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4x17 "Roberto!"



Leap Date:
July 27, 1982

Episode Adopted by: MikeKraken
Additional info provided by: Alan Mercer and Brian Greene


In what seems like a cross between Geraldo and the X-Files (featuring Jerry Hardin from the X-Files!), Sam leaps into a TV reporter who, when challenged by a co-worker to do just one real investigative piece, discovers a secret chemical weapons plant hidden inside a local corporation. But the company will do anything to keep it's secret - even murder.

Audio from this episode:

Sam: Get me the President!

Episode Menu
TV Guide Synopsis
Leap Date

Project Date
Name of the Person Leaped Into
Broadcast Date
Synopsis & Review
Project Trivia
Al's Women
Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode

Miscellaneous Trivia
Kiss with History
Guest Stars
Guest Cast Notes
Say What?
Quotable Quotes
Best Scene
Production Credits

Production # 67326

TV Guide Teaser:

Sam (Scott Bakula) reports as the host of a tabloid talk show, and he sniffs out a dangerous story with another reporter (DeLane Matthews). Earl: Alan Oppenheimer. Saxton: Jerry Hardin. Tim: Michael Heintzman. Rick Upfield: Marcus Giamatti. Gruel: Don Gibb. Foreman: Victor Talmadge. Esther: Barbara Tarbuck. Al: Dean Stockwell.



Destiny, New Mexico, USA

Leap Date:

January 27, 1982

Project Date:

Project Quantum Leap will be in existence close to Destiny in seven years, which would be 1989.

Name of the Person Leaped Into:

Roberto Gutierrez, host of KPNM-TV's daily live talk show, "Roberto"

Broadcast Date:

March 11, 1992 - Wednesday

Synopsis & Review:

Sam leaps into the middle of a talk show in the style of Heraldo Rivera! He faces the audience and is quickly jerked back to the stage where a large man in a biker helmet shouts, "What about the 1st amendment?" Another smaller man jumps up and shouts, "That doesn't include animal sacrifices and you know it!" Sam jumps in between the two arguing men. He gets pushed around between the two and then head-butted by the larger man! Sam falls into a chair and moans, "Ohhhhh boy."

A stage manager and some other people crowding the stage help Sam up. Sam tries his best to finish out the show and reads from his note cards. "Tomorrow on.... uh..." Sam looks around for the name of the show. "Roberto... We got animals as friends..."

The smaller man interrupts and shouts that they have lawyers. Someone drags him away. Sam continues, "and lovers.  Sunday school teachers for marijuana?  And finally Dr. Laura Schlessinger on centerfolds. Liberated females, or chauvinist slaves? That's tomorrow on Roberto."

The stage manager says he's clear as the shouting in the background continues and the angry guests are carried away. Earl, the stage manager, says that Earl wants to see Sam.

Sam walks into the next room and is faced with Jani Eisenberg, the lead reporter at the TV station. She is fussing at him for his failure on the show. She takes a breath of an inhaler and comments that if she had better lungs, she wouldn't have to deal with him. She tells him to go away because Sam is boring her.

Al enters through the Imaging Chamber door and overhears. "Boy, I think I like this leap already." He is taken with Jani. She walks away and Al asks Sam what happened to his head. Sam responds, "I got head-butted by the Fuhrer." Al shakes his head and gives the report from Ziggy on what's going on.

"It's 1982. Your name is Roberto Roberto Gutierrez...", and continues on that they are in Derstiny, New Mexico and he's working on a local TV station on a show called Roberto! Sam picks up a phone and pretends to talk on it so that he can converse with Al with people around the newsroom watching. Al says that Roberto's ratings have been going up over the last six months, but his smart mouth has always been a "career-limiting asset."

Al then says that he is going to go up to "the big time" and in the mean time just stay a smart-mouth, a wise guy, etc. Sam says he isn't that kind of person, but Al says if he reads his lips, he'll be fine.

Station manager Earl Skinner comes up behind Sam, congratulating him on the ratings. Earl suggests maybe they can make a few shows about his recent experience getting beat up on stage.

Jani pops in and offers another suggestion that maybe Sam could lie down in the street and she could back over him with her car. "We can get a whole week out of that!"

Al tells Sam to ask her, "What's the matter? Did you fall off your broomstick this morning? Jani gives him an evil stare and Earl tells them to settle down. Al says that Jani was a big investigative reporter in Chicago, but moved out here because she had asthma.

Earl asks for more story ideas, and Al helps. Sam repeats after Al, "Women that have slept with Elvis's ghost." Earl loves it and says they will save it for sweeps. He asks for another suggestion and as Sam looks back at Jani's disapproving glare, he offers, "Women that try to hard?" Earl says maybe they can get one of them to punch Sam.

Earl heads off and Sam goes to Jani. "And what Earth-shaking story are you working on?" Jani types without looking up and replies, "Gas stations that promise full service but don't deliver." Al says, "Now there's a national emergency." Sam picks up a phone and says, mockingly, "Get me the President!"

Jani jumps up and shouts, "$50 says you couldn't do a serious and hard-hitting story if your life depended on it!" Al says double it. Sam replies, "$100 says I can do any story you can."

She says "Fine." The phone rings and Jani takes the call. She listens for a moment, hands the phone to Sam, and says "Your story is on the phone. The bet is $100 and I don't take checks."

Out in the country by a lake, Sam and Jani stand with a man named Red Norton, holding a rifle as he tells his story. He says he saw aliens. Sam and Al both hang there head and say, "Oh boy." Norton continues, "I didn't see the mothership but I figure she was hovering somewhere nearby." He waves his gun around and Sam and Jani back up nervously. Sam asks what time he saw all this and Norton replies that it was a few minutes after he left the bar around 2:30. Jani smirks. Norton says there were about a dozen of them, yellow, a big eye and blobby arms and legs. Sam asks what were they doing, and the man says he didn't stick around long enough to find out because, "I want to keep my organs." Jani smiles and mocks Sam as she walks away, "Serious and hard-hitting, remember?"

"I know I was drinkin' but... I know what I saw." Sam says if he needs anything more he'll call. Al calls Sam over and says, "This is unbelievable, but this is home. Thirty miles over that way, that's where we built Project Quantum Leap. Of course it won't be there for another seven years."

Jani calls after Sam, "Come on, Roberto! Now what should I buy with $100? Shoes? No, something more personal." Al chimes in, "How about lingerie? I'll help!" Jani continues, "Maybe a nice bottle of wine." Sam challenges her again and asks if the wine will go with crow. Al laughs.

Later, Jani interviews Ed Saxton, the head of Saxton Fertilizer and Pesticides, speaking about their success. He says it'll mean more jobs for the community and Jani says that is always welcome. She loses her breath for a moment and takes a puff from her inhaler. Saxton notices and offers a glass of water or help. Sam notices that another worker with them has his hand wrapped up in a bandage. Sam asks what happened and the man hesitates. Ed Saxton jumps in and says they had a little fire last night and Rick grabbed a hot fire extinguisher to help put it out.

Jani comments that she didn't hear anything about a fire. Ed replies, "Like I said, a little fire." They continue the tour. Sam sees Al and tells them he will be right with them.

Sam asks, "What's the bad news?" Al replies, "I hope this leap is over quickly. Her attitude is starting to run off on you. In two days, Jani drives her car off a cliff and she dies." Sam asks, "Was she murdered? Was somebody charged? Suicide?" Al smacks the handlink. The police report said "She was tired from working late, and apparently she must have fallen asleep for a moment at the wheel, and then zoooom... airborne."

Sam asks, "Does Ziggy know what she was working on at the time?" Al checks and it was two small reports, one of which was the gas station fluff piece. Al reads from the handlink and reports that after the accident, Roberto quit the show and dropped out of TV completely. Sam shakes his head, "I don't think that Roberto killed Jani. Besides, if he did... I won't. So I'll be out of here in no time." Al says it's a weird coincidence, and Sam replies that it is, but not like that. They agree to keep an eye on Jani. A trio of military looking men walk by. Jani rides past with Saxton and reminds Sam not to miss his 4:00 show.

Back at the station, Sam is on-air. Dr. Laura Schlessinger walks on-stage followed by two young college-age women in bikinis, followed by a drooling Al Calavicci. The audience cheers. Sam reads from his notes that the girls were recently paid $500 for their appearance on a tool company calendar. "Some people would call this exploitation. Let's ask Dawn what she thinks. The blonde replies, "I thought it was fun." He turns to the doctor and asks her opinion. Schlessinger comments that they perpetuate the stereotype that women are bimbos. The crowd boos. She adds, "They have the right to make that idiotic choice if they want to." Al coaches Sam to ask the girls more. "Is it art? Or are you just a long-legged bimbo like Dr. Schlessinger said?"

"It's definitely art." The crowd giggles. Al says Sam is falling into a trap here. He warns that he doesn't want everyone to be nice to each other because these shows thrive on controversy. Sam turns to the doctor and suggests that the girls are just showing that women are capable of making their own choices about their bodies. Schlessinger asks, "Why don't men do the same thing?  Why don't you put your muscles where your mouth is? Do the rest of your show in your boxer shorts."

The crowd cheers!  "Unless of course it's not the image you want to project?" She smiles at Sam, mockingly. Al grins and doesn't know what to tell Sam. Dr. Beckett stands up and begins to undress as they go to commercial! "We'll be back with the new and liberated Roberto!"

After the show, Sam comes off quite embarrassed and can't wait to put his clothes back on. "Oh my God, Al. I just single-handedly destroyed this guy's career." Al disagrees, "What are you talking about? You were a hit!" Sam says he was humiliated.

Jani walks up and sees Sam talking to himself. "At last! As I've always expected, you've gone over the edge." Sam says, "I was just--" She interrupts, "Talking to thin air." Sam rebuts, "And having a very interesting conversation." Al says he had a dream about Jani last night. Jani walks to a desk to take a call. According to the phone call, 50 sheep have gone missing at the same location where Red Norton saw the aliens. Al says he is going back to find out more from Ziggy.

Jani is excited that maybe she finally has a real story. Sam notices that Ed Saxton has appeared at the station and he asks a favor from Earl in the background. Sam gets a phone call at the same time, and it's Rick from the Saxton company. He wants to meet Sam tonight and appears nervous over the phone. Sam asks Jani if she wants to join him for the meet.

That night, Jani and Sam arrive at a bar called "The Lost Dolphin" to find an ambulance with flashing lights out front. A man is dead. The officer tells Sam that it was a hit and run as the guy went across the road to the bar.

Sam pulls Jani away from the scene. Jani pushes back saying she knows someone was murdered and wants to cover the story. Sam says he knows that too but they need to leave. He steps on something and discovers it to be Rick's company name tag. The informant was murdered. Jani says they have to give the badge to the police. Sam says if they give it to the police, nothing will happen. They have to solve this themselves.

At the station, Jani and Sam look for clues in the news report that filmed earlier at Saxton. A clip mentions something about new government contracts. Jani looks exhausted. Sam suggests she should go home. "And let you win $100? Uh-uh." Sam smiles.

Jani talks a bit about her dreams of being a big city reporter but it's hard to do when she can't breathe in their cities due to her asthma. She's disappointed that they are at a dead end. Jani asks Sam why he got into this business and he says, "I just kind of leaped into it by accident."

Sam plays more of the recording they did at Saxton and notices that no one in the video is wearing a badge like the one they found from Rick. Sam says that the badge must be for another section of the plant that they didn't get to see. Sam says they have to go tonight to investigate.

They arrive at the plant and are led to a foreman. They pretend that Jani lost an earring and just stopped by to see if they could find it. They tell the foreman that he can call Mr. Saxton to verify and don't need help looking since they were just their earlier on a tour with him. The man offers a cart to Roberto, saying that it'll be faster than walking.

They take the cart and almost run into Al, who appears in front of them. Al says that the name badge is a key and to look for a door with a slot next to it. Al reminds Sam, "Just like the beginning of the Quantum Leap project. Remember? This credit card thing and you slide it in slot and it opens the door. It's before we had those electronic implants."

Al says he is going to get Ziggy to run a spacial comparison analysis and "if there's anything hidden in here, we're going to find it." Al punches a key on the handlink and relocates. Sam drives them forward a bit and Al reappears, saying "Jackpot!" They turn around and follow Al.

In another part of the plant, two men run to the foreman and tell him that there are a couple of unauthorized visitors at the plant and Mr. Saxton wants them to find them.

Sam puts the badge in the door slot and opens it to find yellow suits with large face shields and hoses attached to the helmets. Jani says, "Are they what I think they are?" Sam replies, "Aliens. Aliens that collect sheep... dead sheep. There is a tunnel leading into a secret part of the plant.

Sam and Jani drive away and surmise that Red Norton didn't see aliens that night. He saw men in protective suits picking up dead sheep. They guess it could be chemical warfare and there may have been an accident and Saxton is trying to cover it up. Jani says, "They killed Rick to cover it up!" Sam and Al start talking about other companies used as fronts for chemical warfare testing like mustard gas and nerve weapons.

The foreman and two men ride up behind Jani and Sam on another cart. Al shouts that he realizes that some of the guys working around the plant are "military-itis!" Jani says she found the earring and they nervously thank the foreman and leave hastily. Al says they are "up against some serious juice" and he's going to go jump-start Ziggy. Al relocates.

Jani grabs Sam by the collar and asks excitedly, "Do you feel like taking on the government?" Sam says he has nothing better to do this week. Jani says, "Earl is going to love this."

Earl does not love this. He can't believe this conspiracy story. Sam asks for a camera and they will go down to the plant and prove it. Earl says Saxton has done a lot for the community. Sam suggests that Saxton was at the station the other day to ask Earl to not report on the fire. "Earl, they killed Rick. And the next time they have a leak, it might not be sheep they kill, but people."

At the plant with a camera crew, Sam and Jani report live in front of the door at Saxton Chemicals which they discovered the night before. Ed Saxton arrives and is angry that they are there reporting. Al says there is something here but they don't have the details yet."

Sam puts the microphone up to Ed, "Mr. Saxton, isn't it true that you are conducting secret gas and chemical warfare research in a hidden lab here at the plant?" Ed shakes his head no and smiles. "I wish it were. I understand the government pays very well for that stuff." Sam asks, "Then how do you explain this electronic keypass that opens a secret door inside this room?" Sam opens the door and walks inside to put the keypass into the slot again.

Al warns Sam that they changed the lock on the door. It's now a regular deadbolt lock. Earl watches nervously from the station as the real Roberto is shown on the TV screen, opening the new door and finding an empty storage closet. Earl says, "I'm a dead man."

Saxton snarks, "Does that look like a secret lab to you?" Sam hesitates and says, Uh, no...", as he feels the wall. "It's a fake wall concealing a tunnel that would lead to the secret lab." Saxton knocks on the wall. "Doesn't sound fake to me."

Earl tells them to "Pull the plug! Pull the plug!" Saxton walks through Al as the hologram says he is going to check behind the wall. Al walks through the wall and a moment later comes back through saying, "Sam it's still here! They've got this elaborate fake wall!"

Sam keeps trying to report that if the audience could see behind the wall, they would see the tunnel on the other side. The cameraman motions to Jani that they are now off the air. Sam is distraught. Saxton says they ow him an apology. Sam starts to protest, but then changes his tune. "I'd be happy to make it up to you." Jani and Al shout, "What?!" Sam continues, "You were right and I was wrong, and since I started this whole thing, I think it would only be fair if I invited you onto my show tomorrow and I'll apologize publicly." Saxton says that won't be necessary. "Sam says it would be great publicity for Ed's company and great ratings for himself. "In fact we could call it, "What happens when reporters are wrong."

Jani enters the conversation, shocked. She shouts at Roberto that they saw what was behind the door as she holds up the keypass." Saxton says those are the new ID badges they just started using. He says he'll think about coming on the show and laughs, asking Sam to close the door after they leave.

Sam explains to Jani he is just buying some time to be able to prove their story. She understands, takes a puff of her inhaler and walks away. Al looks at the handlink nervously. "Uh oh. She doesn't die anymore from driving the car off the cliff. She dies from an acute asthma attack tomorrow morning."

The next day, Sam is back on the Roberto stage. Various people are on stage holding and caressing various fruits including a pineapple. Sam reports, "Well, that just about wraps up our show today on 'Friends of fruits and veggies.' Join us tomorrow here on Roberto! Until then, have a nice day." The audience claps as they go off-air.

Al says the investigation is going nowhere because without any evidence, they can't get search warrants for the plant. Sam notices Jani trying to get into payroll records for a company that works for Saxton. He says that's not going to lead her to anything. Sam says top secret government projects use their own sources and enters some codes, trying to break in himself. He uses the keypass code, and with Al and Ziggy's help, eventually cracks into the government system.

At the Saxton plant, the foreman warns Ed that someone has hacked into their system and it's coming from the TV station. Saxton guesses angrily that it is Roberto and Jani. "It'll have to be taken care of." The foreman, Hank, says, "Consider it done." Saxton tells Hank, "Just the girl. If both of them have accidents, even the dim-witted cops in this town will get suspicious." He think that for Jani, they will have to do something particularly clever. Saxton smiles.

Back at the station, Sam has uncovered that a chemical in the pesticides, when inhaled, can cause a severe instant asthma attack. "It's fatal and they're working on a derivative that's ten times worse than that!" Sam asks Jani to go turn on the printer, but suddenly the computer connection is severed. Al says, "Ballgame."

Sam tells Jani that Saxton knows. Sam says he is just going to try again, but Al says that Saxton will try and kill him. Sam warns Jani that if they keep on, Saxon may try to kill them. Jani says, "Let him try."

Late into the night, Sam is still hacking into the system and Jani has fallen asleep. Sam faces the computer, focused on it, as Hank sneaks up and switches Jani's inhaler for an identical one.

Early in the morning, Saxton gets a call from Sam. "She's dead." Ed replies, "Who?" Sam says, "You know damn well who. Jani Eisenberg." Saxton says that's tragic and Sam accuses him of the murder by asthma attack." Saxton blows up at Sam and says that if he goes on air with that story he will sue Roberto and everyone else on that show. He shouts that there's no way Sam can prove he induced an asthma attack. Sam agrees sadly that Saxton is right.

Ed changes his tone and offers to write a check for a scholarship program in her name for $50,000 with Roberto as the trustee. Sam agrees on one condition, that Saxton appears on his show so that he can thank him live. Ed asks, "Now why would I do that?" Sam says, "To make that scholarship $100,000." Ed begins to laugh and say that he knew he had Roberto figured out. Sam hangs up the phone after telling Saxton that he was right about that.

Later that day, Ed Saxton sits onstage as Sam welcomes the audience to s special edition of Roberto... "What happens when reporters are wrong. This show should be particularily interesting because I'm the reporter. But before we begin, I'd like to take a moment to pay tribute to my colleague Jani Eisenberg, who passed away this morning from a severe asthma attack."

The staff of the TV station looks remorseful and sad in the background. Sam then welcomes Ed Saxton to the show and the audience claps. Sam apologizes for accusing Saxton of running a secret government warfare program at his plant. Ed smiles and says, "Don't mention it." Sam goes on to describe his accusation of a leak that killed dozens of sheep and had no proof. He says he would have needed some sort of evidence. He turns to Saxton and says, "Something like this", as he holds up Jani's inhaler. Sam approaches Saxton and asks that if he was running such a program at his plant, that it might be easy for him to put a secret chemical into the inhaler and slip it to someone that was trying to expose his secret, like Jani Eisenberg. Smiling nervously, Ed says "That doesn't prove anything."

Behind Sam, Saxton sees Jani - alive and well - appear on the set. The audience and Earl looked shocked to see her alive. Sam says, "Just think. If there were some secret chemical in here... one squirt and..." He holds it to Ed Saxton's face and continues, "A person could die." Sam squeezes the inhaler and mist comes out in Ed's face. Saxton panics, covering his face and ducking down.

Sam shakes Saxton and tells him to take it easy, because he bought that inhaler at the store that morning. Al adds, "But you deserved it, you weasel." Sam continues again, "But the one you planted on Jani Eisenberg last night is in the hands of the Destiny County Sheriff's Department. Yesterday I needed proof. Today, I just got it."

Jani walks up to Saxon and says, "It is my extreme pleasure to hand you this search warrant." Ed stands up and says he won't stay there another minute. A sheriff's officer and Earl stop Saxton from leaving and Al gives the final history report. "Sam, that does it. Saxton is indicted and convicted for murder and attempted murder, so get ready to leap!"

Earl comes onstage and congratulates Roberto on a hell of a show and asks him to do the wrap-up. Sam raises his microphone and closes out, "Tomorrow on Roberto... we've got a man who says he's lost 1,000 pounds of fat." The audience laughs. "We've got a woman who claims she hears old radio stations through her teeth. And finally a personal story about the time I was kidnapped by aliens and held in an all-white room." Al smirks, knowing he's talking about the leapees in the Waiting Room at Quantum Leap.

As the audience claps and the show goes off-air, Jani approaches Sam and says, "I owe you $100." Sam smiles and offers a new deal. "I tell you what, why don't I just buy you a nice bottle of champagne." Jani smiles and replies, "Nah..."

Al looks surprised by her answer as Sam leaps.

Synopsis by Brian Greene

Personal Review by MikeKraken:

It's the early 1980s, and day-time talk shows are just beginning in their popularity. Sam leaps into the host of "Roberto!", and he has more to do than just be the "local sort-of version of Geraldo".

This is definitely one of my favourites. "Roberto!" has a great mix of comedy and mystery, not to mention the acting is superbly executed from the excellent script. I enjoyed the insight to earlier days of Project Quantum Leap, and it was interesting to see Sam acting like Roberto when necessary.

Project Trivia:

Handlink: third version (Gummy Bear)

Project Quantum Leap will be in existence close to Destiny in seven years (thirty miles from where Sam and Jenny interview Red Norton, who saw "aliens", at Blue Rock and Whispering Pine Lake). This puts the creation of Quantum Leap beginning ion 1989.

At the beginning of Project Quantum Leap, they used swipe cards as keypasses to open doors, before using "electronic implants".

Al's Women:

Al offers to pick out lingerie for Jani.

Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

First and second appearances: Cream pants; matching cream suede jacket; golden-yellow dress shirt; golden thin tie; small, round amulet on the jacket's left breast; unlit cigar.

Third and fourth appearances: Blue suit coat with green tintings; white dress shirt; emerald tie; small, rectangular, silver amulet on coat's left breast; blue dress pants.

Fifth and sixth appearances: Red suit coat; red-patterned dress shirt; small, circular amulet on left breast; red thin tie; unlit cigar; red dress pants; black dress shoes.

Seventh appearance: Purple dress shirt; black thin tie with white spots; purple-patterened vest; lit cigar; black dress pants; black belt with gold buckle.

Miscellaneous trivia:

"Roberto!" airs live at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger appears as a guest, playing herself.

Probably the first episode that we see a desktop computer on the show.

Near the beginning of the episode, Sam is talking to somebody in the television studio, and up in the corner on the television monitors, you can actually see (for a split-second!) the King Thunder music video from "Glitter Rock" playing on one of the screens!

On the Blu-ray release in the U.S., the chapter setting jumps past the opening credits unusually. The first chapter jump usually jumps to a point just after the opening theme song.


Kiss With History:

This episode is inspired by the tabloid talk show, "
Geraldo." It was an American daytime television tabloid talk show hosted by Geraldo Rivera that aired in syndication from September 7, 1987, to June 12, 1998. The last two seasons aired under the title The Geraldo Rivera Show.

Regular Cast:

Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell as Al Calavicci

Guest Stars:

DeLane Matthews as Jani Eisenberg
Alan Oppenheimer as Earl Skinner
Jerry Hardin as Ed Saxton
Michael Heintzman as Tim
Marcus Giamatti as Rick Upfield
Donald Gibb (as Don Gibb) as Jeeters
Barbara Tarbuck as Esther
Dr. Laura Schlessinger as Herself
Charles Dougherty as
Man with Glasses
Dennis Fimple as Red Norton
Victor Talmadge as Foreman/Hank
Sherri Lynn Rothman as Dawn
Gregg Binkley as Deputy
Paul-Felix Montez as Ernesto
Andrew Roa as Roberto Roberto Gutierrez (Leapee on studio camera)

Guest Cast Notes:

DeLane Matthews as Jani Eisenberg: DeLane Matthews was born on August 7, 1961 in Rockledge, Florida, USA. She is an actress and writer, known for A Way Back In (2010), Evasive Action (1998) and General Hospital (1963). She has been married to Lennie Loftin since October 27, 2009. She was previously married to Tyrone Power Jr..

Alan Oppenheimer as Earl Skinner: Alan Oppenheimer is an American actor from New York City, who started his career in the 1950s. By the 1970s, Oppenheimer started performing voice acting roles. He eventually emerged as one of the most prolific voice actors in the United States, with roles in numerous series and films. His better known roles include the evil emperor Ming the Merciless in "The New Adventures of Flash Gordon" (1979-1982), the tyrant Overlord and his mind-controlling Vizier in "Blackstar" (1981), the arrogant narcissist Vanity Smurf in "The Smurfs" (1981-1989), the evil sorcerer Skeletor, the shape-shifting animal Cringer, the heroic Man-at-Arms, and the aquatic villain Mer-Man in "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" (1983-1985), the pacifistic naturalist Beachcomber, the sailor Seaspray, and the gun-enthusiast and munitions expert Warpath in "The Transformers" (1984-1987), the android wizard Prime Evil in "Ghostbusters" (1986), and the cryptic advisor Merlin in "The Legend of Prince Valiant" (1991-1993). In 1930, Oppenheimer was born in New York City. His father was the stockbroker Louis Oppenheimer. In 1958, Oppenheimer married costume designer Marianna Elliott. They had three children. He received a divorce at some point prior to the mid-1980s. In 1984, Oppenheimer married the professional tennis player Marilyn Greenwood. Their marriage lasted less than a decade, and ended in a divorce. In 1992, Oppenheimer re-married his first wife Marianna Elliott. Their marriage lasted until her death in 2003. He has remained single since her death. In 1993, Oppenheimer had a guest star role in "Star Trek: The Next Generation". He played the Klingon cleric Koroth. His character cloned the long-dead messianic warrior Kahless, in hope of restoring his peoples' faith in their religion.In 1994, Oppenheimer played the ill-fated star-ship captain Keogh in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". After successfully completing a rescue mission, Keogh fell victim to a suicide attack (along with most of his crew). In 1997, Oppenheimer played an unnamed ambassador of the Nezu in "Star Trek: Voyager". His character attempted to enlist the USS Voyager to rescue his planet from destruction. This was Oppenheimer's last role in a "Star Trek" television series. Oppenheimer has mostly avoided live-action roles since 1998. In 2022, Oppenheimer voiced Skeletor again for an appearance in the film "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers". By 2022, Oppenheimer was 92-years-old. He has never fully retired, though he has played less prominent roles in recent productions. He remains popular to animation fans for his iconic roles in several classic series.

Jerry Hardin as Ed Saxton: A highly engaging, charismatic, and reliable character actor with a long and distinguished career spanning half a century, Jerry Hardin has been gracing both the big and small screen, and stage, with many enjoyable performances, highlighted by a relaxed and pleasing Southern twang. Born November 20, 1929, in Dallas, Texas, where his father was a rancher, Hardin was raised outside the city, where he first began acting in school productions. This would lead to a scholarship to Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas, and a Fulbright scholarship to the Royal Academy for Dramatic Art in London. He had his first (uncredited) film role in the classic drive-in flick, Thunder Road (1958), starring Robert Mitchum, and, by 1961, had racked up an impressive amount of over 75 theatre credits. He became incredibly prolific in the 1970s, when his film career really took off, and he also started appearing regularly on TV series, including Gunsmoke (1955), Starsky and Hutch (1975), The Streets of San Francisco (1972), Little House on the Prairie (1974), The Rockford Files (1974), Miami Vice (1984), L.A. Law (1986), Melrose Place (1992), Murder, She Wrote (1984) and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993). A particularly memorable performance, by Mr. Hardin in this medium, was that of Mark Twain in episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987). He would also prove to be in high demand for film roles, appearing in the likes of Wolf Lake (1979), Heartland (1979), 1941 (1979), Honky Tonk Freeway (1981), Reds (1981), Missing (1982), Honkytonk Man (1982), Cujo (1983), The Falcon and the Snowman (1985), Warning Sign (1985), Big Trouble in Little China (1986), Wanted: Dead or Alive (1986), The Hot Spot (1990), The Firm (1993), Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), Hidalgo (2004) and Are We There Yet? (2005). His performance as one of the subtly sinister senior partners in The Firm (1993) impressed The X-Files (1993) creator Chris Carter enough that Carter would create the character of "Deep Throat" with him in mind, and it's this role that is definitely one of Hardin's most famous. A noteworthy stage performance of his was in the play, "The Rainmaker", working alongside Jayne Atkinson, Woody Harrelson and David Aaron Baker.

Michael Heintzman as Tim: Michael Heintzman was born in Bismarck, North Dakota, USA. He is known for A Dog Year (2009), Quantum Leap (1989) and Me and the Boys (1994). He has been married to Patti Pelican since 1992.

Marcus Giamatti as Rick Upfield: Marcus is best known for the role of "Peter Gray", on the long-running CBS drama Judging Amy (1999). Marcus is also an accomplished, professional bass guitarist, playing in several bands in Los Angeles, including the alternative country artist Olivea Watson (2007 Gibson Artist Of The Year). Marcus is also a session musician, and a member of Musician's Local 47. His extensive theater credits include stints on Broadway in Horton Foote's "Young Man From Atlanta", and "Measure For Measure" at Lincoln Center. Off-Broadway, Marcus has appeared in numerous shows at MTC, The Lambs and WPA. Regionally, he has worked at The Guthrie, Seattle Rep., Yale Rep., Long Wharf, over 20 productions at The Williamstown Theater Festival, Hartford Stage, New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, The Goodman, and The Eugene O'Neill Playwrights Conference. He is the older brother of Paul Giamatti.

Donald Gibb (as Don Gibb) as Jeeters: Massive (6' 4"), muscular behemoth Donald Richard Gibb was born on August 4, 1954, in New York City, New York and raised in California. He attended the University of New Mexico on a basketball scholarship, then transferred to the University of San Diego, where he played football and was a member of the varsity basketball team. He had a roster spot on the San Diego Chargers prior to embarking on an acting career. With his brawn, bulk, scraggly beard and mustache, deep, growly voice and forceful screen presence, Gibb has frequently been cast as scruffy bikers, loutish rednecks and over-aggressive macho athletes. He started out in movies in the early 1980s with uncredited bit parts in Any Which Way You Can (1980), Stripes (1981), and Conan the Barbarian (1982). He achieved enduring cult fame as the outrageous Ogre in the hilarious Revenge of the Nerds (1984), reprising this role in the second and fourth sequels. He was likewise memorable as raucous martial arts fighter Ray Jackson in the exciting Bloodsport (1988) and wildman tennis player Ripper in the amusing Jocks (1984). He had a recurring role as fierce defensive lineman Leslie "Dr. Death" Crunchner on the HBO situation comedy 1st & Ten (1984). Among the television series Donald has done guest spots on are Alice (1976), The A-Team (1983), Magnum, P.I. (1980), Knight Rider (1982), The Facts of Life (1979), Hunter (1984), Night Court (1984), MacGyver (1985), Quantum Leap (1989), The X-Files (1993) and The Young and the Restless (1973). Donald Gibb lives in Chicago, Illinois and is the co-owner of and spokesman for the Chicago karaoke bar Trader Todd's.

Barbara Tarbuck as Esther: Trained on a Fulbright Grant to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, Barbara's New York theatre work includes "Landscape & Silence" by Harold Pinter, "Water Engine" by David Mamet, Neil Simon's "Brighton Beach Memoirs" and "Broadway Bound", Joseph Chaikin's production of "America Hurrah!", and "Enter The Night" by Maria Irene Fornes. Recent regional standouts include "Long Days Journey Into Night" at Dallas Theatre Center, "Death of a Salesman" at San Diego Repertory, "The Cripple Of Inishman" at the Geffen, "Wonderful World" at Laguna Playhouse, "Six Characters in Search of an Author" at Williamstown, and "Blue Window" and "Sidney Bechet Killed a Man" at South Coast Repertory. Favorite screen roles: the woman with 12 dogs on ER (1994), the aged mother on Cold Case (2003) who comes to terms with her murdered son's homosexuality, Dwayne Johnson's mother in Walking Tall (2004), and Kevin McKidd's mother on Journeyman (2007).

Dr. Laura Schlessinger as Herself: As one of the most popular talk show hosts in radio history, Dr. Laura Schlessinger offers no-nonsense advice infused with a strong sense of ethics, accountability, and personal responsibility; she's been doing it successfully for more than 30 years, reaching approximately 8.25 million listeners weekly. Her internationally syndicated radio program is also heard on XM Satellite Radio, CelleCast, and is streamed on the Internet and podcast via StreamLink. She's a best selling author of eleven adult books and four children's books, which range from the provocative (New York Times chart topper "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands") to the poignant (children's book title "Why Do You Love Me?"). Her support of children and family values is legendary, and she is, indeed, "her kid's mom." She writes a monthly column for NewsMax, a twice-weekly column for The Santa Barbara News-Press, and a daily blog. She has received an award from the Office of the Secretary of Defense for her Exceptional Public Service, and among her numerous other honors, has been the first and only woman ever to win the National Association of Broadcasters' prestigious Marconi Award for Network/Syndicated Personality. In addition, Dr. Laura holds multiple trophies for sailboat racing, and is a Black Belt in martial arts. In the last several years, she has designed and handcrafted elegant jewelry for charitable causes, most recently for Operation Family Fund, which provides financial assistance to families of military personnel severely injured or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. She has raised over $1 million for Operation Family Fund from the sale of her jewelry on her website, and from the proceeds from her 2007 Birthday Bash. Her eleventh and newest book, "Stop Whining, Start Living" was released by HarperCollins in March, 2008, and became an instant New York Times bestseller. Several years after this episode aired, Dr. Schlessinger went on record as saying that homosexuality was a biological “error”, a statement that would no doubt have prevented her from being invited on such a liberal show as Quantum Leap.

Charles Dougherty as Man with Glasses: Charles Dougherty is known for Alice in Wonderland (1985), Bones (2005) and Quantum Leap (1989). He has been married to Mary Lou Belli since 1982. They have two children.

Dennis Fimple as Red Norton: Excellent and engaging character actor Dennis Fimple was born 11 November, 1940, in Ventura, California and raised in the nearby town of Taft. His father, Elmer was an electrician, and his mother, Dolly was a beautician. Dennis first became interested in acting after he portrayed Tom Sawyer in a junior high school play. After graduating Taft Union High School, Fimple attended San Jose College on a scholarship, and majored in both speech and drama. He also earned a teaching credential at San Jose College. Dennis worked in a Cheetos factory by day and acted in dinner theater at night in his early days. Fimple eventually moved to Hollywood, where he initially worked as a teacher by day and a delivery man at night, prior to getting his first break; a 2-episode guest appearance on Petticoat Junction (1963). Best known as the lovably dim-witted Kyle Murty on the comedy Western television program, Alias Smith and Jones (1971), Dennis popped up in many TV series throughout the years including; Here Come the Brides (1968), M*A*S*H (1972), The Rockford Files (1974), Starsky and Hutch (1975), Battlestar Galactica (1978), The Dukes of Hazzard (1979), Matt Houston (1982), Highway to Heaven (1984), Knight Rider (1982), The A-Team (1983), The Incredible Hulk (1977),Simon & Simon (1981), Sledge Hammer! (1986), Quantum Leap (1989) Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996) and ER (1994). Fimple was frequently cast as scruffy rural types in both films and TV shows alike. Among his most memorable movie roles are the amiable Curly in the delightful Claudia Jennings' drive-in classic, Truck Stop Women (1974), easygoing moonshine runner Dewey Crenshaw in Bootleggers (1974), likable eager beaver college anthropology student Pahoo, in the terrific Sasquatch cinema outing Creature from Black Lake (1976), the goofy Sunfish in the much-maligned King Kong (1976) remake, and cloddish fur trapper, Posey in the superior horror-Western The Shadow of Chikara (1977). His last film part was as the madcap Grandpa Hugo Firefly in Rob Zombie's enjoyably trashy 70's horror exploitation pastiche, House of 1000 Corpses (2003). Dennis was not only an avid reader, but also a lover of antiques and collectibles. He's the father of son Chris. Dennis Fimple died at age 61, of complications from a car accident at his home in Frazier Park, California on August 23, 2002.

Victor Talmadge as Foreman/Hank: Victor (Vee) Talmadge is an accomplished actor, director, and playwright. He received a B.A. from Cornell in 1977 and his M.F.A. from the California Institute of the Arts in 1980. Throughout his ten years in New York, Mr. Talmadge was involved in numerous activities, besides acting extensively off-Broadway and regionally in established modern and classic pieces, he collaborated on new projects with playwrights Robert Schenken, Jeff Jones, and Shelby Brammer. He co-founded and served as Literary Director for the award-winning New York theater company, Empire Stage Players. It was during this period that Mr. Talmadge's one-act play, Kiss Goodbye the Howling Beast, was a finalist at the Actors Theatre of Louisville Short Play Competition. Mr. Talmadge taught playwriting for Johns Hopkins University and served as Adjunct Assistant Professor of English for City University of New York. With Bay Area playwright/actor, Lane Nishikawa, he recently completed The Gate of Heaven, a play about a 442nd (Japanese American) soldier who liberates a Jewish prisoner from Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany during World War II. Mr. Talmadge has acted at Berkeley Repertory Theatre, American Conservatory Theatre and the Magic Theatre in San Francisco. He has directed at the Bay Area Playwrights Festival and has guest starred in a number of television and film projects.

Sherri Lynn Rothman as Dawn: Sherri Lynn Rothman is known for Quantum Leap (1989) and Who's the Boss? (1984).

Gregg Binkley as Deputy: Gregg has worked steadily in film and television for over 30 years. He has played roles in films directed by Mel Brooks, Clint Eastwood, the Coen Brothers, and Woody Allen. He was first discovered while waiting tables in character at the popular Beverly Hills 50's-themed diner, Ed Debevics where he worked as the "security guard" Barney Fife. Rick Dees saw him there and put him on his late night show on ABC, Into the Night with Rick Dees. Gregg was a series regular for the one year run of the show. He later went on to star as Harold Skolnick in the films Revenge of the Nerds 3 and 4. Soon after, Gregg was cast as "Dan the Del Taco Guy" in the very successful advertising campaign that lasted six years and covered 58 television commercials and many more radio spots and personal appearances. During that time Gregg also portrayed Don Knotts in the NBC movie of week Behind the Scenes of Three's Company. Later, he was cast as Kenny James in the Emmy award winning pilot episode of the NBC hit show My Name is Earl. Gregg went on to portray Kenny in 20 episodes during the four year run of the show. Two years later he was cast as a series regular on the hit show, Raising Hope on Fox. Gregg played the grocery store manager Barney Hughes in 71 episodes during the four year run of the show. More recently, Gregg has directed shows for Pure Flix including Hitting the Breaks, Malibu Dan and The Beverlys. His recent acting credits include guest starring roles on NCIS: Los Angeles, Young Sheldon and NCIS. In 2017 he founded Gregg Binkley's "Working Actors Workshop." In 2024 he released the inspirational book GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER: Finding Success in Acting and Life, which has been endorsed by many Emmy award winners including Bryan Cranston, Greg Garcia and Eric Stonestreet. Gregg lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.

Paul-Felix Montez as Ernesto: Paul-Felix Montez is known for State of Grace (1990), Quantum Leap (1989) and Frankenhooker (1990).

Andrew Roa as Roberto Gutierrez (Leapee on studio camera): Andrew Roa is known for Picking Up the Pieces (2000), If (2003) and Quantum Leap (1989).

Dailies from the set:

Say What?

The second hand on the newsroom clock is frozen.

The issue of World Weekly on the set shows Jeffrey Dahmer, who was not known publicly until 1991.

Rick’s ID badge doesn't have a barcode. How can he enter the secret room?

When they leave the plant, Al seems to relocate to a different area instead of using the Imaging Chamber door to go back to the Control Room with Ziggy as he suggested he would.

Sam types a much different code into the computer than the hack code Al reads out to him.

When Roberto is shown on the monitor at the end, we hear Sam's voice instead of Roberto's.

Quotable Quotes:

Sam: "Uhhh, I was just wondering if French imported wine goes with crow."

Sam: "I guess I kinda see myself as champion of underdogs everywhere."

Al: "That's the key! You look for a door that's got a slot next to it."
... "Just like the beginning of the Quantum Leap project, remember? This credit card thing, you stick it in the slot, opens the door. Before we had those electronic implants, remember, Sam?"

Al: "A lot of the guys in this place are military-itis!"

Jenny: "Why do I suddenly feel like I've stepped behind you? I never used to feel that way."
Sam: "Well, I dunno... I, uh..."
Al: "Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it? That's what you get working with a genius."

Best Line:

Al: "Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it? That's what you get working with a genius."

Best Scene:

I think the best scene is the interview at the end with Mr. Saxton. Sam came up with an ingenius way to reveal his crimes.

Production Credits:

Theme by: Mike Post
Music by: Velton Ray Bunch
Co-Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Co-Executive Producer: Michael Zinberg
Supervising Producer: Harker Wade
Produced by: Jeff Gourson, Tommy Thompson
Produced by: Chris Ruppenthal, Paul Brown
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Written by:
Chris Ruppenthal
Directed by:
Scott Bakula

Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Associate Producers:
James S. Giritlian, Julie Bellisario
Coordinating Producer: David Bellisario

Director of Photography: Michael Watkins, A.S.C.
Production Designer: Cameron Birnie
Edited by: M. Edward Salier A.C.E.
Unit Production Manager: Ron Grow
First Assistant Director:
Ryan Gordon
Second Assistant Director: Kate Yurka
Casting by: Ellen Lubin Sanitsky
Set Director: Robert L. Zilliox
Costume Designer: Jean-Pierre Dorleac
Costume Supervisor: David Rawley
Art Director: Ellen Dambros-Williams
Sound Mixer: Barry D. Thomas
Stunt Coordinator: Diamond Farnsworth
Sound Editor: Greg Schorer
Music Editor: Bruce Frazier
Special Visual Effects: Roger Dorney, Denny Kelly

Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by: Panavision ®

This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Copyright © 1992 by Universal City Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Bellisarius Productions in association with Universal Television, an MCA Company


Rejoice friends of fruits and veggies! It’s time for ROBERTO!

Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale and Christopher DeFilippis in the studio audience to witness Sam’s Leap into an outrageous daytime talk show host who uncovers a dark secret in a New Mexico town.

Listen to The Quantum Leap Podcast on this episode here:

Also, Matt talks about cannibalism.

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