walk around in a trance or what?" "Chant? Chant what?" "Ah..." slapping the hand link, "wait, don't do that because it's some real mumbo jumbo. But you would probably have disowned your father and made Rev. Moon your father. Just don't go overboard on anything. Be polite but stubborn. You should be good at that." Sam just glared at him and was about to give him a nasty retort when Mr. Preston walked in. "Who were you talking to? I thought someone was in here with you." " one. Ah....I'm just chanting." "Good one Sam." Al checked the hand link and said, "I'm going back and check on how Beeks is doing." With a swoosh he was gone. "I won't have any of that crazy chanting in my house Jonny." Sam looked at the man and seeing the worry in his eyes hated what he had to say next. "Why did you bring me here? You had no right to do that. I'm old enough to make up my mind on how I want to live my life." "Son, I'm not going to argue with you about that cult. I'm your father and I know what's best for you." "I'm not your son. Rev. Moon is my father and besides, what do you plan to do? Keep me locked up? The look of pain that was in the man's eyes was almost unbearable. This was so much against Sam's personality. He just stood there and looked at the floor as his father answered him. "I will do what I have to do to save you from their clutches. I'm not going to nag you or try to brain wash you. That's their style, not mine. But I am going to keep you here at the house. If you have to go anywhere you will have one of my men with you. If you try to run away again I'll have you brought back." "You can't keep all this up forever you know." "Maybe, but I can put you in an institution and have you treated for what they've obviously done to your mind. That's one choice I hope you don't force me to make." At the threat of being put in an institution Sam broke out in a cold sweat. Ever since the shock treatment he was deathly afraid of being locked up in such a place again. He sat down heavily on the couch. "You can't keep all this up forever you know." "Maybe, but I can put you in an institution and have you treated for what they've obviously done to your mind. That's one choice I hope you don't force me to make." At the threat of being put in an institution Sam broke out in a cold sweat. Ever since the shock treatment he was deathly afraid of being locked up in such a place again. He sat down heavily on the couch. "I...I don't want to give you trouble. I just don't understand why you're doing this." "I love you son. I know what's best for you. Look at yourself. You're way too thin. Your hair is brittle and I bet you haven't had a well balanced meal in months. I'm only doing this to help you. It won't be so bad. You'll see." With that he turned and left the room. Feeling disjointed Sam made his way back to his bedroom and laid down on the bed. He closed his eyes just to think and fell fast asleep. Al found him that way when he returned. He watched him sleep for awhile and then left. There wasn't anything now so he figured he might as well let him sleep.