Quantum Leap on DVD: The Missing Music List (Seasons 1-4)

I discovered the region settings for the DVD player on my computer can be changed, so I will probably hold off on getting a multiregional DVD player for the time being and just watch them on my computer. It might be worth having later though. In the meantime, I've being ordering the DVDs from the UK as I'm able to.
I discovered the region settings for the DVD player on my computer can be changed, so I will probably hold off on getting a multiregional DVD player for the time being and just watch them on my computer. It might be worth having later though. In the meantime, I've being ordering the DVDs from the UK as I'm able to.

Be careful - normally the region setting change on a computer isn't infinite. You get 5 changes, then whichever region you are on, you are stuck with.
This applies to both Macs and PCs in my experience, though someone may be able to tell me differently.
I have a portable dvd player for my local region 2 dvds, so I've set my computer to region 1 to allow me to play dvds that aren't available over here.
Thanks for the heads up. :) I think a portable DVD player is worth investing in, I will probably do that eventually. In the meantime I'll be cautious. The main one I'm interested in seeing at this point is Disco Inferno. They don't have it on Netflix or Hulu--They're not even playing it on G4. :b :realmad Okay, so I understand there might be copyright issues and all, but they're not even playing it on T.V. anymore? What is up with that? Blah.

Of course, I am glad to be able to watch it at all, so I'll refrain from getting too upset about one episode. It's still dumb though. :nut
Except for "Temptation Eyes" as mentioned, the R2 Season 4 set appears to have most all the music. I'll check more closely in the next few days.

Glad I didn't bother with Region 1.

I've just reached 'Temptation Eyes' in my comparison run through. Up to that point the episodes all match in S4. I've converted my 'off tv' video to dvd to preserve the soundtrack of that ep - for personal use only of course.

I'll let you guys know of any other changes as and when I find them, but I don't have much time for checking just now.
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Sounds like the region 2 set is the way to go. I still think its a shame Universal cheaped out on the release rather than putting out the money to do it right.Its not like it would have broken them.
They just released "The Wonder Years" complete series on DVD after many years of fans clamoring for it.It got hung up for the same reasons,music rights.
According to the book Another Time, Another Place -- Quantum Leap, which was only recently given to me for my birthday back in January, one of the tidbits for "Mirror Image" mentions that the alternate scripted ending is actually a hoax:

• There is no alternate ending script in existence that continues the series, even though websites and even other publications have claimed to have one with a leap into the future. At the time Bellisario wrote Mirror Image no pitch to the network would have helped since Bellisario knew the series was cancelled.
One problem...

ScottBakula said:
"I think that if people understand the circumstances that [creator Donald Bellisario] wrote that episode under -- we didn't know we were canceled at the time," says Bakula. "That's more the norm now, they know it's their last season, so they can wrap up loose ends. But we didn't know that.

"So Don had to write an episode of this series that would allow us to come back if they picked is up, or it would allow for a future if there was going to be a movie, or allow it to also be a final episode if that were to be the case. I feel like if you watch the episode given that information, it becomes even more spectacular.

In response to this script that appears on websites as an alternate script, Bellisario calls this script "urban legend" and wants to let all fans know that this is not a legitimate end to the series and not a sixth season opener.
"Another Time, Another Place" hasn't gotten the best reviews on accuracy.
Wasn't 'Mirror Image' originally written as a finale to the 4th season? The show was in danger of being cancelled then, but the fans wrote letters and pushed to get the series continued - and succeeded in getting one more season out of it. I'm admittedly not completely knowledgable about what is just rumor and what is fact surrounding this show, but I think 'Mirror Image' was planned as the season 4 finale with the alternate-ending script intended to open season 5 (if it happened, as they were thinking at the time). I do remember reading somewhere that 'Mirror Image' was filmed during the 4th season (and actually if you look at Sam's hair, his haircut in 'Mirror Image' is the same as other episodes in season 4, whereas in season 5 his hair is different). Then they changed a few things when they aired it as the season 5/series finale.
I've just reached 'Temptation Eyes' in my comparison run through. Up to that point the episodes all match in S4. I've converted my 'off tv' video to dvd to preserve the soundtrack of that ep - for personal use only of course.

I'll let you guys know of any other changes as and when I find them, but I don't have much time for checking just now.

I've now finished comparing all the episodes in S4. The only other one that seems to have any music substitution is 'Leap for Lisa'. This is only one short scene and is not too noticeable, but I've still made a dvd copy of my original video to preserve it.

By the way, I've not kept the earlier videos, but I still have the last 9 or so eps of S4 with original [Sky tv] broadcast music. They are British [PAL format not NTSC] videos, but if anyone would like them before I send them to the dump you can have them for the cost of postage. I'll similarly have all the S5 video eps once I've done the comparison.

Interesting aside: I HATED the S5 theme version when I first heard it and ever since, but putting on LHO today, I found I no longer mind it so much.
* Shrug.
I just bought Season 2 Digitally on VUDU.com and the music seems to have been restored. At least to Good Morning Peoria, and most importantly, Georgia on My Mind has been restored to the end of MIA
The iTunes and Amazon Instant Video episodes have all the music restored. The Blu-Ray releases also have the music and different video quality.
Yes, the presence of original music in the show is very important! I want to share with you how it happened here, on the other side of the ocean:)
In Russia, as in all countries of the former USSR, "Quantum Leap" has never been officially released either on DVD or Blu-ray. Having official releases in our native language in the collection is still only a dream for us. If I'm not mistaken, in 2006, in America, Quantum Leap began to be released on DVD... and in the same year, Quantum Leap was shown on the Ukrainian television channel ICTV for the last time (in Russian voiceover, of course). Russian Russian tracks from the ICTV channel were uploaded by enthusiasts who downloaded rips from your DVDs and put the original music in this Russian track! Because a show with original musical accompaniment was shown on television. That's why we were lucky - at that time we didn't understand why you were so angry at Universal for ruining the DVD edition...
Already in 2024, I watched Quantum Leap for the first time in English and with the music that was released on DVD in 2006... This is terrible! Although they tried to choose tracks that sounded similar, they immediately felt fake and immediately there was a noticeable lack of original music, which is an integral part of the show!
To paraphrase Al from the episode Portrait For Troian - "Thank God for the Blu-Ray edition!" :)
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