When were they set?


Project QL Intern
Feb 28, 2022
I know Matt Dale would briefly take a crack at this in his book but does anyone know what season or around which episodes each novel is set? Apart from The Pilot novel and The Ghost & The Gumshoe it would be cool to know when around which episodes the novels take place. I know that Prelude is before the series and Mirror's Edge is directly before Mirror Image but that's about it.
It's a fair question, but I have no idea. Had never really thought about it. If you find any answers, let us know :)
Most of them appear to be set during Season 5 or in between Season's 4 and 5 but Matt Dale's book came the closest to identifying at what point in the series each novel occurs. I have always wondered when Carney Knowledge was set as that was the first QL book I ever bought.
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I can't remember which one, but I know one is shortly after Dr. Ruth because there's some inner monologue of Al worrying that now Tina's got aspirations of being the sixth Mrs. Calavicci since he told her he loved her, and he's not sure he's ready for THAT. 🤣
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I can't remember which one, but I know one is shortly after Dr. Ruth because there's some inner monologue of Al worrying that now Tina's got aspirations of being the sixth Mrs. Calavicci since he told her he loved her, and he's not sure he's ready for THAT. 🤣
It would be good to get a timeline for these stories since they like you say seem to be episode specific.
It would be good to get a timeline for these stories since they like you say seem to be episode specific.
I'll go with the two novels I'm most familiar with as I read and re-read them most and they were the first I re-purchased from Thrift Books last year.

Pulitzer mentions that Sam has been leaping for four years, and since Donna's in it at PQL and is antagonistic towards Al, one can surmise that it is after The Leap Back.

Angels Unaware is some time after It's a Wonderful Leap, and I'd have to re-read it to figure out exactly when, but the leap itself takes place close to Sam's initial leap in May, 1995.
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In Random Measures there is a discrepancy since Al mentions that the year is 2005 (page 199).

Though whether he was being truthful could well be the question.
I'll go with the two novels I'm most familiar with as I read and re-read them most and they were the first I re-purchased from Thrift Books last year.

Pulitzer mentions that Sam has been leaping for four years, and since Donna's in it at PQL and is antagonistic towards Al, one can surmise that it is after The Leap Back.

Angels Unaware is some time after It's a Wonderful Leap, and I'd have to re-read it to figure out exactly when, but the leap itself takes place close to Sam's initial leap in May, 1995.
The reason I made this post was in the hope of having some book timeline order to read them in.