TITLE: "Sink or Swim" AUTHOR: "Ann Marie Tajuddin" ARCHIVE NAME: sink-or-swim SYNOPSIS: Sam leaps onto a fishing vessel in the Gulf of Alaska, there to save a woman who will drown without him. Meanwhile, Al is dealing with a teenage runaway in Stallions Gate. NOTES: This is pre-MI and based on my experiences as an observer in Alaska. As all information is confidential between the vessel, the observer, and NMFS, please note that fishing locations, target species, haul sizes, etc are all _fictional_ figures. In addition, the crew and the layout of the boat is my creation as well. # OF CHAPTERS: 10 (includes prologue) EPISODE REF: SEQUEL TO: TYPE OF STORY: crossover_____ with ____________________ parody_____ script_____ roundtable_____ drama__X__ comedy__X__