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  1. L

    The Evil Leaper Episodes - Good Writing/Bad Fiction or Both?

    I'm going to preface this by saying I am not a huge fan of science fiction. I liked the original Star Trek and I loved Quantum Leap. I liked them for the human element, and its tie ins with life major themes and questions (I"m a historian by training, a teacher by profession). To me the core...
  2. L


    As I've been working my way through TVS I've been very impressed by the quality of writing and ideas. I have some experience in fanfic though now in this area, and I may consider writing a little something. I'm curious about whether or not my subject area would be consider taboo. Who could I...
  3. L

    Mirror Image Stuff

    I am curious about one thing in Mirror Image. If Sam is in control of his leaps then would it not beg the question of whether he is control of himself entirely. I'm refering to the Swiss-cheese effect. I was wondering why Sam never remembered Donna. I wouldn't imagine that he would have a...
  4. L

    A Leapee Question

    I don't know if anyone has philosophized on this or whether an answer has been given. What happens to the leepees memory when they return to their life? Can they remember anyhting that Sam has affected since they didn't personally experience it? Do they remember their time at the project...