From: Sean Smith X-From: (Roberta Chi-Woon Kwong) Newsgroups: Subject: "Quanta" part 6/17 Date: 12 Apr 1995 23:17:30 GMT Message-Id: <3mhn2a$> This is being posted for Sean Smith , who is having some difficulty posting from his account. Please direct all comments to him. Apologies if any line noise remains in these posts. -------------------------------------------------- Sam tried to walk slowly back to the diner. He put Fox's black trenchcoat on, and scanned the street around him. The idea that someone could kill two FBI agents, and then destroy all records, even the Federal ones, shocked him. He doubted that even the best criminal conspiracy could do that. Heck, he thought, _Ziggy_ probably couldn't do that! As he rounded the corner, Sam made up his mind. Whatever was threatening them was too big to face blind. He decided to leave town, and change history. If the threat was local, it would disappear. If not... Well if not, then they might gain enough time to avert this tragedy. The biggest problem was only knowing the date Dana was found. There was no information as to the time of the actual killing, which could be anytime between now and then. Sam entered the diner, so warm compared to the cold winter day outside. Suddenly, he realized that Scully was nowhere to be found, and a waitress was clearing the table. He ran over to the young woman, and touched her arm. "Excuse me, but did you see where my, my friend went?" Sam tried to smile calmly, but looked a little too intense. "Isn't that her?" The waitress turned back to the table before Sam could respond. Sam spun, and the trenchcoat flared about him. Across the diner, Dana was emerging from the bathroom. The moment she saw the anxiety on Sam's face, the hard look in her eyes melted. They met one another in the middle of the room. "Mulder, what's wrong? What did you hear?" She barely stood as tall as his shoulder, and she stood close enough to him that she had to turn her face up to speak with him. He couldn't let on that he knew the future, and so couldn't tell her what was going to happen. However, he doubted that he could deceive her; there was just too much he didn't know. "Dana, there's a problem. I can't tell you the reason, or how I know, but we have to leave. Now." He put his hands on her shoulders as he spoke, and earnestly hoped she would listen to him. "Mulder, we can't leave." Her eyes scanned his face incredulously, her whole posture stiffening up. "We're-" She stepped back, so she could see him better. "Please. If you trust me at all, trust me on this. I need you to help me, and we need to leave now." If there was more than a partnership between these two, this might work. Scully blinked several times and looked into his eyes. "Alright, let me get my things." She brushed past him toward the door. As they stepped into the blustery cold, Sam spoke up. "I'm going with you." He sounded almost timid over the noise of the wind. "I think I can handle a suitcase by myself." Emergency or not, this seemed ridiculous. She wanted him to know this. "Please." She shook her head and headed to her room. He had no trouble keeping up, but decided to follow slightly behind her as they crossed the parking lot. Sam was looking around for suspicious people, and therefore nearly ran into Dana when she came to a sudden halt. She pointed at her room, where the door hung off its hinges, before turning to look at Sam. Blank shock covered her for a moment, replaced in seconds by a professional calm. Scully drew her gun and moved in toward the room. Sam watched her, shocked for a moment. After a moment, he drew his semi-automatic awkwardly, and followed her. They crept toward the room, hugging the wall until they were at the door frame. Dana looked back at Beckett, and counted down from five with her fingers. On zero, she sprang around the corner, and dropped to a crouch. Sam followed her, standing in the empty doorway with his gun drawn. No one was in the room, though this was hard to tell with all the debris littering the floor. The drawer were pulled out, their contents spread about the floor. Dana's bags were ripped and overturned, and the bed had been slashed, its' stuffing removed . "Okay, Mulder, now I believe you. I think we'd better hurry." Scully's face mirrored the worry in Sam's. Moving quickly, Dana got ready. She grabbed a few articles of clothes off the ground, and tossed them into the overnight bag. She noticed her portable computer was gone, and with it notes on all their cases. She headed out, leaving the door open. Sam came out of Fox's room, similarly carrying only a fraction of his clothes in a small suitcase. He stopped suddenly, and stared at the dark green car Scully was headed for. "Come on Mulder, we've got to go." She fumbled though her purse for the keys. "No! Wait! Don't unlock the door!" Sam ran forward, dropping his bag. "What? You don't think..." She trailed off, looking down at the car before her. She had stopped with her keys an inch away from the door lock. "A bomb?" "It would fit well with the ransacked rooms, and I don't want to take any chances. We'll rent another one, and get out of here." He took her arm at the biceps, and they headed back to grab his bag. "Wait. What aren't you telling me?" She planted her feet firmly, and squared her shoulders. "Mulder, you're running scared. Now I need to know why." Her head tilted slightly as she looked deeply at him. "Not now. There's no time for this, Scully." Sam was looking about the parking lot, examining every passing pedestrian, every car. "Okay, but we get back to this later. For now, how do we get to a rental office." She looked alarmed, but her worried gaze was locked on Sam. His actions were begining to scare her. "We need a car without a bomb, right?" It was then that Sam Beckett spotted the college students pedaling along on ten-speeds. * * * Al stopped Fox as he walked up the ramp toward the Imaging Chamber. Both men eyed one another warily, looking for all the world like nothing so much as Old Wolf and Young Pup. RKid, the holograms weUve pulled from our databaseUll seem so real, youUll think youUre there. Be careful; it can make you sick if youUre not used to it. Add to that the whole bit about getting memories back...just be careful.S RSam and Dana are running out of time, right? Then I've got some things to remember. IUll be as careful as we can afford.S He glanced around at the people assembled in the Control Room. His gaze lingered on Donna. RIf this doesn't work, say good-bye to Donna for me. She- she was there for me. Understand?S FoxUs eyes were intense. Al could only nod as Fox turned and entered the Imaging Chamber. Lights flooded the room with incandescent brilliance, and then were suddenly replaced by a rushing kaleidoscope of images. Images Al had captured in a previous leap, twenty-two years ago. Images of his family home. And his sister. * * * Sam and Dana whirred through the narrow streets on two dilapidated bikes. Each puffed along, with their bags lashed to the rack on SamUs rust-red ten-speed. They were making much better time than they could on foot, but that was scarce consolation for them. The cold wind numbed their fingers quickly, and blew their heavy overcoats away from them. Both were freezing in no time. All in all, they made quite a sight as they breezed through the sleepy downtown. RMulder, how much farther Ttil we reach the car rental agency. My skirt isnUt doing much for the wind or the pedaling.S She sounded more aggravated than suffering, so Sam didnUt worry too much. Not since he already had an overwhelming worry on his mind. RNot much farther. Um...Scully... weUre being followed by a brown car.S Dana turned to look, and her rickety bike wobbled profoundly. She regained her balance and turned forward, but not before spotting the sedan closing in. RQuick! Head into that park on the right.S She swung her bike over hard, and bounced as she climbed a ramp in the sidewalk. Hunched over the handlebars, she barreled down the sidewalk into the park. Sam turned too late, and saw that he was heading directly into a curb. In a rush to avoid loosing Dana, Sam yanked his front wheel skyward, to leap the curb. He bounced as he climbed the edge, but the impact jarred loose the ties holding their luggage on. Sam heard his suitcase explode on the sidewalk behind him, but kept pedaling furiously after Dana. * * * Now, images of Dana and the Hoover building swirled around Fox. For all their apparent solidity, he could touch nothing. And as each image disappeared, it swam about him, like water funneling down a basin. HeUd long before dropped to his knees under the mental onslaught. But he resolutely held himself upright as his mind tried to once again discover itself. RAgent Mulder...are you okay?S He could faintly hear Gooshie calling to him from down the hallway. But he couldnUt drag himself to answer. RAre you all right?S Now Gooshie sounded worried. He continued to see the images of his partner, his workplace, and Washington flash by. RMulder!S Donna called out to him, RDammit Mulder, answer me if you can!S Fox heard her calling, and was watching DanaUs picture as he fell forward. He was far more aware of the pounding of his own heart in his ears. Then he was vaguely aware of the door sliding open, then nothing. * * * DanaUs tires skittered across the gravel lining the walkway as she raced along ahead of her partner. SheUd lost her scarf a ways back, but was moving too fast to care. Her breath came in short pants as she pedaled, and her thighs burned from the strain. Distantly, she heard car tires screeching, and wondered if that was the sound of the men following them. A neon pink Frisbee tossed by a young college student whizzed by, inches above her head. RDana, stop here!S Mulder sounded more winded than she did. She slowed her bike, and hopped off before it had stopped completely. Sam slid his to a halt next to her, and lifted himself off the seat. Both agents leaned forward, breathing hard. RWhy did you stop?S Dana gasped between breaths. She leaned forward to help breath, and her dun overcoat hung about her. RWeUre in the middle. Of the park. TheyUll have to come on foot. To get here. Then weUll be. Even.S He looked up from where he was leaned over, with a pained expression on his face. But when their eyes met, they shared a smile. Their moment was shattered by the sound of screams off to their left. The cries were quickly followed by the sound of an engine growling. Suddenly, a brown sedan burst through the undergrowth at the top of the next hill over. It paused for a moment. RDana, go. IUll slow them downS Sam dropped his bike and stood between her and the car. RIUll meet you at Davies office.S HeUd heard her mention itUs location earlier. RGet out of hereS RMulder...S The indecision in her voice echoed the look in her eyes. The one that told him she wasn't about to leave. "Scully, they can't follow both of us at the same time. Now go!" The car began squealing down the hill, toward the two FBI Agents. RGood luck, Mulder!S Quickly she hopped on her bike and began pedaling away. Dana heard the sound of gunshots behind her, and prayed. * * * Donna Alisee and Al Calavicci walked out of the Imaging Chamber, carrying a semi-conscious Fox Mulder between them. As they laid him out on the floor, Donna felt his forehead, and checked his pulse. RTBena, his skinUs clammy, and his pulse is arhythmic.S She was hurried, but unpanicked as checked his vital signs. Dr. Beeks dropped down next to her, and examined him, attempting to dilate his pupils. RHeUs gone into shock. Gooshie, Tina find some blankets!S We need to keep his temperature up.S She turned to find an IM needle in her medkit. Tina came running back, carrying an arm load of blankets. All were soft pink cotton, trimmed in satin. Donna and Verbena lifted Fox onto his side, and Tina slid the blanket under him. Letting him back down, the three quickly had him wrapped in blankets. While Verbena prepared a shot for Fox, Al ran for the Imaging chamber. He had a sneaking suspicion that Sam was getting himself in trouble. RGooshie, reset the chamber, and center me on Sam, now!S There was nothing Al could do about Fox, and the idea of sitting around uselessly galled him. Al went through the doorway, and found himself on a yellowed grassy slope in the middle of a park. He ducked as gunshots rang out, standing only after he realized that holographic bullets couldnUt hit him. Looking around, he spotted Sam, hiding behind a fallen log, sliding a new clip into his gun. RSam, quick, move around to your left! TheyUll have a harder time driving across the slope. And remember to grab the empty clip.S AlUs instincts kicked in as he waved Sam on. RNice timing, Al.S Sam looked genuinely relieved. He no longer had to face a professional killer alone. Crouching down, he did as instructed, flinching as bullets plucked the bark from the trees around him. The gunfire drove him further and further away from where his bicycle lay. RSam, thereUs at least two men in that car. DonUt bother with this John Wayne malarkey. Head out down that dirt trail. They wonUt be able to see you as they come around." As the car tried to come about on the wet upslope, it began skidding sideways. The rear tires tore gouges out of the turf as the rear end swung about, Finally, it slid to a stop, pointing back in the direction Sam had fired from. Mud and grass sprayed the side of the car as it dove down the hill after Sam. He looked back in time to see the car bottom out, and the front suspension blast a tremendous divot of grass forward. The man leaning out one window to fire dropped the gun in his hand, and the black sunglasses he wore fell away. Then Sam was too busy sprinting to watch as the man ducked back into the car, covering his face. The car fishtailed past the place where Al was standing, and the rear end swept through the space he occupied, leaving him undisturbed. His handlink began squawking, and he rapped it repeatedly. Opening up a doorway, Al ran through and disappeared. He ran out of the Imaging chamber and into the control room. There, the Quantum Leap staff was either clustered about the fallen form of the FBI agent, or working feverishly at the controls. RWhat is going on! ThereUs somebody shooting at Sam, in there!S DonnaUs head snapped up at the mention of her husbandUs name. Ziggy spoke up, RAdmiral, those individual are exhibiting faint traces of radium contamination.S RSo? I gotta get back and help Sam!S He turned to reenter the down brilliantly lit corridor. RTell him that there is a seventy-four percent chance of another Quantum Leap Accelerator within fifty miles of his present location.S She sounded smug. RHow do you know that?S ZiggyUs words stopped him cold. RThe radium signatures on the attackers match our Accelerator. It is unlikely they had been inside the Control Room here within an hour of attacking Doctor Beckett, therefore-S RItUs gotta be nearby! Thanks! YouUre one in a billion!S Al smiled evilly as he headed back into the imaging chamber. Ziggy pouted briefly. ROne in a billion? Is that all?S * * *