Recent content by Scott Kirkessner

  1. Scott Kirkessner


    Is anyone here paying close attention to the new NBC show Journeyman? It's about a guy who is thrown back in time at various moments to help right wrongs. Looks pretty cool like a show we all love...
  2. Scott Kirkessner


    Hi everyone! Yes, I'm a n00b. My name is Scott and I have only been a real QL junkie since the series came out on DVD. I got hooked into the show during a SciFi channel marathon on MLK day. I have all of the DVD sets, despite the horrific music cuts, I have them to collect the series and...
  3. Scott Kirkessner


    Hello, I am new here! According to some of the vid clips on this wonderful site, QL4 was presented "In Stereo - Where Available" but the DVD release is in English 2.0 Dolby Digital. It seems that Universal, in the midst of cutting our beloved songs downmixed the release as well. Grr! Over...