The Rod-files


Project QL Intern
Apr 30, 2002
Independence, MO
Enter if you will, the deranged presence of He who would rename all around him.

The Rod-ternet, ROD'S Place, and so many others. Those of us that are blessed to count him a friend roll our eyes with a laugh in our throats at his various antics. And let's not forget his classic sign-outs... such as "Rod Out" and recently, the Migrane inducing "He's a Hot Rod Baby!"

It's enough to make you want to brain him upside the head with a Rodster's Dictionary!!!

For the record: The Rod was calling himself that waaaaay before "The Rock" came into play (although I DO know that The Rod is stealing some of The Rock's famous lines... "Jamokie this and that"...), so please don't fault him the way I first did.

Speaking of that, check out the following!!

Rod out... I mean...

Matt :lol|Quantum Leap Message Board Archives
God, I loved that title! LOL!

Greatest Threads of The Rod

You could start with this thread:

The very 1st posting of Yours truly.... After this, it shouldn't be too hard to find great threads by Him.

This thread could also be used:

The Rod's 1st Visit to Al's Place:

The 1st time Matt & The Rod butted heads over His style of expression:
(editor's note: There were MANY of these! The man finally rubs off on ya!)

If you looked real hard, you will spot the thread (Not the above) where The Rod's medication worked, and He spoke in the 1st person tense for a sentence. Wouldnt this be worth a mention??

The Origin of The RodVision:

One of The Rod's favourite moments:
The Rod struck BACK for The Leapers against The BSG Trolls.

The Very 1st RodVision:

Matt Coined "Hot Rodder":

If you think about it, Al's Place IS The Home of The Rod, and any notable appearances by Him should be documented (In His humble opinion that is!!) within this forum, especially if is shutting down its QL board.

Just His Two Cents...
He's a Hot Rod Baby!!!!

Rod Out!!

(for the full topic thread, since it might get archived, check out )
alsplacebartender said:
He fell off the planet quite some time ago. I try once in a while to email him, but no answer. Not sure what happened to him. But since he has not contacted us in at least two years, I can only imagine it's not good.

I remember these posts the 1st time round, has it been that long since the sci fi era? You have to admite, there were some funny times, hysterically so!
Those links dont work, were they good? lol maybe the rod was Sam :angel rod beers to him, wherever he is :cheers