From: "M. Cogburn" Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 13:50:45 -0600 Subject: Portraits Of The Past, Part 15 Chapter Fifteen March 30, 1996 6:00 p.m. Sam glanced at the envelope that was laying on Margaret's counter. Even though it wasn't addressed to him, he was curious and pulled out the card. It read: Senior Party at David Covington's House March 30, 1996 A Supervised Affair Please send the RSVP card or call If you are going to attend. * A car will come buy to pick you up and take you back home.* The Covingtons Margaret's RSVP card was still with the envelope and Sam frowned. She hadn't sent hers in -- probably because she knew nobody would ask her. Suddenly, he dropped the card on the counter and wondered if Jason had sent the RSVP card in. After making a quick call to Jason's mother, he realized he had and blew a sigh of relief. He hesitated as he looked at the door. He knew he had to go over to Jessica's house and pick her up then go to his house to be picked up by the car that would take her to the party. He didn't want to do it . He knew he had to do it but he didn't have to like it. He just hoped he wasn't screwing up Jason's life. He sighed then went to the door, locked it then went to his car. He drove to Jessica's house then went up to her door. He rapped on the door and waited as Jessica opened the door with a smile. "Hi. It's Jason. See you later, mom." With that, she stepped outside and shut the door on any response her mother might have had. "You look very handsome tonight." "Thank you. You look just as enticing as always." He stated although he wasn't quite sure he should have said it. Jessica smiled as she wrapped her arm around his. "Oh, go on." She said slyly. Sam half smiled as he walked her to the car and opened the door for her. Although he didn't like her attitude, he wasn't about to have someone claim that Jason would treat her incorrectly. Sam drove to Jason's house in silence. His mind was full of what could happen with Margaret and how he could stop it from happening to her. As he pulled up in the driveway, Jessica turned to him. "You're being awfully quiet, tonight." "Sorry. I just have a lot of things on my mind." Sam said as he opened the door. He walked around and opened her door. Together they walked up to the house. As they walked in the house, Mrs. Hughes came into the hall with a load of folded clothes in her arms. Her mouth dropped open as she saw the young woman on her son's arm. Quickly, she closed her mouth and forced a fake smile. "Jessica, it's nice to see you again." "You too, Mrs. Hughes." Jessica beamed back. "Excuse me while I finish putting these away." Mrs. Hughes said as she ducked into Jason's room. Biting his lip, Sam excused himself and went to his room. "Mom . . " "How could you do it?" She asked as he appeared in the doorway. "You know how I feel about that girl." "I know, I know . . ." Sam began. "Mom, I'm sorry." Mrs. Hughes sighed and her shoulders dropped. "No, Jason, I'm sorry. I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't let her get under my skin. But . . ." She looked directly into his eyes. "Oh, Jason, I love you. I know that she's wrong for you. Totally wrong. I don't want you to get hurt." Sam looked behind him to make sure that Jessica wasn't anywhere close. He moved toward Jason's mother "I was sort of pushed into this date. It's only for tonight. Please, mom, understand, I really didn't want to do this. I wanted to take Margaret but she all ready had a date." Sam explained. An apologetic look came onto Mrs. Hughes face. "Okay. Okay." She nodded understandingly. "Thanks mom. I really appreciate it." Sam went to her and gave her a hug. "You owe me one." She stated with a grin. Until the car came to pick them up, Mrs. Hughes treated her un-welcomed guest as a part of her family. As the clock rang six-thirty, a knock sounded on the door. Sam rose to answer it only to see a man dressed in a chauffeur's uniform. "I'm here to pick up Jason Hughes and his date for David Covington's party." Sam nodded as he raised his hand for Jessica to come to his side. They followed the chauffeur to his limousine. Inside, a few other couples were inside waiting to be taken to the party. On the way, they made small talk. But as they approached the property that belonged to the Covingtons, Jessica laid her head on his shoulder. She began to get possessive. She grabbed ahold of his hand and held it tightly in hers. The car pulled to a stop and the chauffeur opened the door. The other couples climbed out of the limousine yet, Jessica held on to Sam's hand holding him back. "Jessica, we need to . . ." Jessica suddenly planted a kiss on him that he couldn't get away from. Yet, as soon as she pulled away from him, he took her by the hand and led her out of the car. He wanted to talk to her about their date but she began pulling him toward David's house. As Sam looked at the Covington estate, he realized the term house was the wrong term to use. Mansion was more like it. Once they were at the door, they were escorted to the Ball Room where the party was to take place. Sam shook his head softly as the butler opened the door. The room was decorated just for the party. Banners that read Senior '96 were scattered around the room There were few people in the room. Suddenly, he realized that they were early. There were small groups scattered around the room and the band hadn't even arrived yet. "Come on, Jason, lets mingle." Jessica said as she pulled him toward a group. Sam grimaced but complied. As Jessica talked to several people about sales and malls, Sam saw Brian and his band enter and begin to set up their equipment. He watched the door hoping Margaret would step through but she didn't. The band kept going back and forth getting their equipment. He tried to concentrate on the conversation but couldn't. He hated talking about malls, so he just smiled and listened for Jason's name. Presently, he turned and said, "Excuse me, but I'm going to get some punch. Would you like some, Jess?" "No, thank you." She then turned to continue talking about how she felt about the sale at Dillards. Gratefully, Sam left the group and started toward the other end of the large room. He was about to reach for a glass when a young woman took the top cup and asked what he wanted to drink. "What do you have there?" He asked jokingly. "We have punch, beer or any cocktail drink you would prefer. We also have coke, sprite and the such." Sam's eyebrows rose when he saw that she wasn't joking. "Punch will be fine." He understood now why the Covingtons would have a car to pick up and take the teens back home. Alcohol was going to be made available, but they didn't want anyone's death on their hands. The young woman before him nodded then turned to dip some punch into his cup, then hand it back to him with a smile. He took the punch from her with a grin then turned to look back at Jessica. She was still talking with the same young lady. He raised the glass and took a sip of the punch. If it had been spiked, he couldn't tell. It just tasted like punch. "Well, how's it going?" Sam coughed roughly as his punch went down the wrong way. He hated it when Al startled him. Once he got his coughing under control, he turned to Al. "I'd have more fun watching snails race. God, this is boring. You won't believe what she's been talking about." "Malls." "How'd you . . . .were you listening in?" "No." Al took his cigar out of his mouth and grinned. "What else do women talk to each other about." "I'd like to think that they are more intelligent than that." Sam responded as he moved toward Jessica. As the time reached seven o'clock, people began to file in the room. It looked as if half of the Junior class and all the senior class showed up. Sam wasn't too surprised though. David had extended his party to the entire Senior class and some had dates from the lower grades. He searched the room for Billy and Margaret but hadn't found them yet. "Is Margaret here?" Al consulted Ziggy. "Nope, not yet." Sam frowned and started back toward Jessica even though he didn't want to hear about malls and the such. As he started across the room, the band began playing an introductory song. Billy stood in front of her house with a silly grin and rang the doorbell. He heard a call from within and stood patiently and waited. Margaret was putting the finishing touches on her outfit. She put on the flat gold chain her father had given her and smiled. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time. Her hair was slightly curled, make up on correctly and the best outfit she had ever bought. "Perfect." She had gone to the mall after she left Brian's and bought the dress she was wearing. It was a black tight, fitting dress that had spaghetti straps. It came down just above her knees. Smiling to herself, she started toward the door. Billy flattened his shirt and glanced down at his shoes only to see one untied. Sighing, he bent down to tie his shoelace. The door opened as he finished. "Sorry I kept you waiting." Margaret said as she bit her lip. Billy's eyes went from his shoe to Margaret's black high heels. As he slowly stood, his eyes went up her body only to look her over. His mouth was wide open. "Is there something wrong? I could go change." She motioned back inside her house. "No." Billy said much too quickly. "I mean, you look fantastic." Billy said as he recovered from his shock. Margaret smiled. "Thank you. Are you ready?" "Uh - huh." Billy said as he stepped back so she could come out. As she stepped out to shut and lock the door, Billy's eyes traveled back over her. 'Eat your hear out guys, she's mine tonight,' he thought maliciously. Sam stood beside Jessica with a bored expression on his face. The only thing he found amusing was watching Al dance on the dance floor with a group of unexpecting girls. He shook his head and suppressed a grin. He was tired of just standing around listening to the girls jabbering on. "Jessica, I'm sorry for interrupting you, but would you like to dance?" "You know I only like slow dances." She replied to him then turned back to her friend. "Oh." Sam said as his hand came up to pinch the upper portion of his nose. He was beginning to get a headache. He pointed back toward the punch bowl and moved back over to it. "Punch, please." "Another glass?" The young woman asked surprised. "Please." She filled his glass and handed it back to him with a sad expression. "You know, you could have just told her no." "Excuse me?" He asked confused at her statement. "I've been watching you two. You're miserable and she doesn't care. You should have told Jessica that you weren't interested in taking her to this shin-dig." The young woman picked up her own drink and finished the last bit she had. "I know who you really wanted to take." "Who?" Although he wasn't sure who this young woman was, he was intrigued to know what she knew. "I saw you watching her yesterday. I know how you feel about her. But, it's all up to you to tell her about it." "Who?" He asked again wondering if she knew whom she was talking about. The young girl's attention shifted as a couple entered the room. The room began buzzing and the band ended their song. Sam turned to see who had come into he door as the rest of the room did. A reply came from behind him. "Margaret Dawson, that's who." Margaret stood with her arm wrapped around Billy's. Her eyes swiftly crossed the room and she smiled. As they entered, the band ended a song then started another. Billy immediately turned her toward the dance floor and they began to dance to the rhythm that the band played. As she looked into his eyes, she asked, "Are you sure that you don't mind about the band thing, because if you do . . ." He didn't allow her to finish as he laid a finger on her lips. "I don't mind. I think it's great that they asked you to sing with them." Margaret smiled as Billy pulled her closer to him. She had always wanted a night like this. A night to be like Cinderella -- to be someone she wasn't used to being. She only wished that her prince had turned out to be the one she had recently started dreaming about, Dr. Samuel Beckett. As Billy whisked her around the dance floor, Margaret spotted Sam standing near the refreshment table. A smile began but it quickly vanished as Jessica went to stand beside him. She closed her eyes and let the music and Billy's arms drift her into the dance. As soon as the song ended, Billy wrapped his arm around her back and led her toward the refreshment table to where Jessica and Sam stood. Billy smiled at them. "Hey, Jessica, Jason. How's it going?" "Could be better." Jessica replied looking distastefully at Margaret. Feeling the tension starting to build in the foursome, Sam tried to motivate Jessica toward the dance floor. "Come on, Jess, lets dance." "I told you, I only like slow dances." She stated melodramatically. Al approached the foursome snapping his fingers in beat with the music. "Well, how's it going over here?" Sam looked at Al as well as Margaret did. Neither of them said a word. Margaret turned to Billy. "Come on, Billy. Let's get something to drink." As they walked away, Jessica turned to Sam. "I really can't believe her. She thinks that she can wear a new dress and turn into Cinderella. It doesn't work like that." She ran her hand up his chest seductively . "Jessica?" "Yes?" She said as she ran her fingers down his chest. "If this date is going to continue, you will not talk about Margaret or any other person in that manner. If you do, it's over and that means that we're over for good." Sam said as he pushed her hand away. "You don't mean that Jason." Jessica moved her body closer to him and ran her hand up and down his chest. Sam grabbed her hand and pushed her away from him so she could look into his eyes. His eyes bore into her brown ones and his tone was hard and flat as he said, "Just try me." "Well," Jessica said as she pulled herself ram-rod straight. "I believe I need to powder my nose. If you'll excuse me." Sam nodded as she walked away. "You'll need to powder more than your nose." Al called after her. "Boy, Sam, you've got your night cut out for you don't you?" "I can't believe her." Sam said aggrivatedly. "Why do you think she's like that toward Margaret?" He glanced around the room looking for Margaret again. "Margaret's got it all." "What?" He turned to Al confused. "Well, she doesn't have her family around her like Jessica, but she does have brains and beauty. Put those two together and you have quite a package. Just look at her." Al pointed in the direction Margaret was as he bounced lightly on his feet. Sam turned as Al directed. He saw it. She had the sparkle in her eyes as she had yesterday -- a fire. A passion that wanted to breathe and be thrived upon. She would make something of herself, he could tell. "Your right, she's jealous." He made his way through the crowd to Billy and Margaret. But as he approached, Margaret turned and walked away. He watched as she glided across the room over to the band to where Brian stood playing. Once the song ended, they chatted for a moment. As they talked he made his way toward her again. Once he caught up with her, he tapped her on the shoulder. She turned with a smile expecting it to be Billy. Yet, when she saw Sam her smile seemed to brighten. "Sa . . . Jason." "Care to dance?" He glanced up at Brian and winked. Brian took the cue but he didn't particularly care to though. He glared at Sam as he took Margaret in his arms and guided her to the middle of the dance floor. Margaret hesitated. "I don't . . . Billy might want to ask." "Just one dance." He said quietly as she gazed intently into her eyes. Margaret blinked as she gazed into his green eyes. "Okay." He held out his hand for her to take it and she gladly put her hand in his. They slowly came together as the song 'Your The Inspiration' began to play. Margaret didn't worry about stepping on his toes, because she knew she wouldn't. She felt as if she had slipped into the arms that would hold her for years to come. She laid her head on his shoulder and wished that the song wouldn't end. Something was happening to her. Something she wasn't ready to explain or overcome. She didn't want it to end. She leaned back as the song slowly began to end and looked into his green eyes once more. Their gaze locked and Sam felt the emotions he had been trying to push aside come rushing up inside him. He wanted to kiss her and . . . and . . .he wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but he was sure that he wanted to love her as long as he could. Yet, as the song ended, he let go of her hands and dropped his to his side. He didn't want anyone else to see how he felt for her. "Thank you." Margaret nodded silently as she turned and walked through Al. Startled, she turned and said, "Sorry, Al," as she kept on through the crowd. "Oh, Sam, you've got it bad, or at least Jason does." Al said as he looked at Sam warily. "You have no idea." An hour later, Margaret stood before Billy having an interesting conversation about baseball when a pair of hands appeared before her eyes cutting off her view of Billy. "Guess who?" The person questioned in a deep accented voice. Margaret smiled but had no idea who it was. "Jon Bon Jovi?" She questioned. The hands dropped from her face as the mystery person sighed. "Close but no cigar." Margaret turned to see Brian. She smiled but her smile suddenly vanished as she realized it was time for her to sing. She quickly began to shake her head. "No, I'm not ready. I'm starting to think that it was a bad idea." "It wasn't a bad idea. All of us liked it or we wouldn't have practiced what we were going to do." Brian smiled as the rest of the band gathered around him. "After you left, we decided that we wanted you to stay with the band." She glanced around at their faces as they nodded in response to his statement. "What's going on?" Austin asked as she saw Brian's concern. "She isn't backing out, is she?" "She doesn't think she's ready." "From what I heard at practice, she's been ready since birth." Dixon said as he tossed his guitar pick in the air and caught it. Blake took her hand lightly in his. "Just try one song and if you don't feel like doing another then stop." Margaret looked at Blake for a moment. He was right. If she didn't feel like doing another, she could stop. She glanced around at the entire group and shut her eyes for a quick moment. "Okay." Blake gave her hand a squeeze of encouragement. The rest of the band nodded and started toward the stage again. She turned back toward Billy and went to him. "Thank you for understanding." She leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Billy winked at her as a response. Blake then took her hand again and walked her up to the stage giving occasional squeezes to encourage her. Once they got up on the stage, Brian began to introduce the band one by one. "Could I have your attention please?" Although he knew he wouldn't get everyone's attention, he went ahead anyway. "I would like to introduce you to our newest member of the Rebel Rousers, Miss Margaret Dawson." Margaret smiled and nodded slightly as a small applause went through the crowd. She went over to Dixon and held out her hands. Everyone gasped as Dixon handed over the one thing he considered his prize procession -- his guitar. Margaret put the shoulder strap of the guitar on and positioned herself. With a glance behind her to indicate she was about to start, Austin got ready to help her as well as Blake. "Margaret thought it would be reasonable to start with the song Rebel Rouser." Brian then stood back and glanced back at her with a grin. Margaret began her solo part then the drums set the beat. The synthesized trumpets from the keyboard added to the mirage of the beat. As she played the wordless song, she walked around to stand beside Blake and grin at him with satisfaction. Al and Sam stood across the room dumbfounded at her abilities. An old song that they remembered. It wasn't actually as well performed without the actual trumpets going, but for 90's teens, it sounded wonderful. They tapped their feet to the music and swayed to the familiar rhythm. "I wonder what else she'll play. I noticed that whenever we were in her house that she always listened to an oldies station." Al commented as he enjoyed the music. As the song ended, the groups of teens clapped acknowledging her performance. Although Margaret had enjoyed herself she didn't feel like singing until she saw Jessica pressing up against Sam yet again. From somewhere inside, something popped and anger floated abroad. She realized now that she was going to sing just to spite Jessica. The band looked at Margaret expectantly as she carefully handed Dixon's guitar back to him. She picked up the headset microphone Brian said he would bring and carefully put it on. She looked at the three of them with a grin. "Let's kick some butt." She genuinely smiled and they knew they had her hooked. Brian went to the microphone before him and began. "For all of you who have danced hard and heavy, try to relax and listen to some oldies but goodies." Margaret turned to the crowd with a smile plastered on. She wasn't sure it was there because she was happy, or because she was going to piss Jessica off. She counted off the beat then began singing The Shoop Shoop Shoop song or otherwise known as It's In His Kiss. Across the room Sam grinned as he caught Margaret's gaze while she sang. He liked her voice and how she looked as she sang. He could tell she was enjoying herself, singing songs that she liked. He looked at Jessica. She was scowling. "What's wrong?" "She thinks she's such a hot shot just because some low grade band lets her sing with them. It's pathetic." Jessica said as she took another drink of the punch she had gotten herself. She grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him to a side room. "Step into my office." Even as she said it, she pushed him to the wall and roughly began to kiss him as he had asked her to long ago. "Whoa," Sam said as he moved his mouth to the side and began to push her away. "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" She grinned and again kissed him only for him to push her away again. "Whoa. Jessica, maybe you got the wrong idea when we set this date tonight. We're just friends." "Excuse me? We've been dating for over three years." "True, but . . ." "I called your house last night, and your mom said you were over at Margaret's." "Yeah, I was. My parents are having some problems and Margaret has let me stay at her house." "So, you didn't . . ." "No." "Prove it . . . let's do it here." Jessica hiked her skirt and roughly kissed him again. She pressed her body against him and ran her hands through his hair. Before when she had done this to Jason, they had made love. Yet this time he wasn't sending out the signals. He was pushing her away. While Sam was fighting Jessica off of him, Al walked into the room and exclaimed, "Aye, yi yi. One minute your slapped and the next your all but . . ." Al was unable to finish his sentence as Sam finally pushed her away. "Jess, quit." "So, you did." She said as she pushed him in his chest. "No. We didn't. Look, Jessica . . ." "Enjoy it while you can." "What do you mean?" He asked worriedly. "You either give her up or I'll . . . I'll . . ." "You'll what?" "Oh, hell, I don't know!" She walked out of the room and Sam stayed back trying to sweep off the attack. Sam was worried that Jessica would do something to Margaret. He didn't know what she would do, but it still worried him. After straightening his clothes, he walked out of the room with Al behind him. He walked up to the refreshment table and said, "Two fingers of whiskey." Both the young lady and Al looked at Sam stunned. She told the young man who was making the drinks. He handed her the drink then she in return gave it to Sam. He eyed the drink in his hand as Al gazed on in silence. Sam downed the brown liquid and grimaced as it burned on the way down. He blew out a breath and abruptly shook his head. Al rubbed his face and shook his head as he suppressed his concerns for his friend. The young woman watched Sam for a moment. She read him like a book. She could tell exactly why he needed that drink. "I was wondering when you were going to dump Jessica." "Me too." Al sided with the young woman. "She's attractive, but her attitude blows it. Now, that's a kick in the butt." Sam nodded trying to acknowledge both. "Well, I guess I know who I should be concentrating on." He looked up at the stage as Margaret ended The Shoop, Shoop, Shoop Song. "Margaret." Both replied together.