Movie Trailer


Special thanks goes to Brian Greene for his work on producing it!  


Ideally, this would be the first thing that you should see before you read the first season. 

If you already have.... just enjoy!


Movie Trailer Dialogue

Windows Media Player Movie















Movie Trailer Dialogue


PG Rating Title Shot


Universal Studios Picture Shot


Sam: "Why are you doing this?" (Asks Alia as she’s pointing a gun at him.)


Al: "Because she's evil."


Sam: "You can't kill me Alia, because I know somewhere inside you there's a woman who feels the same things I do, the same loneliness, the same fear. I felt it the first time we touched. You felt it too."


Alia: "If I kill you, then I can go home."


Sam: "No... no that way. Killing me will add to his power, or her power... whatever. You have the power, Alia. You can choose not to kill me."


Alia: "There's got to be an end."


Zoë: "Alia, we clawed our way out of hell to land simple assignments like home wrecking and adultery."


Sam: "Don't listen to her."


Zoë: "You don't want to go through the horror that we lived through before."


Sam: "You gotta listen to me."


Alia: "I can't kill all those people again."


Zoë: "Then pull the trigger."


Sam: "You not evil, Alia. Whatever trapped you in time is."


Alia:  (whispers)  “I can’t.”  (Alia hands over the gun.)


Zoë: "You stupid fool! (They are tortured as they are enveloped in red light.) What have you done? I will kill you Beckett... I will!"


They leap....  




In the darkest hour, all hope seemed to vanish...




Sam: (looking at the Bartender as he is sitting down beside him.) "And you still want me to believe that I’m leaping me?"


B Al: (He nods at Sam’s words and pauses.) "Sam, if you became a priest...."


Sam: (interrupting) "I’ve been a priest."


B. Al: "So you have." (He pauses and nods then looks back at Sam.) "If the priesthood had been your chosen life even though the church might move you from parish to parish, don’t you have to accept responsibility for the life you lead?"


Sam: "Even priest’s can quit."


B. Al: "That’s true." (He sighs as he looks at the ground, then turns back to Sam.) "But they can also take sabbaticals especially before embarking on a difficult new assignment."


Sam: (He sits up from the window he is leaning against.) "Are you telling me that the leaps are going to get tougher?"  




However, Dr. Sam Beckett’s salvation is still yet to come.




Sam looking at Sammy Jo sitting on the bottom step of the stairs:


S. J.: "What’s your name?"


Sam: "Sam... Larry Stanton." (In the background the door of the Imaging Chamber opens and Al walks in.) What’s yours?"


S. J.: "Sammy Jo."


Al: "Samantha Josephine Fuller."


S. J.: "I’m very very glad you’re here, Mr. Sam Larry Stanton. Very glad."


Al: "Sam, Ziggy says that you not just here just to save Abagail, you’re here to save Sammy Jo." (Sam looks at Sammy Jo and puts his balled hand up to his mouth as he listens to Al.) "There’s a 91.9% chance that Sammy Jo Fuller... is your daughter."


Sam: (Sam looks at his daughter before him with a new steadfast hope... )  




Beginning September 27, 1999, a new steadfast hope emerged as...




Both Sam and Sammy Jo Fuller are sitting on a couch looking at each other.


S. J.: "Do you believe in miracles, Mr. Stanton?"


Sam: "Miracles?"


S. J.: "Someone... if they really love somebody... could go back in time... and be a part of their lives."


Sam: "If that is a miracle, then yes, I believe in miracles."


S. J.: "I wanna go back in time someday."


Sam: "You do?"


S. J.: "I wanna meet my Daddy. I wanna tell him..."


Sam: "Tell him what?"


S. J.: (She’s hesitant.) "Doesn’t matter."


Sam: "Sure it does... it... it matters."


S. J.: "Just that I love him, but he knows. My Grandmama Fuller says so. She knows everything."


Sam: "Sammy Jo Fuller, I love you... and I want you to know that everything will be okay." (Kisses her forehead.)  





All creation began to realize that the old adage rings true...




Sam: "Are they going to be alright, Al?"


Al: "Yeah. Ziggy says that since Sammy Jo is carrying your genes and now that you’ve cleared Abagail, the curse is broken. Abagail gets married in two years to a wonderful guy and they move to Chicago and she’s happy, Sam. She’s really happy."


Sam: "How do you know all this?"


Al: "Sammy Jo told me."


Sam: "Sammy Jo?"


Al: "Sammy Jo is working with us on Project Quantum Leap, Sam."


Sam: "What?"


Al: "Yes, and a matter of fact she has a theory on how to bring you back home."  




It’s always darkest before the dawn...




(Sound: Leaping effect)




(Sound: Q. L. Theme throughout the rest)




Phoenix Virtual Television Presents




Quantum Leap: The Virtual Seasons




Starring: Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell




A Burfield and Cogburn Production




Leaping To Screens Now!




Produced Screenshot of Al’s Place Logo


Black out Screen


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