Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 18:40:28 EST From: Freda Whaley 904-944-0550 Subject: One Leap over the Moonies p.05 Message-Id: Part Five Several trips had been made to town before Sam was allowed to go with just one guard. Sam wondered if he would ever be trusted enough to be on his own. He had to admit that if he had a son that had joined a cult he wouldn't have an easy time of letting go either. But there comes a time where you have to decide that a person must live their own life right or wrong. Sam found himself getting a little tired of always having a baby sitter around. Rick was a nice person, for a guard. He was friendly and was willing to do what ever Sam wanted to do. He was ever watchful though Sam doubted if he noticed the two Moonies that had been following them the last three times they came into town. At first Sam hadn't been sure who they were. He had been with them for such a short time and even with a photographic memory it was hard to be sure. But seeing them over and over he knew it had to be his companions from the cult. He and Rick had stopped for a burger when he saw them again. He caught their eye this time and they nodded to him and stepped outside of the restaurant. Sam and Rick finished their burgers and as they went outside Sam looked around for them. He didn't see them and turned to follow Rick back to the car. They were about halfway back when a car pulled up beside them and three young men jumped out. Before Sam knew what was happening he was pushed into the car. Rick had been pushed to the ground and was unable to stop them. As they sped off Sam untangled himself from the bodies in the back seat with him. "Kidnaped twice in one leap is just to much. What's going on?" One of the men looked at him strangely. "What do you mean Leap? And we haven't kidnaped you. We rescued you. Don't worry. We're taking you to camp where you'll be safe." "Camp? Rescued? From what?" Sam was really mixed up. This was crazy. "You didn't think Father Moon would let you stay in the clutches of your worldly father did you? We've saved you. A few days back at camp and you'll be okay. Was the de-programming bad? They are so awful trying to do that to you. We've been trying to get you back for days but this was the first chance we had." With an "Ohhhhhhh boy" Sam settled back into the seat. He looked at his companions and tried to reason with them. "I don't want to go back. I...I've changed my mind about being a Moonie. Look, just let me out here. No hard feelings, okay?" "Come on John, you know you don't mean that. We'll just take you to camp. Just give us one night. If you want to go back home then you can." Sam wasn't sure what he should do next. It was a great relief when he heard Al arriving. "I don't want to go back. I...I've changed my mind about being a Moonie. Look, just let me out here. No hard feelings, okay?" "Come on John, you know you don't mean that. We'll just take you to camp. Just give us one night. If you want to go back home then you can." Sam wasn't sure what he should do next. It was a great relief when he heard Al arriving. "Sam, we think Jonny's ready to come home. You can get ready to lea....what are you doing with these nozzles? These are Moonies. Are you crazy? Get out of this car!" Al dropped his cigar he was so upset. it disappeared into nothingness. He started punching data into Ziggy. Not liking what he was reading he whacked it hard on the side. It let out a loud squawk. Sam couldn't talk to Al because of his companions but he gave a pleading look to his friend hoping he'd be patient until they could be alone to talk in private. "Sam your messing everything up. You're not suppose to re-join these guys. Remember?" Sam couldn't take it anymore. Audience or not he said, "This is not my fault." Thinking the statement was for him the driver answered, "Of course it's not your fault. The programmers do a nasty job of it. Like we said before, just give us one night and then if you still want to go, go." Al was fuming. This leap was going down hill fast. Ziggy continued to give him data and as Al read it he calmed down just a little. "Okay Sam. Ziggy says you shouldn't leap now. There are to many changes going on to track history. You'll need to ride this out until things settle down. Do what you can to get away from them." "I'll try." Sam was getting very good at answering two different questions with the same answer. Appeasing the Hologram and the Moonies at the same time was the least of his worries. He was still wondering about this "camp" they were taking him to. " far away is the camp?" "About two hours. Have they made you forget everything?" Taking the hint Al checked the hand link. "It looks like they may be taking you to their main camp. This is where they take new people to teach them about Rev. Moon's teachings. It's called a 100 day training camp and this is where Jonny was at when he decided to join the Moonies in the first place. Play along with them while I go back and try to figure out what you're to do next." Sam watched his friend leave. Al was right. This leap was going "ca ca" fast. But for now all he could do was try and enjoy the ride.