Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 21:43:08 -0600 (MDT) From: "Katherine R. Freymuth" Subject: Vengeance - Chapter 21 Message-ID: Chapter 21 "Major Taylor, I didn't order your presence here," Burke commented upon seeing Genine follow Sam into the office. "You may leave." Genine shook her head. "Not this time, Al. If you have anything to say to Harry, you'll say it in front of me." Burke huffed slightly. "Then my suspicions are correct. You have been fraternizing with each other. This isn't acceptable conduct." "What would you know about acceptable conduct?" Sam replied with a leer. "You tortured me and you tried to rape her." Burke struck Sam's right cheek with the back of his hand. Genine hurried between Sam and Burke, preventing Sam from retaliating in defense. "Why don't you try that on me, Al?" she demanded before anyone had the chance to speak. "He was being insolent!" Burke told her. "So am I! So, why don't you strike me?" she told him loudly. "Genine," Sam started, afraid for her safety. "Well?" she demanded Burke. Burke looked at her with raised eyebrows. "I don't strike ladies." Genine lowered her eyes. As she didn't so, the Imaging Chamber door opened. "Dr. Beckett," Gushie said as he approached Sam. "Ziggy says you've changed history." He hesitated. "And I'm afraid your feelings were true. Admiral Calavicci is dead. I'm sorry." "Bullshit, Al," Genine was saying as Gushie spoke. "I've seen you strike a lady for forgetting to call you 'sir'. Well, I'm forgetting, Al. Why don't you strike me?" "How did I change history?" Sam asked Gushie with a whisper. "Ziggy isn't sure," Gushie told him. "She says the time you're in is too close to ours to make an accurate prediction." Burke hadn't answered Genine's question. Genine took a step towards Burke. Sam and Gushie watched, unsure whether they should do anything or not. "I'll tell you why you can't strike me," Genine said. "Because you're enamored by me and you want me to be the same for you. For a time, I was, too, but not anymore." She paused dramatically. "I don't love you, Al. I never really did. It's about time you stopped acting like a selfish child and let ME decide with whom to spend my free time." Burke smiled slightly. He lowered his head thoughtfully. "I see," he said. "And there is nothing that will convince you otherwise?" Genine shook her head firmly. "Nothing." Burke took a deep breath. "You leave me no choice, then." He began drawing his pistol from his holster. Sam acted quickly. He pushed Genine to the floor before kicking the pistol out of Burke's hand. He followed up with a quick roundhouse kick to Burke's head, knocking the General to the floor. Burke looked up at him in astonishment. "Listen, General, because I'm only going to say this once. We'll work for you and we'll obey your orders but only to a point. Don't get into my, Genine's, or anyone else's personal life. That area is completely and totally restricted." Burke smiled. He laughed slightly. "I underestimated you, Stark." "A common mistake for him," someone said from behind Sam. Sam quickly looked over his shoulder and smiled with delight. Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci shrugged slightly at the smile, unaware of its true meaning. "You're a lot more daring than I have given you credit," Burke was saying, regaining Sam's attention. He slowly stood up and looked at Genine, who was already on her feet. "Genine, I see the light is still red," he said with dignity. "I accept this." Al huffed. "Bullshit, you do." Sam frowned slightly at Al before returning his attention to Burke. "I shall never again come between you and anyone else unless it is detrimental to the mission," Burke told Genine. "From now on, my relationships with anyone in this army will be strictly professional unless by mutual consent." Genine looked at Burke with suspicion. She nodded slowly. "If you break your word, Burke, I promise you I will kill you," she said firmly. "She's deadly serious with that threat, Sam," Al commented. "Believe me." As Al spoke, Genine headed for the door. Sam gave Burke a meaningful glare before following Genine out off the office. He touched Genine's shoulder, gaining her attention. "Are you going to be okay?" Genine smiled lovingly before kissing him passionately. Al's eyes widened with surprise. "I can come back later," he offered just before Sam and Genine separated slowly. "Does that answer you're question?" Genine asked softly. Sam swallowed nervously. "Uhhh... yeah." She smiled. "The offer is still open, you know." Al's eyes widened even more. "Offer? She made you an offer? Does that mean what I think it means?" "Thanks," Sam answered Genine. "I'll let you know." Al frowned. "Sam, are you nuts? She really wants you!" "Okay," Genine replied to Sam. "Better get going. Your shift starts soon." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before heading for her office. Sam exhaled slightly, a grin on his face. He looked at Al with delight. "I thought I'd never hear your crazy sexual innuendoes again. I didn't realize how much I missed them." Al frowned. "You're not going to warn me that I'm a married man?" he asked with surprise. "And what do you mean you missed my sexual innuendoes? I've only been gone for a couple of hours." Sam laughed slightly. "It's nothing. Forget it." He took a breath. "So, what happens to Genine?" "Well," Al said, taking a cigar from the inside pocket of his turquoise jacket and lighting it, "she doesn't marry Burke. She doesn't marry Harry either but the two are still very close. In fact, it was because she went with me to visit Harry in the state penitentary that we got the information you needed to leap." "So, she's okay," Sam concluded. Al exhaled. "Well, it's going to be a while for her to get over what Burke did to her in her apartment but I think she's going to be okay. After all, she's Navy." Sam frowned at his words. "What happened in her apartment?" It was Al's turn to frown. "Didn't I tell you? The bastard raped her! Beat her pretty bad." "But she's okay," Sam asked more than said. Al nodded, taking a puff from his cigar. "Oh, yeah. She'll be fine." "And Burke?" Sam asked, starting to walk towards the manor's back door. "He's toast," Al assured him. "When Genine and I were leaving the penitentary, he tried to kill us both but Genine shot him right between the eyes." He paused. "It was a better death than he deserved. By the way, nice kicking back there. You really took him by surprise." Sam took a breath. "I taught him everything I know." His eyes lowered in thought. Al looked at his friend, noticing the pensive look on his face. "What is it?" Sam took a breath. "She saved your life again." Al looked at Sam thoughtfully. He lowered his eyes with realization as he and Sam left the house and headed for the guard's gate. "Burke killed me in the original history," he said quietly. "Because Genine wasn't there to save me." Sam stopped walking at Al's words. He looked at Al gently. "I'm right, aren't I?" Al asked. "You're really the one who saved my life." Sam smiled. "Genine Taylor saved you life, Al. I just gave her the opportunity to do so." "Strickler." "What?" Sam questioned. "Her real name is Genine Strickler," Al corrected. "She's a commander in the Navy and she transferred to Quantum Leap a few months ago." He smiled. "Get to know her name. I'm sure you're going to hear a lot about her in the future." Sam nodded. "I'm sure I will," he said with a smile just before disappearing in a flash of blue light. Al looked around at the blue walls of the Imaging Chamber. "You're a good man, Sam Beckett," he said to the walls. "I don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you. Thank you." He took a deep breath and straightened his jacket reflexively before leaving the Imaging Chamber.