You make choices every day of your life, most of which are made and forgotten from one moment to the next.  But then there’s that handful of choices that you can never forget making…or what it cost you to make them.



By:  M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec  


The soft sound of Johanna whispering, "Yeah," in response to Inmon's question was, Vaughn thought, bad enough. But even that paled, fading as from his vantage point, he had a clear view of his partner's totally relaxed expression as she closed her eyes, nestled her cheek a little closer against Inmon's and sighed, "Oh... this is so nice."


Another long moment passed before Vaughn forced himself back into the shadow of the hedge.  Then, taking care to remain on the grassy verge for several yards, moved away from the intimate little scene that continued to tear at his feelings for his partner.  Only when he was certain he was far enough away from the little garden did he chance stepping onto the gravel path again as he headed back toward the complex.


Vaughn's thoughts swirled and twisted with the picture of Inmon and Johanna carved in his mind as he strode along, oblivious to the beauty of the gardens and the evening surrounding him.  It was only when the sound of two familiar voices reached his ears a minute later that he realized that Johanna and Inmon were returning to the complex as well.  Vaughn's lips pressed into a thin, hard line as he quickly stepped off the path, ducking inside a garden and pressing quickly against the hedge wall.  He held his breath as the couple just on the other side of the hedge passed by, talking softly, remaining where he was until the sound of their footsteps began to fade.  It was only then that Vaughn risked being seen as he took a careful step back out onto the gravel path, watching his best friend and his partner.  It was the sight of Johanna choosing that moment to lean her head against Inmon's arm as they walked on that stirred up again inside the leaper the thought that had assaulted him when he'd first beheld the couple within the garden.


'What does she mean?  What's so nice?'




When the doors of the elevator opened, Vaughn stepped out and had only one destination in mind.  Seeing others in the hallway who moved out of his way, Vaughn nodded at them but when he finally planted his feet in front of Inmon Fitzpatrick's doorway, he paused before he pounded on the door.


'What are you going to do, Vaughn?  Beat him up?  Yeah, let's show him what a big man you are, again.'


"Shut up!" Vaughn hissed.


When no one answered the door and Vaughn listened to hear any movement in the room and heard nothing, he turned and though it hurt, leaned his back against the door and slid down it until his butt hit the floor.  He'd wait for Inmon.  At some point, he had to come home... didn't he?




After receiving a lingering kiss and softly spoken thank you, Inmon Fitzpatrick couldn't help but grin as he left Johanna Royden's infirmary room.  Even though the evening started out rough, he was just glad that he was able to spend time with the lovely Senior Observer.  Taking in a deep breath, he exited the infirmary and began to whistle a tune that made him think of home.


Moments later when he stepped off the elevator and headed down the hallway, his smile faded when he saw Vaughn Rickar leaning against his door.  'Great,' he thought as he prepared himself for whatever he was about to get into with his best friend. 


Readying himself to get into another fight with Vaughn Rickar, he started toward his quarters.  'Okay, Vaughn, let's see what's going on,' he thought as he watched the leaper's head turn to see him coming down the hallway. 


As soon as Vaughn saw Inmon Fitzpatrick, he slowly stood.  Grimacing at how his body reacted in protest, Vaughn came to his full height as he watched his friend.  Jealousy immediately filled him as he looked at the man that approached knowing that he had just been with her. Trying to get a hold of his feelings, Vaughn balled his fists at his side and waited until Inmon came up to him.


Inmon’s gaze didn't miss the dark expression on his friend's face, nor the way Vaughn Rickar's hands were already balled into fists.  Watching the way the leaper turned to face him as he took a step, which effectively blocked him from getting to his door without going around him, Inmon had no illusions about what was about to happen.  No, the only way he could see himself getting into his quarters in the next few minutes was going to be through Vaughn Rickar, and he didn't look forward to the journey it was going to take to get there. He really didn't look forward to the additional pain that was about to be perpetrated upon his already aching body, but there was no such thing as avoiding his friend and now, competitor for Johanna Royden's affections.


Wisely, Inmon stopped some ten feet in front of the leaper, his gaze fixed on Vaughn's tight expression.  Vaguely, he heard the sound of hastily closed doors, as well as a couple of voices stage whispering that, "Looks like In's about to get his ass kicked again."


Licking his lips lightly, Inmon gazed steadily at the other man. "Vaughn," he said quietly.  As the Irishman expected, knowing the man before him, even that much was enough to light the leaper's short fuse.


Vaughn was literally okay until he heard Inmon say his name and his anger flared hotly as in his mind he heard the Irish lilt say, 'Hurry and make a wish before it fades... did you make a wish?'  Vaughn rocked his teeth together for a moment, his head lifting slightly as he looked at his friend—the only person who wanted anything to do with him since he killed Danessa.


'Yeah, you thought it yourself, Vaughn.  You're alienating yourself from the whole complex if you do anything else to this man.'


Vaughn licked his lips then swallowed before he said, "I know that you were with her."  Seeing a surprised look appear on Inmon's face, Vaughn nodded at the man.  "Seems that the gardens are busy at night."


Inmon's eyes widened with startled surprise upon hearing the leaper's comment, and for a moment his mouth sagged open. The action was admission enough to the truth, besides which, he had no intention of lying.  The present situation was about to blow up in his face, and he didn't see any reason to throw extra fuel on the heat of the leaper's well-known short temper.


"I was in the garden... with Johanna for a while this evening," he admitted carefully.  "I was doing her a favor." Seeing the way the leaper's jaws tightened, Inmon added, "Just for the record, Vaughn, it wasn't my idea to go up to the gardens tonight.  It was Johanna's."  The furious retort that was flung in his teeth was pretty much what he expected.  It also told the Irishman something else.  Vaughn Rickar was getting ready to take the gloves off. ‘So be it, my friend,’ Inmon thought. ‘All's fair in love and war, and there's not an Irishman alive who isn't familiar with wars.  He didn't want to fight with his friend over Johanna, or any woman for that matter, but that was now beside the point.  Inmon hadn't gone looking for this fight it had come to him. Moreover, he never backed down from a fight when he believed he had done no wrong.


"I don't give a good goddamn who's idea it was, Inmon!" Vaughn hissed at him as he took a step toward the man.  Every muscle in his body itched to hit the one before him, but he made himself take that step back away from Inmon and the words just fell out of his mouth, "It was your idea to wish on the falling star, wasn't it, Inmon?"


'My my my, aren't we the jealous one,' Vaughn's conscious jeered mockingly back at him.  'Why aren't you kicking his ass, yet, Vaughn?  Go on.  Take him out.'


Shit!’ Inmon cursed silently. ‘If he was close enough to hear that, then there's no way he didn't see everything else.


"Yes," he admitted, keeping his tone calm. "But Vaughn, be reasonable, man. It's a common enough expression. Most people who see a fallin' star make a wish on it." He read the other man's eyes easily enough. "It was perfectly innocent, I swear to ya." He licked his lips before going on. "Johanna convinced Dr. Hugen to let her out of her room for a couple of hours, but only if someone went with her to see that she didn't hurt herself." He saw how Vaughn reacted to that bit of information and a tiny speck of hope sprang into existence within him even as he appealed to the other man's knowledge of Johanna Royden's winsome ways. "I didn't make the suggestion, Vaughn, honestly, I didn't. It was Johanna, and," he shook his head slightly. "And you, yourself, know... first hand," he dared to venture the suggestion, "just how charming and winning the lady is." He held his hands up demonstratively. "Now you tell me, how was I supposed to deny the lady?  I was just... an escort... a bodyguard, if you will. Nothin' more."


The tension was thick enough to almost touch, but the Irishman took a chance and moved one step toward the leaper.  "I took her up to the gardens for some fresh air and so she could stretch her legs, and then I took her back to the infirmary. Simple as that." 


For a moment, it appeared that the explanation was about to be accepted. That expectation was suddenly blindsided when one of the guys watching the confrontation called out, "Hey, In, you forgot to mention that little side trip to Rosario's, didn't you?"


The comment only perked Vaughn's interest as he turned his attention back to Inmon and saw the 'Oh shit,' look again.  He looked at the man standing before him and seeing him take a step back, Vaughn took another step toward him.  "Let me guess, she had to eat, right?" he asked Inmon quietly.


"Yeah," Inmon said as he spread his arms slightly at his side.  "Something other than infirmary food."


The same man who called out earlier couldn't help but add to the mix.  "What about that 'thank you kiss', In?  No man gets away from a woman without getting a kiss from her."


Vaughn raised an eyebrow and turned his head slightly to the side as he watched Inmon's face turn red from either embarrassment or anger at their neighbor.  It was the spark that Vaughn couldn't stop and he quickly approached the man, grabbed him by the shirt and turned him slightly before he planted Inmon's back against the wall.  Swallowing, Vaughn hissed, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass again, right here, right now.”


Inmon let out his breath, wincing slightly from the force of being shoved up against the wall. The feel of Vaughn Rickar's fists twined in the front of his shirt, his fists shoved hard up under his chin, forcing his face up toward the leaper's face, panted lightly before answering, his answer interspersed with both resignation for the chance that no matter what he said, the leaper was about to go at him again, as well logic.


"Yes, she was hungry and wanted to eat, and I took her to Rosario's because that's where she wanted to eat before we went up to the gardens," Inmon told him. "Again, it was where she wanted to go. And as for the kiss..." He felt Vaughn's grip on his shirt increase, but it didn't deter Inmon. "It was a surprise to me."


"You really expect me to believe that you..."


It was now turn around as the sarcasm in Vaughn's voice rubbed the Irishman's temper the wrong way.  He was, so to speak, bending over backwards to set things straight, speaking only the truth and to have it questioned in such a manner was more than Inmon Fitzpatrick was ready to swallow.


Shoving his hands up between them, Inmon planted them on the leaper's chest and gave a mighty shove, succeeding in loosening Vaughn's grip and pushing him away.  Taking a step away from the way, he pointed a finger angrily at the leaper. "I've told you nothin' but the truth to every question you've put to me, Vaughn," he snapped.  "The truth, even if you don't like the taste of it, that's what it is."  He glared at the leaper a moment then stepped up to him, holding his arms wide and away from his body. "Aw hell, go ahead. Kick my ass again. Mop the floor with me if you've such a mind. But know this, Vaughn," Inmon now got up in the leaper's face. "It won't change a single damned whit of what I've said to suit you.  What's more," he demanded, staring into the other man's anger-darkened eyes. "How do ya think Johanna's gonna take it when you took it out on me for what she asked me to do?"


Inmon stayed right where he was for another moment then fell back a step, once more holding his arms wide in a display of acceptance. "Come on, then, Vaughn. If the only way you can deal with something you don't like is to take it out on me... come ahead.  I'll hurt for a while, but in the long run, it's you that's gonna be hurtin' long after my pain's been spent."


Vaughn looked at the man before him, his anger ready to be spent.  He listened to him; saw his stance—so open and easily accessible.  'Do it,' the voice hissed at him.  'Do it.'


He just stood there for several minutes just watching Inmon, thinking about what Inmon said, his anger at himself, at the man before him, at everything building up within him.


'Oh, this is so nice.'  The words came back to haunt him and he closed the distance between them, grabbed Inmon by the shirt once more and pushed him until his best friend was once more against the wall.  In his peripheral vision, he could see the others coming out further into the hall and he turned his head to see who was actually in the hall.


"Unless you want to be next, leave the damn hall," he announced, then watched as the men scattered into their quarters and then closed the doors. 


Turning back to Inmon, he leaned in and just looked into his eyes.  It was only then, when the hall was completely and totally cleared except for the two of them, did the emotions come up in Vaughn Rickar's eyes.  Damning himself as the tears came up messing with his vision, he tightened his hold on Inmon's shirt.


"You've been the only one who cared to be around me after what I did to... to Danessa.  That... should tell me something, right?"  A single tear fell from his right eye as he watched Inmon's face slightly change.  He didn't care and he didn't bother to wipe at his face, either.  "I..."




"Shut up and listen, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once."  Seeing Inmon nod, Vaughn closed his eyes and slightly sighed before he said, "I—I’m sorry for what I've done to you and to... Johanna.  If you," he was vaguely aware of more tears falling and he swallowed, then finished spitting out what he intended to tell his friend.  "If you want to begin a... relationship with... Johanna, I won't stop you."


The look on Inmon's face was priceless and Vaughn met his gaze as he shook his head.  "I swear In, if you hurt her... if you ever hurt her....” Vaughn let the threat linger before he took a step back and released the Irishman.  He even looked at the shirt he held, then reached out and somewhat straightened it up before he stepped back.  "Just... don't hurt her."


As he listened to Vaughn’s dire warning to the men gathered around to, ostensibly, watch him get the worst of the Chief Leaper's wrath, Inmon prepared himself for the beating just seconds away.  The fact that not only did it not materialize, but also that Vaughn Rickar suddenly changed emotional intent and direction, startled Inmon Fitzpatrick into jaw-dropped staring at him.  All he could do was try to wrap his mind around exactly what it was he was hearing coming out of Vaughn Rickar's mouth.


For a moment he didn't move, barely noticing the touch of the other man's hand making a half-hearted attempt to smooth the wrinkles from the front of his shirt.  It was, in fact, the leaper's last three words that finally jarred Inmon from his frozen posture and loosened his tongue as he realized what Vaughn was telling him.


Words sprang to his lips, but then Inmon bit the inside of his lower lip as he thought them through again before uttering them.  Looking up at the leaper, who backed several steps away from him but still faced him, Inmon tried to understand the naked emotion on his friend's face. He stumbled over the first words out of his mouth. "Vaughn... I... no, no I would never hurt Johanna," he said slowly. "But... I'm not trying to usurp her affections from you."


Vaughn listened and accepted his friend's answer, nodding to show he understood, but nevertheless, he repeated himself. "Just don't hurt her, In," he said quietly.  Sniffing, he dashed one hand across his face, scrubbing the tears that followed the first one.


Meeting the Irishman's still confused, if relieved, gaze, Vaughn held the man's gaze a moment before turning away to start back along the hallway. His own quarters were just two halls over and at the moment, he just wanted to get behind closed doors so he could begin dealing with his decision on a level deeper and more visceral than the leaper wanted to put on public display.


Inmon just stood and watched the taller man walking slowly away from him.  It was plain for anyone with eyes to see, that Vaughn Rickar was at a low and vulnerable point.  For a few moments, Inmon couldn't move, but then he stirred himself and throwing caution to the wind, hurried after his friend.  Catching up with Vaughn as he was about to turn the last corner into the hall where his quarters were located, Inmon called out, "Vaughn... wait a minute."  It was almost painful to him to watch the leaper's steps slow then stop as he rushed up to him, moving around to face him.


For a moment, Inmon searched his friend's face still damp with the tearstains he hadn't wanted the other men to see.  Reaching to place a hand on Vaughn's arm, Inmon shook his head slightly. "I... I don't understand, Vaughn," he said quietly. "What is it you're sayin'?"  Whatever explanation he might have been hoping for wasn't forthcoming.  In fact, his mystification only increased when the leaper just looked steadily at him as he repeated, "Just don't ever hurt her, In. That's all I ask," before stepping around him and continuing the short distance up the hall to enter his quarters.  Even when he went to his friend's door and knocked on it, keeping his voice down even as he requested several times, "Vaughn, come on and open the door. Talk to me," the only response the Irishman got was silence.  After a couple of minutes, and even more bewildered than before, Inmon finally gave up and returned to his own quarters to mull over everything that happened in the last fifteen minutes and try to make sense of what didn't begin to make sense at all.


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