Calavicci, Beth

QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas

Played by: Susan Diol

Job: Chief Physician of P. Q. L. (Retired)

First Appearance: Episode 222, ?M.I.A.?

Maiden Name: Elizabeth O?Dwyer (VS only)*

Al's first wife. Although Al mentioned his first wife was a redhead, Beth is definitely a brunette. Did Al merely indulge in a little wishful thinking? Only her hairdresser knows for sure. Beth loves calla lilies, Mexican food and Ray Charles singing "Georgia." She also seems to be a fan of the Supremes, especially singing the song, "Someday". Al declares that Beth as the only woman he ever truly loved. She was upset that he didn't want children because he thought it was unfair to drag them from assignment to assignment. She, on the other hand, felt Al didn't understand what children would have done for her while he was gone. During the eight years they were married, they only spent two together. The rest were spent on separate assignments. Beth nearly divorced Al when he took off for a second tour of duty to Vietnam four months after the first ended. She didn't feel it was proper to divorce a man going off to war, and after Al was shot down, she wore an MIA bracelet engraved with his name. Beth was working double shifts as a nurse in the burn ward at Balboa Naval Hospital, when, in March 1969, she lost a young Marine that she thought was going to beat the odds and live. She apparently gave up hope on Al at about the same time, for on April 1, she met Dirk Simon and despite Al's trying to change history (through Sam trying to keep Beth away from Dirk), the pair kept running into each other. They finally married in June of that year.

Sam got to change history for Beth and Al after he leaped into Al's Place in Cokeburg, Pennsylvania. When he confessed to Al the bartender his regrets about not saving Al's' marriage, he leaped to Beth's house and told her Al was coming home. Subsequently, they had four children and will celebrate their thirty-ninth anniversary in the year 2000. Although their children weren't given names, TVS has given the girls their names: Jacqueline Trudy Calavicci, Elizabeth Michelle Calavicci (1st of Twins), Victoria Jayne Calavicci (2nd of twins) and Christa Emma Michelle (the youngest).
Redhead vs brunette

You know, I've always taken a slightly different interpretation to that comment about Al's first wife being a redhead ever since I first read that in the A to Z.

The way the dialogue happens as I recall is that Sam reads a line about how Allison was a redhead that would make Father Flanagan forget about Boys Town. Al says, "My first wife was like that."

My interpretation is that Al meant Beth would make Father Flanagan forget about Boys Town, not necessarily that she was a redhead. :D
I was quite happy, after reading the first episode in the Virtual Seasons, that Beth incorporated as being back with Al. It was nice to read about how happy Al was to have her back.