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July 13, 2004

RodVision - Two Year Anniversary Edition

Happy 2nd Birthday to The RodVision Baby!!!


Did DPB Miss out on Millions?

The Matrix Trilogy

The Terminator Trilogy

The Mad Max Trilogy

The above are examples of films which portrayed humanity’s plight with technology. Huge special effects and extreme storylines show mankind being exterminated or enslaved. Millions of dollars were made at the box office and with VHS/DVD sales.

The stars & crew of these shows can retire young, and enjoy the fruits of their multi million dollar earning labor.

So, if this much money is to be made with these storylines, why then, did DPB create a TV series portraying mankind at its best?

Dr Sam Beckett leapt through time putting right what once went wrong, changing peoples lives…for the BETTER. There were no killer robots out to kill or enslave humanity. In fact, the future looked pretty similar to the present.

Ok, Sam may not have been entirely selfless. Putting right these wrongs helped him on his journey home (or so he thought)

Did DPB miss the boat as far as stories go? Could he have made millions of dollars more if he had evil robots enslaving humanity with Project Quantum Leap involved in trying to correct that?

Would Quantum Leap have lasted longer, had Sam been leaping from a post apocalyptic USA, trying to stop the nuclear war which wiped out most of humanity?

During conversations regarding just this topic with Non Leapers, they pointed out a misfact to The Rod:

"If DPB had created a show featuring a guy travelling back from a war ravaged, nuclear scorched USA, couldn’t the makers of Mad Max then claim he had ripped them off?"

Perhaps they could, and perhaps they could not. Perhaps DPB thought about it, and decided that he didn’t want a show about Dr Beckett travelling back from a cyborg killing machine infested future, perhaps he just wanted to tell a story about one mans long journey home.

Which is what he did.

DPB may not have made millions out of Quantum leap, but he DID tell an original story, he DID enthrall millions of people and he HAS captivated the world once again by continuing the story of Dr Sam Beckett’s Quantum Leap.


Regarding The Last RodVision

The Rod wishes to set something straight, to correct a wrong as it were. In The RodVision last week, The Rod reasoned that perhaps one of the causes of the downfall was the Sitcom.

This week, He was contemplating that very statement.

He was quick to point out His dislike of the common sitcom, but in reality. The stars of these shows don’t fare much better than the action guys.

Friends is widely hailed as the most successful and innovative sitcoms of all time. Its stars (as pointed out last week) made millions per episode.

Yet, career wise, they are perhaps just as unsuccessful as their action counterparts:


Action Guys

David Hasselhoff. David was a huge success as Michael Knight in Knight Rider. His career seemed to go downhill after this though. He made plenty of low budget films, but these were quite terrible. David was also instrumental in the success of Baywatch, later acquiring the rights to the show so he can now sit back and enjoy the profits.

Jan Michael Vincent. JMV was a huge star in Airwolf, numerous public and private indiscretions and serious car accidents have more or less derailed this troubled actors career for good.


Funny Guys/Gals

Jennifer Aniston. Now that Friends has finished, Jennifer has stated she will not work anymore TV shows. This could be her shooting herself in the foot, as her motion picture appearances have been less than memorable.

Courtney Cox. Courtney has perhaps been the most successful out of the Friends. She appeared in the very entertaining "Scream" trilogy, but other than that has had bit parts.

Matthew Perry. Matthew has appeared in several big screen films, but most of them are forgettable appearances.

David Schwimmer. David has kept quite a low profile, he rarely appears in films, and after "Breast Men" you can kinda understand why.

 So perhaps it doesn’t matter whether or not you appear in the Action or in the comedy genre, perhaps if you are hugely successful on the television, you aren’t cut out for movies?


The RodMobile V2.0 ‘Rock n Roll’ Corner Baby!!

This week, a new band has formed in the ashes of the original Guns N Roses:

Velvet Revolver – Contraband

Slash, Duff & Matt have formed this new band, along with Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots fame, releasing this fine addition to Rock n Roll lore.

Upon listening, any Guns N Roses fan (Such as The Rod) will hesitate. This sounds just like Guns N Roses, with good reason. Rumor has it that the material on this album was originally written by Slash for Guns n Roses. Until that is, Axl Rose flipped.

Anyway, stick this CD on, and you are Guarandamnteed some proper Rock and or Roll.

Of course, The Rod has to try and tell you how this particular brand of music could fit into any Quantum leap episode, but you know what, it just would!

Don’t complain, this is RodVision, and He’s The Hot Rod Baby!!

He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!

Rod Out!



Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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