All it takes is two little words to change your life.  Will you choose the right two words?


Two Little Words

By:  M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec

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The sound of a whistle got both men's attention; it got Rick up off the bed and stacking his books on one corner of the dresser.  Turning back to his friend, he said, "What do you want for dinner?  Or should I just choose one from column 'A", one from column "B" and one from column "C" and surprise you?"


That last comment got a chuckle out of Trevor. Looking up from the passage he'd been reading he said, "I think I'm brave enough for an adventure.  Surprise me." Indicating the book on his lap, he added, "I'll probably fall asleep reading this darned thing."  The words had barely passed his lips when there was a light knock on the door. He and Rick looked up in tandem to see Madeline Tenney looking in, a knowing sort of little smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes. Trevor felt his face get a trifle warm when she asked, "How many hours do you need with your book, Trevor?"  He deliberately ignored Rick's, "What are you talking about?" The tone of the other man's voice told him he'd latched on quickly to what their fellow recruit had implied between the words, and not for anything was he going to give Rick Donnelly any more ammunition.  "Nothing," was all he said.





Rick Donnelly knew as soon as the one word answer came from his roommate that something was going on between the two of them.  It could be sexual, or it could even be platonic, but... there was something.  Meeting Trevor's eyes, Rick tilted his head slightly and pursed his lips.  Nodding, he stood up and started toward the door where Madeline Tenney stood with a pleasant look on her face.


Turning back to his roommate, Rick said, "You know, if I believed that, Conroy, I wouldn't be leaving to get your food right now."   Casting a glance between the two of them, Rick grinned then said, "By the way, I wasn't born yesterday, Trev.  I know all the lines.  I'll leave the two of you alone.  I'm sure that you'll have enough time to do... whatever ya need to get done."


Without waiting for an answer, Rick quickly left the room and then the barracks to retrieve his roommate's supper.


Watching Rick beating a hasty retreat while wearing a 'cat in the cream' smirk, Trevor mentally crossed his fingers and hoped that Madeline would follow suit and leave.  However, it was quickly apparent by her expression as she lingered in the open doorway that she was, not just hoping for an invitation to enter the room, but also actually expecting it.  When he wasn't quick enough with the invitation, Recruit Conroy got a refresher course on how some women didn't let protocol or proper manners stand in their way of getting what they wanted...or whom they wanted.


Madeline continued to stand in the door, but only for a moment more before she entered the room and went to the bed where Trevor was sitting and sat beside him on the edge of the bed.  "So, how was your day today?  Was it... restful?"  She couldn't help but turn slightly to meet his eyes.  She couldn't help it.  The whispered words that she had heard from him saying that all he needed was "a couple of hours alone with you" just fueled a fire that she found in the handsome brown haired recruit.


"Uh...well, yeah," Trevor replied carefully. A small grin crept across his face. "It sure beats the heck outta the physical training, or trying to manage those darned crutches in the snow."  He just grinned a bit wider when Madeline chuckled at his observation and he relaxed a bit.  However, he took care to keep the textbook propped open at an angle on his lap, especially when the look in her eyes changed subtly.  "Was there something else, Madeline?" he asked. "Is there something I can help you with?"  It didn't take long for Trevor to realize that the innocently meant question had been interpreted from a totally different angle by the attractive female recruit even now sliding a bit closer toward him.  His stomach flipped when he suddenly found himself face to face with Madeline's brown eyes while her hands landed lightly on his chest before sliding smoothly up over his shoulders, her hands locking behind his neck.


"Well, since we don't have a couple of hours right now," Madeline purred softly as she began to lean toward him, her gaze flicking back and forth between Trevor's full lips and his eyes. "Maybe we should just take advantage of the time we've got right now."


Without waiting for his approval, Madeline leaned forward and caught his lips with her own and for a moment, she thought that she had made a mistake.  It was when he began to respond to her that a chill ran down her back.  She hadn't always been so bold with men, but this one... ever since she'd seen him enter the base; she knew that she'd have to latch onto him in some form or fashion. 


Leaning back slightly from him, she released his lips and heard something that she had been hoping to hear from him. 


"Isn't there... a rule," Trevor softly said, his breath taken as he felt her run her hand down his chest and toward his waist, "about fraternizing?"


Madeline grinned as she leaned forward and kissed him again before her kisses traveled along his jaw heading toward his ear.  Only when she arrived did she answer, "I checked the rules quite carefully.  We can't fraternize with the officers, but the book doesn't say anything about us lowly recruits not doing a little fratting now and then."  She then slowly began kissing around Trevor's ear.  Hearing him moan lowly, she grinned slightly before she lightly nibbled at his earlobe.


Inwardly, Trevor berated himself for the moan, but a deeper part of his being nudged him, reminding him of how long it had been since...


"No," he whispered under his breath.


"No?" Madeline echoed, her own breathy tone making it clear that she wasn't buying the negative remark. With her lips lightly against the side of Trevor's neck, she murmured, "Your lips say it but...ummmm," she purred softly, her hand now moving slowly a little lower from his waist.


It was the tantalizing sensation of Madeline's lips against his skin that blurred Trevor Conroy's focus for a moment.  In spite of his best intentions, and hating himself for reacting, nonetheless, he still turned his head slightly, giving those warm, velvety lips better access to his neck.  He didn't realize that the book had slowly slipped from his hands and from there onto the mattress.  What did snatch him back to reality was the feel of a hand--not his own--where it shouldn't be.


Trevor's eyes came wide open as he grabbed Madeline's hand and moved it away from where it had been. To the amused question clear in her eyes, he cleared his throat as he gently moved her hand to place it on the edge of the mattress.


Madeline blinked as she looked at Trevor.  Licking her lips, she tilted her head slightly.  She leaned in again and tried to catch his lips once again, but when he moved his head slightly, Madeline leaned back and looked at him for a moment.  "You can't tell me that you don't want it.  I can tell that you do.  Let me... take care of that want."


It was a bold move on her part, but Madeline had felt his hands roaming over parts of her body and she wasn't about to just let him forget that.  "Don't look at me like that Trevor," she said as she met his eyes.  "You don't think that I let just anyone feel me up, do you?  Your hands were roaming as mine were." 


Madeline saw his eyes glance down at her unbuttoned shirt; her bra already unclasped in front, her chest exposed.  When she met his eyes once again, she saw the question in his eyes and she nodded.  "I haven't touched my shirt or my bra."


Her words told Trevor what he knew though he'd rather not admit to it. It was his hand that had released the top three buttons of his fellow recruit's shirt. It had been his fingers that had found and released the catch on the front of her bra. A shade of guilt tried to assert itself in him as he allowed his gaze to linger on the enticing allurement of this attractive woman's warm, full flesh, but that shade was banished from one moment to the next.


'What about Siren?' his conscience reminded him.


*What about her?  You're not married to her.* Came a whisper from a deeper, more visceral part of Trevor's being. *You don't owe her anything.  Besides, she's not here and Madeline is.*


Madeline didn't miss the way Trevor Conroy's eyes lifted to look past her.  She thought she saw a fleeting glimpse of...guilt...or was it something his eyes. She brushed whatever it was from her thoughts as she turned her head to follow his line of vision which was the direction of the room's still open door.  Inwardly she prepared herself to see his roommate returned with a supper tray, but to her pleased surprise, the doorway was empty.  She paused and listened, but there were no other sounds coming from anywhere else in the barracks.  Smiling, Madeline turned back to face the man sitting on the bed.


"Well?" she whispered softly, her brown eyes not missing a single nuance of the emotions warring behind those mesmerizing aquamarine blue eyes.


Her breath caught in her throat making her heart pound hard when Trevor's eyes glanced at the door once more and he uttered two words. 


"Close it."


Not wanting him to change his mind, she quickly got up from her place and shut the door.  As she returned, she began to shed her pants.  She was more than surprised when she turned to see him undoing his own pants.  She met his eyes as she shed her underwear and finished unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on her shirt. 


As he had divested himself of his clothes, the nagging little voice of his conscience uttering ignored, Trevor allowed himself to see, to think of, to want only the pretty woman coming to him.  And when she was at the bedside again, he wasted no time in grabbing her and pulling her onto the narrow bed, using both hands to urge her over him. The sensation of their bodies coming together sent a shudder through him from his head to his toes.


For a moment neither moved and then Madeline lifted gently from him only to sink down again.  Trevor's breath escaped his lips roughly at the sensation. "Ohhh yeah," he muttered roughly even as he reached up to brush the straps of Madeline's bra from her shoulders and then toss it aside.


It was a temptation for Trevor to forget about everything as he caressed his partner's breasts, thumbing her nipples and drawing shuddering coos of pleasure from her. But even as he felt their rhythm increasing, somewhere in a corner of his mind common sense was reminding him that someone--quite likely his roommate--could walk in on them at any moment.  He appreciated the reminder then squashed the little voice and focused only on the beauty astride his loins and what they were doing.


"Time's a-wasting," he said huskily as he let his hands wander down over her curves until they rested on her hips.  Grasping hold of Madeline firmly, he said, "Let's go for a ride."


"Whatever you want, Trevor," Madeline responded.  Hearing him moan as she tightened certain muscles, she leaned down to kiss him again, then let go when he pushed up again and began a hard bucking rhythm beneath her.


Ten minutes later, satisfaction clear on both their faces, the two dressed and tidied themselves.  Madeline wasn't sure what to think when she returned from the restroom to find Trevor Conroy once more sitting on his bed--the coverlet straightened--the textbook open on his lap once more.


"Well," she said after a moment of silence. It was enough to draw his eyes from the book to meet her gaze.  "Any time you want some help studying, Trevor," she said calmly. "All you have to do is ask."


Picking up her jacket from the dresser where she'd placed it a short time before, Madeline slipped it on and zipped it up.  Glancing at the clock, she added, "I better get over to the chow hall while I can still get some dinner."  She started out of the room then hesitated, then went to the bed and before he might protest, leaned down and brushed a kiss on Trevor's cheek then exited the room.


She was just opening the outside door of the barracks and came face to face with Rick Donnelly.  Glancing at the covered plate on the tray she asked, "What's for dinner tonight?"


Rick Donnelly didn't bat an eye as he said, "Hamburger steaks and fried chicken."


"Thanks," Madeline said then walked quickly past him and down the steps, heading across the quadrangle.


Rick just stood, watching his fellow recruit then turned and entered the barracks and headed for the room he shared with Trevor Conroy. He had a damned good idea that his roommate was going to be hungry, even for the 'mystery meat' meat loaf he was bringing to him.


It was a moment after Madeline had left that Trevor laid his head back against the headrest hearing and fighting with his conscious.  All that he could hear from that small little voice was:  "Siren."  Every time her name came up, he felt another knife enter into his body.  As he glanced up toward the ceiling, he uttered, "I hope you forgive me."


Rick Donnelly entered the room, heard his roommate’s words, and knew exactly what had happened in their room while he was away, but knowing that he needed to keep the situation calm, he answered, “For what?  Did you get into my footlocker again?  Damn it, Trevor, stay out of my locker.  I don't get into yours."


Trevor's eyes went immediately to his roommate and he blinked a bit embarrassed for being caught talking to himself.  Putting on a grin that he didn't feel, Trevor answered, "All right, already, I won't get into it.  Come on, man... give me my dinner."


Rick handed the tray over to his roommate and before he could stop himself, the words just fell out of his mouth. "I hope she was worth it."





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