"Glitter Rock"

The Beatles

Flash and Sam are sitting on either side of the back seat of the car with Flash's girlfriend between them. She has her hands round the back of both men and when ever Flash is distracted, she strokes and fusses over Sam. Dwayne was sitting in the seat opposite Flash. Through out the scene Flash takes swigs from a small bottle and laughs raucously.

(Flash takes a slug.)
Sam: Maybe you ought to take it a little easy with that stuff- huh?
Flash: Just because you can't hold your own liquor is no reason to go sounding like a bloody bumper sticker. (laughs)
Sam: You don't want to pass out and miss all the fun – huh?
Flash: Huh I am the fun. (spreading arms wide laughing)
Girlfriend: Especially when he's snoring…. (To Sam) I bet you've never fallen asleep on a girl - have you?
Flash: He he.
Sam: Well a gentlemen would never – would never tell.
Flash: Unless he's alone with his mates. (Laugh) You can bet pounds on that. Speaking of which how much did we rake in tonight Dwaynie boy?
Dwayne: We did OK.
Flash: OK, we had 80,0000 screaming fans out there.
Dwayne: And 80 tons of equipment and 80 roadies and crew. Not to mention the hotels and the limos.
Flash: Or tee shirt sales.
Dwayne: Or your personal living expenses which have to be paid for by the corporation.
Flash: Which is us right? (to Dwayne) Right? (To Sam) Right Tonic?
Sam: Yeah right.
Flash: And I say the corporation wants to buy me a Ferrari.
Dwayne: Don't you think you'd be smarter investing your money instead of wasting it on toys?
Flash: I don't want to invest. (laughs) Flash McGrath wants to spend. (Cackle)
Dwayne: That's smart, really smart.
Flash: What?
Sam: I think what Dwayne means to say is that .. ah we should all save our money for a rainy day, that's all.
Flash: Let it pour. We have more money than Croesus. We're making the Beatles look ants, (with Liverpuddlian accent) arn't we?
Sam: I don't remember.
Flash: Uh? (Flash looks at Sam amazed)
Sam: I mean that's what people are going to be saying - about the Beatles – "I don't remember them." - you know, we can really pick. You mean like the Beatles - insect infestation!
(they all laugh)
Flash: And we are the bloody exterminators.
(Flash, laughing, wags his finger at Sam)


[Act one. The band is on the way to the hotel in their limo.]

Flash: I don't want to invest. Flash McGrath wants to spend. Haha.

-- begin cut -->

Dwayne: That's, like, really smart.

Flash: What?

Sam: I, I think what Dwayne means to say is that, uh, we should all save our money for a rainy day, that's all.

Flash: Let it pour. Hnn. We have more money than Croesus. Haha.

[Attempts a Liverpudlian accent.] We're going to make the Beatles look like ants. Huh, yeah, aren't we. Huhuh.

Sam: [Under his breath] I don't remember.

Flash: Huh?

Sam: I, I mean, uh, that's what people are going to be saying about the Beatles: I don't remember ... them. You know, when we get really big[?]. I mean, the Beatles, like insect infestation? [They all laugh.]

Flash: Yeah, and we're the bloody exterminators. [They laugh.]

<-- end cut ---

[The limo drives on to the hotel.]


[At the very end of the first act in the network version, there are about 1.3 seconds more of Sam reacting to the news that he's going to be killed, before the shot completely fades out.]


[Third act. Backstage before the show. Al is giving Sam advice on how to act like a rock star.]

Al: Or, ah -- Oh! Do Townsend.

Sam: Who?

-- begin cut -->

Al: That's right.

Sam: What is?

Al: Who.

Sam: I don't know.

<-- end cut ---

Al: Townsend.

Sam: Who?

Al: Yeah, that's right. Pete Townsend of the Who.


[Fourth act. In the network version, after Sam and King Thunder do "Fate's Wide Wheel" in the final concert, the reaction shot of the audience is about .5 second longer.]


The network closing credits are run over a repeat of Sam and King Thunder doing "Rock the Redhead" onstage for the audience (partial outtakes). The syndicated closing credits are run over freeze-frames from this sequence using the standard shortened version of the "Quantum Leap" theme.

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