From: "M. Cogburn" Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 13:50:45 -0600 Subject: Portraits Of The Past, Part 16 Chapter Sixteen Jessica watched angrily as her date eyed Margaret across the room. One day a little geek with only brains to help her to the top then suddenly with one kiss from Jason, she magically turned into Cinderella. Ha! She was definitely angry because someone had stolen her boyfriend. She squinted her eyes as she venomently looked at Margaret. "We'll see who gets the last laugh." She began to move to the band like a large cat cornering her prey. She was methodical and as she walked she had an idea forming in her mind. A fake smile replaced the frown she wore and stepped in front of the band as they finished another old song, The Twist. "Margaret?" She called out sweetly. Margaret's smile disappeared as she turned to see who it was. She turned toward Blake and rolled her eyes. He only grinned. She cautiously made her way to Jessica. She bent over so she could talk to her from the stage. "Jessica?" "Can we talk?" Margaret sighed. Deep inside an alarm signaled but she ignored it. "Yeah, I guess so." She turned back toward the band, made a quick excuse, then moved off the stage. She went to Jessica as her delicate eyebrows arched in curiosity. "Look, Margaret, I want to put the past behind us." "Oh." "Yes. We don't need to argue about Jason, or any other man." Jessica placed her hand on Margaret's back and motivated her toward the refreshment table. "Here, let me get you a drink. You must be thirsty." Margaret was genuinely surprised at Jessica's change of heart, yet she was still wary. When Jessica came back, she handed Margaret a drink. "What's this?" "Long Island Ice Tea." Margaret took a sip and her eyebrows arched in surprise. "This is good. Real good." She took another drink of it, and looked at Jessica with a grin. "Thanks." "Sure." Jessica looked over at the band as they waved to Margaret to get her attention. "Look, lets let by-gones be by-gones. The band needs you back. You may want to finish that." Margaret looked at the band only to see a frantic wave as she brought the cup to her lips. She drank two-thirds of the drink in one gulp and thanked Jessica again wondering what had brought up the change. She hurried to the stage with the increasing sensation that began to warm her belly. As she climbed onto the stage, Blake asked, "What was that all about?" "Putting aside grievances." "Jessica?" "Yeah. That's what I thought." The warm tingling sensation began to spread from her stomach into her limbs. She closed her eyes and shivered slightly. "Hmmmm." She felt warm giddy and happy all at once. "You okay?" Dixon asked worriedly. "Just a little giddy." She looked at the list of songs that they had practiced on. The group gathered around her and she glanced at them with a smile. "Okay -- how about Blue Moon Of Kentucky and What A Wonderful World?" "You decide the order in this set." Brian said with a nod. "You put it together. It's your baby." Before they could start, she finished the rest of her drink and placed the empty cup on the stage. Margaret then began the new set of songs. As she sang, she was beginning to feel light headed. After they had finished a couple of songs, a handsome man came over to her with a glass. He handed it to her and winked before he walked off. She took a sip of the drink. A Long Island Ice Tea. Not knowing that the drink was full of alcohol, she downed it quickly and got ready to sing another song. The warmth she had felt increased and warmed her insides. As the night progressed, the warmth seemed almost natural. Finally, when they had decided to play Great Balls Of Fire, Margaret stood so she could move to the keyboard. She'd been sitting on a stool for the last thirty minutes singing. The room began to move and she turned to look at Blake. Her mouth opened but words wouldn't come to her. Blake saw the fear in her eyes and he quickly came to her side. "Margaret? Are you okay?" Margaret blinked hard and stood within his strong, protective arms. "I think so." She looked up into his handsome face and melted. She could see his concern. Brian came up to them worriedly. "What's going on?" Margaret fleetingly glanced at Brian but her attention was drawn back to Blake. "Do you know how attractive you are?" She asked bluntly as she intently stared into his face. Brian glared at Blake and walked away from the two of them. He glanced over his shoulder at them and muttered, "She's mine." He wasn't sure why he was feeling so possessive over her, but she was dating him - not Blake. Blake noticed the glare from Brian but didn't acknowledge it. Blake grinned but he didn't say anything to Margaret. He let go of her and watched carefully as she swayed over to the keyboard. He grinned wider. She was buzzing -- just beginning to feel the effects of the liquor she had been drinking. He prepared for the song and then got her prepared. They were sitting on the stools behind the keyboard when the same young man touched Margaret's arm and handed her another drink. Margaret quickly drank the whole drink and placed the empty cup on the stage. Once they were ready, the members of the band signaled each other. Once it was given, Margaret began singing and playing the top half of the song while Blake played the bottom. As they played, Blake noticed that she was even more into the music. She played the keyboard fiercely and he noticed that she was having a blast. Once the song ended, he watched as the same guy brought Margaret another drink. He looked at the liquid. He couldn't make out what it was. But it looked kind of like Coke. 'Probably has rum in it,' he thought. 'It's none of my business.' Yet, he watched amused as Margaret took the glass and downed it again. "Hey, Brian, lets take a break. We've played over forty-five minutes." Brian nodded mutely not looking at him. Blake looked at Margaret interestedly. "Would you like to dance once Brian has set up the tape player?" "S -- sure." She licked her lips then took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. Luckily, for Margaret it was a slow song. Even with the slow song, Margaret felt herself losing her balance. She clung to Blake with a silly grin plastered on her face. Al suddenly popped in beside her making her jump. "Enjoying the party?" He watched her sway along with Blake for a moment. "Are you okay?" Blake asked. Margaret nodded mutely to answer both questions at once. Al looked at Margaret closely. Her face was flushed and he stepped back and noticed how she stumbled now and again and giggled. "Oh boy." Al disappeared from her and reappeared before Sam. "You need to go see Margaret. I think she's drunk." Sam looked up at Al with a grin. "Join the club." "Oh no, not you too." Al griped. He flailed his arms in the air. "Sam, what were you thinking?" "Thinking? Lots. Quantum Physics, Time, God, Fate, Margaret, Jessica . . ." Al didn't let him finish. "What did you have?" "Punch and just a couple of whiskey drinks." Al rolled his eyes flustered. He let out a groan. "Stay here." He vanished and appeared beside Margaret on the dance floor. "Honey, can we talk alone?" Margaret looked right through him. "Honey? Who's Honey?" "What?" Blake asked. "Nothing." She said as she stared at the man she knew. She placed a finger to her mouth and pursed her lips to indicate to Al to be quiet. "Margaret, we need to talk." Margaret looked at Al then looked back at Blake's face with a grin. She leaned back against his chest and waved him off. "Margaret." Al watched her warily. Again she waved him off and continued to dance. "Margaret?" "What?" She finally stopped and looked at him sternly. "What?" Blake repeated wondering if she was talking to him. "We need to talk." Al said aggrivatedly. Rolling her eyes, she turned to Blake. "Blakester, I need to, uh, powder my nose. 'Cuse me." Her words slurred out then she turned to Al. They walked a few feet away from Blake as Al fiddled with the handlink. It blinked and squawked. "Can't be." Al remarked as he looked at the readout. He turned to Margaret as they stopped. "Have you been drinking?" "Drinkin'? You mean alcohol?" She slurred. "Yes, alcohol. What else?" "Nah, just tea." "Tea?" Al asked confused. "Tea?" He repeated. His mind reviewed all the drinks he had ever ordered for a woman. It finally dawned on him. "You mean, Long Island Ice Tea?" "Yeah, that's it. Good stuff, ain't it?" She said swaying somewhat. "You're tutored." "Nah, just really happy." She supplied with a grin then giggled a little. Al suppressed a grin. "I'm sure you are. Who told you about that drink?" "Jessica." "What?" Al asked surprised. "Jessica gave me my first one then this really cute guy kept giving me more. Really cute - oh so fine . . ." She crooned. Al groaned. "Okay, we need to get you home before something happens." "Why? Nothing's gonna happen. Having fun." "Margaret, Jessica has succeeded in getting you drink and plans on doing something to embarrass you." "No. We made up." She slurred out confused. "Come on, let's find Sam." "Sam." Margaret purred out. Her eyes lowered and she blushed. "You know, Al, I really really like Sam." "He's a likable guy." Al said as he looked through the crowd for his friend. "No, Al. I love Sam." "Oh boy." Sam was on the other side of the room. Although Al had told him not to move, he couldn't help it when Jessica had taken him by the hand and led him to a somewhat secluded area. "Jason, please lets not end the night tonight with a fight." She ran her fingers up his chest then pulled him to her for a kiss. Before Jessica could kiss him, a request came from the bandstand. "Could Jason Hughes please come to the stage?" Sam excused himself then went to the stage. As he walked, he wondered why they needed him. They sounded fine. He silently chuckled as he approached the stage. He found Al near the stage along with Margaret. As Al told Sam what Jessica had done, Margaret got up on stage to begin the next set with the band. She looked at the next song on the list -- When I Fall In Love. She looked at Sam then quickly conferred with the band. She had a plan of getting Sam on the stage and have him sing with her. They could sing it with a duet. The band members agreed except for Brian. He thought that he should sing with her but the vote had been cast so he had no choice in the matter. "Do you understand?" Al finished as he looked at Sam. "Yeah. That's a dirty trick." His speech was just as slurred as Margaret's. "Hey Jason?" Blake called out. Sam turned with a questioning glance. "You want to sing a duet with Margaret?" "Sure." He grinned. "What song?" A moment later, Brian announced to the room that Jason and Margaret would sing a duet. Whoops and whistles sounded throughout the room. Once the band was ready, Sam looked at them and they started. He took Margaret's hand as he sang. As he sang, he realized this was the one way that Jason could express his own feelings toward Margaret. Margaret, however, didn't want to look at him until Sam used his index finger under her chin to draw her attention to him. Their gaze locked and they turned to each other. She felt herself being pulled toward Sam. It wasn't that he was actually pulling her, it was the sensation of falling for a person that she cared for. That feeling swept her away in a whirl wind of emotions. As the song ended, Sam pulled her into his embrace and gently but firmly kissed her. Jason's emotions were finally expressed and he took advantage of the moment. He didn't care that others were watching or whistling. Teenagers who hadn't been watching began to turn their attention to the stage to see what was going on. He released her from the kiss and she stepped backward blinking. Sam couldn't do anything but look at her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He couldn't tell if it was the lighting or how she actually looked, but she was breathtaking. He wanted her. He wanted to take her into his arms once more and show her exactly how he felt for her. Brian stood back frowning as he watched the entire scene. Sure, it was interesting to see Jessica get her due, but not at his expense. He wanted Margaret. He wanted her as a girlfriend. Suddenly, Sam was spun around. Jessica stood before him furious. "What in the hell are you doing?" Her words were echoed somewhat since he still had a microphone in her hand. Sam shook his head softly then looked at Al for something to say. Al had covered his eyes with one hand in an attempt to not see what was about to happen. But he kept his fingers split so he could see. "You came with me and your embarrassing me." "I think you have that backwards." Her hand shot forward to slap him but it was caught. Sam looked at the hand that had caught Jessica's hand and followed it to the owner -- Margaret. He blinked surprised and swayed backward as Margaret moved in between them. "I don't think . . ." She began. "That's right, you don't. Your drunk." Jessica interrupted. "Drunk?" Margaret questioned as she stood straighter. "Sure I'm drunk. You're the one who got me that way with those Long Island Ice Teas." Margaret swayed somewhat but steadied herself quickly. "Get out of my way." Jessica tried to move around Margaret but Margaret mimicked her steps stopping her. "No. Not yet. We need to talk." "No, we don't. You think you're some hot to trot with your band thing and new clothes and haircut. Well, honey, it doesn't cut it. You will always be a nerd in glasses who leads her family and her boyfriends to the grave." Jessica attempted to step around her and Margaret countered her again. Angry now, Jessica pushed her backward into Sam. "You bitch." Margaret's eyebrows rose and she regained her footing. "You do that again and it will be your last." Margaret warned. Sam watched as her hands began to clench at her side. He didn't want the two of them to fight and took a step toward Margaret but Al stopped him. "Let it go Sam. Jessica deserves what she gets." "Damn straight." Margaret agreed with Al aloud. Jessica squinted her eyes and her jaw clenched as she threw a punch that landed on Margaret's stomach. Margaret doubled over at the punch and coughed thinking that she might throw up but quickly straightened up not willing herself to be sick. She glared at Jessica then winked at her as she cold-cocked her with one punch. Jessica swayed from the punch then fell against Blake. Blake's jaw dropped as he glanced from the young woman in his arms to the woman who stood before him massaging her hand. "Damn, remind me not to get you mad at me." "My words exactly." Al responded to Blake's remark. Margaret turned to face Sam still angry. "And you . . ." She began. Before Margaret could finish her sentence, Sam brought her into his embrace yet again and kissed her passionately. He had to show her now how much she meant to him. How much he wanted her - needed her. From somewhere in the back of the room, someone started clapping and the clapping grew. As Sam's kiss grew, there were a couple of boys yelling out, "Way to go, Jason" and "All right." Once Sam released his lip-lock, Margaret rested her head on his chest and covered her face with her hands; embarrassed. Slowly, she stepped back to look up into his face. He had a grin on his face but his eyes held hers intently. "I . . ." "Margaret?" Sam turned to see Billy standing behind him. It was he who had spoken. Margaret went around Sam and stood before Billy nervously. "Oh, Billy, I'm sorry. I ruined our . . ." He placed a finger on her lips silencing her. "Actually, you didn't. You livened it up." Billy looked at Sam and held out his hand. Sam took his hand and shook it. "Look, uh, I knew you wanted to take Margaret so, why don't you two spend the rest of the evening together. I'll make sure Jessica gets home." Margaret leaned forward and lightly kissed Billy on the cheek. She smiled warmly at him. "Thank you." Billy nodded with a grin. "Hey Billy, you're a real gentleman." Al commented as he took a cigar out of his vest pocket and chewed off the end. He lit the cigar and slowly turned to see the couple before him. Margaret turned to Sam. "Well, do you want to stay here?" Sam glanced at Al quickly then looked back at Margaret. He grinned mischievously. "Let's blow this pop sickle stand." Margaret giggled then placed her hand in his. She wasn't quite sure where they would go, but she knew as long as she was with Sam she would be safe and secure. "Lets go." They had turned down the chauffeur's offer to drive them home and decided to walk. It wasn't to far to her house. As they walked, Margaret kept looking up into the night sky. Finally, she saw what she wanted to see -- a shooting star. She quickly made her wish then continued the walk in silence. "What'd you wish for?" Sam asked. His question startled her. She hadn't known that he'd been watching her. "If I tell you, it might not come true." Sam's mouth widened to make an O but grinned. "Anyway, it was about Al and not you." She teased. "What? What about Al?" She grinned and trotted a few steps away from him. She shrugged her shoulders. "Not gonna tell you." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." Margaret sauntered back with an eyebrow raised. "Well, we'll see about that." Sam started toward her, but she turned and began to run. "Wait . . ." He began then started running after her. He stumbled a couple of steps as well as she did, but he kept after her. He could hear her laughter as he chased after her. He almost caught her, but she'd been holding something back and she shot forward. "I'll tickle it out of you!" He warned teasingly. He finally caught her in the yard of her house. He grabbed her around the waist and softly tackled her to the ground. "Gotcha." Margaret let out a fake scream as she fell on the grass. He rolled her over onto her back and straddled her mid-section keeping her down. "Tell me." "No." She grinned. "What did you wish about Al?" "Al? I didn't wish about Al, silly." She said truthfully with a blush rising from her cheeks. Sam cocked his head to the side with a grin. "What did you wish for?" "I'll tell you if it happens." She wavered. She hoped her wish would come true. "Good enough." He stood then helped her up. They went to the door grinning at each other. As they entered her apartment, Sam shook his head disheartedly. "I only got one dance tonight. What a shame." He replied trying to act serene. It wasn't working. Margaret frowned melodramatically. "That's right. Well, we could remedy that. The night's still young." She went to the radio and began to find the radio station that would produce the desired mood. Once found, they moved the coffee table to the side of the room. "It's not much of a dance floor." "It'll do." Sam replied. Sam held out his hand and took her hand in his. He pulled her to him softly and they began to dance. Margaret laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. This was what she really wanted to do -- be in the arms of someone you really care for. As the songs kept coming, they kept dancing. Whether it was a fast song or a slow song, they continued to dance close together. Sam's emotions were going haywire. Jason's feelings for Margaret were strong, but his own feelings for her were beginning to show. He stepped back somewhat to look at her. He had to look into her eyes. Her eyes would tell him all he needed to know. Her blue eyes looked back at him with the same intense emotion he felt. His left hand left her side and came up to her cheek. He softly caressed it as he tilted her head gently so he could kiss her. As soon as their lips met, they seemed fused. They kissed each other with the same passion. Sam broke the kiss to look at her again only to pick her up in his arms. Margaret wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder tenderly. She closed her eyes as he walked down the hallway to her bedroom. He laid her down gently on the bed and continued to kiss her with all the passion that was welled up from inside him. As Sam's kissed began to travel to her neck, Margaret opened her eyes to glance at the portrait she had painted of Sam and Al. Even though she was enjoying Sam's kisses, she found herself worrying about what they were about to do. It was a step she hadn't yet gone to and sex was a huge step for her to make. Sam sensed her tension and stopped kissing her neck. "Are you worried about this?" He asked as he gazed into her eyes once more. Reluctantly, Margaret closed her eyes and nodded her head. "Yes." She averted her eyes not wanting to look him in the eye. "I want to, but I'm scared." "Then you're not ready." "You're right, I'm not." Margaret thought for a moment then gazed into his green loving eyes again. "Could we just kiss and hold each other?" Sam's responded by leaning over and kissing her gently on the lips.