Silver ticket for sale cheap!


Project QL Intern
Feb 23, 2009
I can't make it to the convention, so I'm selling a silver ticket, seat N324 (it's an aisle seat). I'm asking for just $75 plus a copy of the con zine (the latter part will obviously be on the honor system... I'll trust you to send it once the con is through!) :)

Please contact me at if you can help me out. Thanks!
This is a verified ticket. However, please be aware that extra copies of the convention booklet will not be for sale at the convention. You'd have to give your copy to this person if this is the arrangement.

One book per seat, in other words.

It's not the booklet I want, but the fanfiction zine which they were supposed to be producing for sale at the convention. If that turns out not to be the case, then just $75 is fine. :)