TITLE: "Portraits Of The Past" AUTHOR: "M. Cogburn" ARCHIVE NAME: portraits-of-the-past SYNOPSIS: A Leap Into A Highschool Romance? Texas 1996. Sam has leaped into a young man named Jason Hughes who has a decision to make between two young ladies. Did he make the right decision? But when Sam realizes who is is there to protect, can he? Can he stop a suicide or is it murder? And will his "parents" let him? Will he be able to stop the raging hormones that constantly put his own heart at risk and stop those of others around him? Between school work, raging hormones, and dealing with the pressures of high school will Sam be able to do what needs to be done? NOTES: This story is definitely somewhere in the 5th season. # OF CHAPTERS: 20 EPISODE REF: SEQUEL TO: TYPE OF STORY: crossover_____ with ____________________ parody_____ script_____ roundtable_____ drama__X__ comedy_____