From: (AKulsum) Newsgroups: Subject: Window, Part 2 Date: 16 Sep 1996 06:56:36 -0400 Message-Id: <51jbp4$> OK, here's part two. Send me letters, guys!!! Comments, good and bad! -Ann Marie "Window to the Future" Pt. II Zoe sat there in front of the Senator with growing comfort and assurance. She had thus far figured out where she was and even who she was and already, she had a perfect opportunity to ruin Project Quantum Leap. Apparantly Lothos had tired of their attempts to destroy Dr. Beckett and had decided to try a different tack. She wasn't exactly sure what Admiral Calavicci's pet project was with this extra money, but a fair load of incompetence could put the entire project in danger. She knew that at this point in history, the government had simply been looking for an excuse to cut funding. It was primarily the acts of one Admiral Albert Calavicci, USN, that allowed the cash to keep flowing. Prompted it to do so, in fact. Logic dictated that if that were to change, Dr. Beckett would be torn apart by the whims of time faster than a child in a lion's den. She did have a few questions that needed answering, however, and the only one who could answer them was Thames. She hated having him as her observer. All he did was act like a child, "playing" with technology that was not meant for children. But he did, after all, save her life, albeit at the cost of her freedom. By leaping her out into another body after being shot by Dr. Beckett, he was able to heal her completely. However, it also meant that she was trapped in the past. Not even Lothos could completely harness the power and relentlessness of Time. The senator, in front of her, was babbling incessantly about funding and such, but Zoe hardly paid attention. Withering looks being shot her way, which would undoubtedly have placed fear into the heart of the admiral for the safety of his friend, did nothing to phase her. It was a few moments before the senator realized that she did not have the expected upper hand in the conversation. Once she did, of course, it only served to anger her more, but then, that was ultimately what Zoe wanted. She just wished Thames would show up. He was toying with the leapee again, no doubt. He often let the simple pleasures of life interfere with his job and she despised him for it. "-No way I can possibly up your budget any more, Admiral," the senator was saying as Zoe pulled her attention back to the conversation at hand. "I'm sorry, but it will have to remain at the current level, unless I can see some concrete application as to where these funds will be implemented." *Just as well, but how to get funding cut completely?* Zoe shrugged, still looking around for her observer. Her task did not appear to be as easy as she had previously thought it would be. Perhaps it would be better to sabotage the project directly, perhaps before the government representative left the complex. However she did it, Zoe would have to be careful not to change too much, thus altering the formation of her own beloved project. Deep in the recesses of her mind, an idea began to form. "Zoe, baby, you have got youself a live one here! Two hours here and you've already got a US Senator who's look could melt steel agitated enough to fire you on the spot. That is, if you didn't pull more weight than she. And it being an election year and all....." Zoe glared at him. "Well, Senator, I suppose you will find good use for that money you are denying me." Senator Reed stood. "I suppose I shall have to. If you have nothing further to present," she paused just enough to remind Zoe that she had not presented _anything_ thus far, "then I have no choice to officially deny you your budget increase." "Of course, of course. Zoe, hon, get her to stay the night. I'm sure you can do better than that given more time. You've got the opportunity for mass destruction here...don't pass it up!" Zoe had no intention of passing anything up, and she had already planned a course of action, but all she could do in reply was glare. "Uh, Senator, I _do_ have a few approximations to run by you, but I'm afraid that could take some time. Are you certain I couldn't persuade you to remain in the complex overnight? I'm sure we'd all do better with a good night's sleep and a big meal." Zoe smiled the smile of an angel and the senator actually seemed to consider it. "Fine, Admiral, but my remaining time here will not be wasted as the past five hours have been, am I making myself clear? This level of competence makes me question not only the new requests, but the validity of the project in general." Zoe only smiled. "I would be happy to elaborate the worth of this project to you in the morning. Senator." "Admiral." Reed departed the room, trying to cover for confusion about how the conversation had gone with cold, emotionless, disapproval. "Thames," Zoe whirled around to face her observer, "I want to create an accident at this project, and I want it to look like funds did not go where they were supposed to. Can you please get Lothos to work on a scenario for that?" "Zoe, babe, what do you have in that beautiful head of yours. Why not just kill Senator Reed there? Quick and easy. You're out of here and we never have to worry about the good Dr. Beckett again." "That's just it, Thames, that would just eliminate the Admiral, but not the project. What is this extra money going for?" Zoe fingered a paper in front of her, glancing over the figures. "Well, without the Admiral, there _is_ no project. No contact with Dr. Beckett, and there may as well not be. And Lothos doesn't know yet. About the money, that is." "Well find out! Meanwhile, have him dig up some passwords. We've got some budget records to change." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Black faded to gray and then to an eerie red. Al kept his head still, straining to hear movement. When he heard none, he slowly opened one eye, and then the other. Aside from a knot on the back of his head where he had been struck, he felt none the worse for the wear. This time, he didn't try to stand, but rested against the corner of the room opposite the door to assess the situation. Unfortunately, he wasn't given much time because the door opened and the same man who had knocked him out entered. Al tensed, but he wasn't certain where he could go if he was attacked again. The room offered little in the manner of a block for a physical attack. "Admiral, you're up. I have the time to deal with you now, so you need not worry about being, shall we say, temporarily removed from this world again. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Thames. I am the project observer." At the name, the pieces began to fall into place at an alarming speed and Al bolted to his feet despite himself. "Who are you observing for? I had thought Sam was able to take care of your forces." Instead of answering, Thames crossed the room at a slow, dangerous gait. "You know, Admiral, we have records of you, but I must admit that I have never seen a picture and you don't look as I had thought you would." "Sorry to disappoint you." "Yes, well, even though we were unable to undo Dr. Beckett, he was likewise unable to undo us. I am currently observing for Zoe, with whom I believe you are familiar." It wasn't a question, really. Al knew a controlling person when he saw one, but he was unable to regain any ounce of control himself. As long as Thames knew all the answers, Al was already a helpless victim, forced to either ask in the hopes of being answered, or wait and try to figure it all out by himself. In his mind, he heard a bit of advice he had given Sam a year or so back "well, they taught us to evaluate the enemy weakness and attack." Fine. So weakness number one was that Thames had come in here to gloat over his accomplishments, his control over both his prisoner and Project Quantum Leap itself. That meant that Al's objective was to deny him the satisfaction of that element of control. *Well, nobody ever said it would be easy!* "Yes, I remember Zoe. I also remember her death." *Oh well,* Al figured, *may as well play into his ego instead. Maybe he'll let something slip that he shouldn't, and I'll find out what exactly is going on here.* "No, you see, I'm afraid my dear friend did not die. And she is currently in your place at Project Quantum Leap." Al snorted defiantly. "And what could she possibly do there? Sam is inbetween leaps and it could be days before he lands again. Security is pretty tight, you know, and they would pick up on anything, even seeming to come from me." "Including the government representative?" *Damn!* Al remembered the liason, of course, but he had been hoping that they didn't. Zoe carried with his appearance the opportunity to put an end to the project and Sam's lifeline and suddenly Al's purpose burst into focus with amazing clarity. If he did nothing else, it was up to him to make sure that this project was no longer in operation. The only thing that worried him was that, if he succeeded (which, given the odds Ziggy would no doubt project, was a long shot to begin with), would he still be able to get home? Well? Come on....two letters just won't cut it! Tell me what you think. (Thanks to the two who did write me....your encouragement is appreciated.) amkt