Mike Kracken said:
Voting for the 2004 Quantum Leap Fandom Awards has begun! You can now visit the board at http://com2.runboard.com/bquantumleapfandomawards and make your single choice for each award out of the listed nominees.
Quantum Retribution has been nominated for the Best Virtual Series award.
Thank you to all who have participated so far. See you at the polls! Voting will finish on Sunday, March 6, 2005.
... Mike. ^_^
Chair of the Quantum Leap Fandom Awards Committee
"Well, you know what they say: it's never too soon to start early."
~ Sam Beckett, 'Running for Honour', "Quantum Leap" ~
Voting for the 2004 Quantum Leap Fandom Awards has begun! You can now visit the board at http://com2.runboard.com/bquantumleapfandomawards and make your single choice for each award out of the listed nominees.
Quantum Retribution has been nominated for the Best Virtual Series award.
Thank you to all who have participated so far. See you at the polls! Voting will finish on Sunday, March 6, 2005.
... Mike. ^_^
Chair of the Quantum Leap Fandom Awards Committee
"Well, you know what they say: it's never too soon to start early."
~ Sam Beckett, 'Running for Honour', "Quantum Leap" ~