Re: Scott websites
Article 1864:
Scott Pics
Date: 04/22/2001
From: Donna_Alessi
Does any body know any good sites for Scott pics?
of course
Date: 04/22/2001
From: alongtimefan
Of course. But, be careful. It's a wild world out there. And, not every message board is as nice as ours.
You could give some of these a whirl
Date: 04/23/2001
From: Becketts_babe
Hey there,
I have thousands of pics of Scott in my computer, you'd think that was the only reason I have one,(enough said, ha ha)
It's been a while since I looked for any new ones but you could try some of these out, I got some really excellent ones, I'll look through the pc when I have time to see if I can dig out more addresses for you. happy hunting.
(one of my faves!!)
You probably know about all the Q.L sites,as most people do but I found great Scott pics at places like NBCi, if you search for Scott Bakula they have great pictures there from his movies and parties and award ceremonies and stuff like that although I don't know the correct address off by heart.
Hope you find these of some help, when I get a chance to go into the computer I'll see if I can find more for you. As I say, it's been a short while since I went on some of those so I hope they are all still active sites.
Ha, and people say I'm obsessed, don't know what they mean!!!!
Have fun with them, Leap on, Becketts babe
Date: 04/23/2001
From: Donna_Alessi
Thanx Along and Becketts Babe. I'll check them out as soon as I get the chance.
Keep the Leap :-D