TITLE: "Theresa" AUTHOR: "Katherine R. Freymuth" ARCHIVE NAME: theresa SYNOPSIS: Al is reunited with Theresa Brookner, the little girl in "Another Mother", who has now just turned 21 years old. However, he finds that her life was not "happily ever after" and decides to do what he can to make her life better. Meanwhile, Sam finds himself leaping into the lives of two best friends (two separate leaps), both of whom need to be saved from untimely deaths. NOTES: This story takes place a few months after "Another Mother" # OF CHAPTERS: 28 EPISODE REF: "Another Mother" (there may be others but I cannot recall them) SEQUEL TO: "Another Mother" TYPE OF STORY: crossover_____ with ____________________ parody_____ script_____ roundtable_____ drama__X__ comedy_____