Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 11:56:30 +1000 (EST) From: Christina Fraser Subject: re:Submit:part 8 Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII As you will find with the next few installments I have taken a little lead way with Sams past, like what was taken in another of my favirote stories, bookend. anyway i hope you like it. enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al found Beeks in the cafeteria drinking coffee. Looking up with concern in her eyes, she asked after Sam. " He just woke up, from the way the doctors are acting, the signs are all good. I just stopped for some fresh coffee, ans to see how Michelle is doing. " " Michelle, well she has improved greatly over the last few days, but to be honest, we are still worried. It would seem that there is some mild brain damage, and loss of motor control, as well as hugh schock to over come from the last week. We have got a few specialists working with her, but I know that she will never be the same. " Nodding his head Al mumbled " Poor kid. " " So Al, how are you feeling, do you want to talk about the last few days? " Al grimaced as he took a sip of coffee, weather from the taste or the question, one could not tell. Trowing the bitter coffee away Al said to her. " I'm fine and no, I don't want to talk about it, I don't have time, anyway, it's hell on the records. " With that said Al nodded goodbye to Beeks and headed to his room for a shower and a change of clothes before going back into the Imaging Chamber. ########################################## When Al entered the Room he found himself not in sAm's hospital room, but in a large white room with a lot of machines. Sam was currently head first inside one getting his head examined. Normally Al would find this very funny and make a few smart remarks, but with everythiing that had happened, Al could not think of any. Sam was alone in the room, with the sound of his breathing and the low hum of the machines the only sound. Three doctors where in another room where all the data was being processed. " Al, is that you? " Sam asked tentatively, his still sightless eyes unfocussed and staring at nothing. Wishing he could hold Sam's hand or even just touch him, Al answered. " Yea kid....Um, Ziggy computed the odds of what else you have to do. It's not much, it should be no trouble. " " What,....What am I suppose to go. I can't see, nor can I move out of this hospital! " " That's okay Sam. You have to ask Alex to come visit you, and when she comes, you have to convince her to move out of home. " " What, Why? " " Well it would seem that after this...event, Alex goes on to lead a busy life with crime fighting, and in two years time, one particularly upset criminal is going to break into the family home and kill her younger sister Danielle by mistake. This nearly sends Alex over the edge and she never helps the police again. Many people die without her help. " Before Sam could reply two doctors came into the room to tlak to Sam. " How are you going Michelle, are you comfortable? " Not waiting for a reply the doctor continued to talk. " Michelle, we have just been running a some test to see what type of damage has been dome. From the looks of the scan, you have a pressure build up on the brain, and the swelling is effecting your eye sight. With the rate of swelling as it is, we have to operate in the next 24 hours, if we don't, you could loss all eye sight and there is a high chance that you will die. Your parents are out of town and you are the legal age of eighteen, so all medical decisions are yours. " Sam kept up with the doctors as best he could, his mind still a little foggy from all the drugs, he felt like he was floating, every now and then Sam nodded his head in agreement to what the doctors were saying. Al paced the room, listening. He asked Ziggy for the best neurosurgeon of that time and was given the name, Jacen Wesly Lloyd. She also informed him that Jacen lived in Chicargo. The name sounded familiar to Al but at the moment he just could not place it. Thanking Ziggy ( something strange for Al, he must be mixed up ) he turned back to Sam. " Sam, tell the doctors, that you want Jacen Wesly Lloyd to perform the surgery. Tell them Sam! " " Doctor, I want Dr. Jacen Wesly Lloyd to do the operation. " " Michelle, Dr. Lloyd is not a doctor at this hospital. Dr. Scully, who is beside me is doing the operation. He is the head Neurologist here at the hospital. " " Sam be persistent. Lloyd is the best, and remember, this is your head that they will messing inside of, not Michelle's. " Al said tensely, punctuated his words with stabs of his cigar. " Sir please understand, I want Dr. Lloyd. I mean no disrespect to Dr. Scully, he is probably a fine Doctor, but I want Dr. Lloyd, even if I have to change hospitals to get him. " " Okay Michelle, calm down, we need you to relax, don't worry about a thing, I will call Dr. Lloyd and see if he is avaliable. If there is no way that Dr. Lloyd is available for surgery, will you consent to Dr. Scully doing the operation? " " Say yes Sam, he is the next best thing. " Al sighed. " Yes, and please, when you talk to him, tell him that I am a friend of Dr. Samuel Beckett and not to forget that he owes Beckett a few. " " Okay Michelle I will pass on the message, now Dr. Scully is going to take you back to your room and will go over the operation, amd I'll go call Dr. Lloyd. I will tak to you again soon. " " Thank you " Sam said as he felt his body lifted onto the gurney and wheeled out of the room. " Don't worry SAm, I will be beside you the whole time. If you want to talk, I'm right here. That was a good move, I forgot all about that incident with Jacen, when you saved his job and reputaion, hell Sam, how did YOU remember it. Sometimes your Swiss Cheese Memory is a gift as well as a curse, it can throw the strangest memories at you. " Slightly nodding his head, Sam acknowledge what Al said. He knew that he could not talk because Dr. Scully was still with him. Once in the room. Scully spent half an hour going through the details of the operation. Sm understood it all but asked questions and pretented to know very little, as Michelle would have. This also helped Al understand, and Sam knew that Al knew that half of the questions were for his benefit. As the conversation / lecture was coming to an end the other doctor walked back into the room. " Michelle, how is it going? " " Okay, what did he say? " ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry got to go to a tutorial, more posted in about 2 hours.