06. Search and Rescue 1994 (Melissa Crandall)

Search and Rescue 1994 (Melissa Crandall)

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Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
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Spoiler Alert! (highlight to read)
Leaping into the body of a doctor who is searching for a downed airplane in the wilds of British Columbia, Sam Beckett is unaware that a lightning bolt has caused Al to leap into one of the plane's crash victims.
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Publishing Information:
Quantum Leap: Search and Rescue (Quantum Leap No 5)
by Melissa Crandall
Paperback | Berkley Publishing Group | 1994-12-01
ISBN-10: 1572971789 | ISBN-13: 9781572971783
I liked this one. The story line of Sam and Al both leaping was an interesting one. It was good to read a story where Al had an active role rather than just being an observer.
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I translated 6 chapters of this novel into Russian, and at the same time I read them... An incredibly exciting and exciting novel! Al as a leaper is such an interesting experience... It's an amazing book! When I finish reading and send the translation file to the website, I will share my opinion more fully)
This is the other book in which Al leaps but did not want to spoil in the Foreknowledge discussion. Until recently I had no idea that happened in any books. I recently bought both and should arrive in mail this week.
Have a good reading! I am so sorry that these wonderful books have not been officially published and translated into Russian in our country. I would really like to collect a collection so that I can put it on a shelf and read it in paper form)
I wish you had that option too. It’s frustrating that these novels had the original printings and no more. No English reprints or translations.

But the good news is that artificial intelligence has now developed so much that you can make a translation yourself if you have the time and desire!I remember in 2006, my fans and I went to "al's place" and looked at the covers of novels, wishing we could read them. And now there is such an opportunity, and it can not but rejoice)