Novels Series Published this month in Quantum Leap History: January 1994


Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
Published this month in Quantum Leap History: January 1994

"The Wall" novel by Ashley McConnell

After leaping into the life of Missy, a six-year-old living in 1961 Berlin, Dr. Sam Beckett must watch helplessly as the Berlin Wall is erected but becomes empowered when he leaps into the body of the adult Missy on November 8, 1989.

Download the novel and get tons of info on it from our site!

I bought this brand new. I was around 15 and half than. I was never a huge reader. But it was Quantum Leap so I bought it. At that age it was hard for me to get into most books. But I did finish it eventually and remember liking it. Seeing a person’s lifetime at two different ages is what stands out.

Seeing all these book covers makes me nostalgic. Going to bookstores and seeing all these on the shelves. When there was barely any internet and no new Quantum Leap. I wish I had bought more. Even as a slow reader I would have gotten through each eventually.

I LOVE that you have all the books as pdf files. Never read a whole book like that. A goal for this year is to read more. Though I am old school - if I can find physical copies at reasonable prices that is my preference.
Stalk ThriftBooks for physical copies. I had to re-buy several I was very fond of because I got rid of the majority of my licensed novels (from various IP's, not just QL) in an attempt to get below our weight allowance on a past PCS. I sadly had to pay more than I had originally; and I had taken far better care of my paperback. But c'est la vie.

And, I too, am SO grateful for the PDF's stored here!
I live in small in Wisconsin. I wish there was a good used book store nearby. When I lived closer to Milwaukee I loved Half Price Books.

Thinking about lead me to look at their website which has a few for really low prices!

I have searched that site occasionally but never bought. EDIT maybe each book is separate shipping cost… still the individual prices are great
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I live in small in Wisconsin. I wish there was a good used book store nearby. When I lived closer to Milwaukee I loved Half Price Books.

Thinking about lead me to look at their website which has a few for really low prices!
I adore used bookstores. I have a crate I keep meaning to bring to our local used bookstore to get credits for new-to-me books. (We homeschool Charlotte Mason style so we go through more books in a year than we can feasibly keep.)
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I just bought 4 novels I have wanted for awhile. Foreknowledge and Search and Rescue. Both have something in common I will not spoil. Independence and Double or Nothing.

Common element to all is they break the rules of Leaping. Based on same rules broken in an episode. Though Double or Nothing does something no episode ever did.
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