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Fill out this tag form with your story information and send in with your story submission.



Title of Episode: Ask the editor if you need help or suggestions.

Date of Episode: This is the date at the Starbright Project.

Location of Episode: The city and state or country. The base for the Starbright Project is Stallion's Gate, New Mexico, but stories can take place outside of the Project.

Kiss With History: actual historical events noted in episode

Writer's Notes: The writer's inspiration for the tale. Based on a true story? Based on a dream? Based on an idea? Based on a news story?

Summary WITHOUT spoilers: A brief summary of the story that will be included in the episode guide which will not spoil the story for the reader.

Summary WITH spoilers: A detailed summary of the story that will be included in the reference guide. This will help other writers know exactly what happened in your story so that they can write their own stories around the events of yours.

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